a voice for men actual activism advocacy of violence antifeminism drama kings excusing abuse facebook censoring rape memes the world is ending oh no gross incompetence gullibility hate irony alert misogyny MRA paul elam rape culture rape jokes sexual abuse sexual assault slacktivism the eternal solipsism of the MRA mind

A Voice for Men activates its activists to make asses of themselves over this Facebook thing

For MRAs, driving in circles IS the plan.
For MRAs, driving in circles IS the plan.

So if you’ve ever wondered what sort of activism that Men’s Rights, er, Activists do when they do do activism, take a look at this little ACTION ALERT from A Voice for Men.

You may recall Paul Elam getting all worked up the other day because Facebook, responding to a campaign launched by a coalition of feminist activists and groups, announced it was going to try to do a better job removing “gender-based” hate speech from its site. You know, like this [TRIGGER WARNING] sort of thing.

Naturally, Elam and other MRAs interpreted Facebook’s announcement as the first step in the End of Male Speech on the Internet, or something.

Anyway, now the MRAs are ACTIVATING! AVFM has announced that it’s going after the groups that signed onto the feminist Facebook protest. Because, well, I’m not sure I get why exactly.

Here’s their explanation:

It’s time for action. The AVFM community has scrambled to look beyond the fine print of WAM!’s ultimatum to Facebook and into the signatories. We are finding that some of them are tax-exempt, and even government funded. We now know that government funded institutions have endorsed a harmful double standard that results in the censorship of men.

But, if we discover that even one cent of government money touched WAM!’s campaign, we will be exposing a whole new dimension of hypocrisy.

Uh, ok. I’m just really having a hard time finding the hypocrisy here. If you look at the names of the groups that signed onto the open letter, you’ll find a number of general feminist groups, groups concerned with the representation of women/gender in the media, and groups organized against sexual assault and other forms of violence.

They didn’t sign a petition demanding that all men posting on the internet be banned or, I dunno, kicked in the balls. They signed onto an open letter demanding that Facebook remove

groups, pages and images that explicitly condone or encourage rape or domestic violence or suggest that they are something to laugh or boast about.

That doesn’t seem hypocritical to me. It seems rather in line with what these groups promote.

And the only men who will be censored will be men posting this sort of hateful shit. If women post this sort of shit, they’ll be banned too.

Apparently, AVFM and its “activist” fans are so divorced from reality that they think they’re going to be able to publicly embarrass rape survivor support groups … for standing up against crude, hateful rape jokes on Facebook featuring images of brutalized victims.

Still, at least this sort of surreal, self-defeating activism is better than firebombing courthouses and police stations, as that infamous manifesto posted in AVFM’s activism section so enthusiastically recommends.

EDIT: I forgot the link to the AVFM alert; added it inthe first graf.

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11 years ago

@augzilliary –

We need an evil lair. Lets go get pregnant with honest hardworking men and take their child support. The moat and kitty statues will be expensive.

I love it! Will the kitty statues look like this?

11 years ago

Would also like to confirm that MRA’s and paranoia have been familiar bedfellows for quite some time now.
Heck, I remember way back in the earlier days of this blog when one of the resident trolls, Eoghan, was banned from some MRA site because he suggested they tone it down just a bit.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Yes, if you give them some catnip a secret passage with open. That’s where we can plot, only in the light of our apple-pie scented candles.

11 years ago

@Amnesia – that was about my reaction, too!

@David, YAY for getting rid of Mr Al’s latest incarnation.

@katz – “Like imagine if some other random person showed up and said they were a milking machine technician.”

Thank goodness I’d just said to Mum to do her coffee first …

11 years ago


OT, but I just realized your avatar was Al with a kitty and it is so cute!

/will feel silly if I am wrong

11 years ago

I found my kiwi-pear scented candle while unpacking. Can I plot by that?

11 years ago

Completely right. I changed it to that right after the kitty avatars started infecting manboobz.

11 years ago

Auggie – perfect!

Which nym do you prefer, btw – Auggie or augziliary? WordPress is changing ’em.

11 years ago

As long as it’s a scented fucking candle, it’s do.

11 years ago

Hmm, Auggz is usually what I notice first, but I will notice either. Also Auggz is one less letter to type.

11 years ago


Well, it’s perfect 😀

11 years ago

Auggz it is, then! 🙂

11 years ago


Sorry I didn’t mean to be ablest. 🙁

Here’s something cute instead:

11 years ago

ProPatty, sorry, dude, I’ve grown tired of your trolling, especially since I’m pretty sure you’re MRAL. Banned.

You should probably take a closer look at that hat guy too, David. Because this shit:

The feminists then decide to use these images to suppress the wrong target because MRA’s are making reasoned arguments that some people listen to.

At base it is an admission that the feminists do not have reasoned arguments of their own.


… feels real “Steely” if you get my drift. And I think you do.

11 years ago



Sorry I didn’t mean to be ablest. 🙁

Yeah, I assumed it was unintentional 🙂

Now, war with myself over whether to watch cute puppies or not…it said they were sad! /Feel free to ignore me I’m just so bla today.

11 years ago

Well, on the one hand, He Who Besmirches the Good Name of Black Fedoras has been operating his own blog for over a year, with lots of posts. Which seems like too much effort for just trolling.

On the other hand, do we even know he is the person who writes that blog, and isn’t just impersonating him for lulz?

11 years ago

Watch the puppies. It is funny.

11 years ago


hehe…maybe I’ll try. My depression’s just been flaring up again and for some reason the beginning rubbed me the wrong way. Idk why. Bloo. I’m such a bla today. I probably should stop angsting on this thread…

Radical Parrot
11 years ago


Jedi hugs if you want them. Depression sucks. 🙁

11 years ago

@radical parrot

jedi hugs eagerly accepted. thanks.

Maude LL
11 years ago

@ Nobi

The names too are suspect… “ProPatria” and “black fedora”. It doesn’t confirm anything, but pretty trolley sounding.

11 years ago

Beagle kisses if you want them.

11 years ago


Beagle kisses eagerly accepted too 🙂

11 years ago

Kitty huggles too, Marie!