In a post ostensibly about the imminent arrival of female Viagra, our dear friend JudgyBitch weighs in on yet another subject about which she knows shit: the reasons that women who are not her might not want to have sex with their husbands:
Loss of libido in women, excepting rare medical conditions, in my opinion, is a direct result of not seeing men as emotionally complex beings. If you’re married, at some point, your husband probably stood in front of you and promised to love you forever. Rejecting him physically is a very wounding thing to do. It hurts. Sex is one of the most important, intimate ways married couples show that they love one another. Refusing to have sex with your husband is telling him, in a very painful way, that you don’t love him. That you don’t care for him or about him.
Huh. If I hadn’t seen her on video, thus confirming her status as an adult human female, I would have a hard time believing that it was an actual woman saying this and not some horny, creepy teenage boy in the process of trying to manipulate his girlfriend into “going all the way.”
Oh, but she’s got more:
I guess the only way to justify that is to think of men as emotionless. It doesn’t hurt men to be rejected because they don’t feel anything to begin with.
Really? The only way to justify saying “no” to your husband when you don’t want to have sex with him is if you convince yourself he’s emotionless? But women should just force themselves to say “yes” to sex when they don’t want to and simply endure what follows?
That’s the ugly little reality behind female viagara. Will it actually boost women’s libido? Who knows. What difference will it make, though, if women are going to continue to see men as less than completely human? That’s the real problem.
Does anyone know where to get irony meters at a reasonable price? Mine just leapt off the table, ran around the room screaming, and exploded.
“Well Rex that solves that problem rather nicely and now we can get on with our lives.”
And the godawful writer who created this character calls women sociopaths?
David M, sounds like feminists criticizing anti-feminist women. Learn that gender does not always define a person’s political and social interests.
Of course MRA and my Third Camp have biases. An old Internet saying says
I have preferences
You have biases
He/She has prejudices
I know this has been asked before, but I’ll ask it again: why are all MRAs shitty writers? Seriously, just by pure law of averages there should be one or two that can string words together competently. And yet…
There are some good ones. But it’s true the best ones are actually female MRAs like Sunshine Mary.
Real men want to see women drown in quicksand, and then go off to live happily ever after with their male dogs.
Because they’re incredibly stupid and really hard to teach anything? Good writing is misandry, remember!
Does this mean Meller has spawned! :O
I vote we refer to ultraboring new troll as DMG, like we called Meller DKM most of the time, after David (the Dark Lord, that is) mentioned he’d rather not have him called “David” on the blog. Saves confusion, too: I did a double-take when I saw a couple of replies to the latest idiot before I’d scrolled back to his comments.
augochlorella –
Biologists are ruled by the gynocracy! They hide the true genetics because they are trying to get laid with the female biologists. It’s simple logic.
Feminism: the sociopathic idea that men aren’t inherently dumber nor smarter than women and agender people.
If you’d like to check out what kind of intellectual PPT would rather have writing our dictionaries, check out the conversation here.
Re: Men don’t get to just walk away from a marriage and leave their children in poverty.
Men don’t but women do indeed have a financial incentive to walk away from their marriage and leave the former love of the lives in abject poverty.
Re: Oh, and being asked to pay your share is in no way equivalent to being raped.
Being forced to pay for a divorce he never wanted and to pay for children his ex wife intentionally denies him the right to see is indeed “FINANCIAL RAPE!” And because it is women who file for divorce in 85% or more of cases that makes the average woman a “Potential Financial Rapist.
RE: Also, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Women generally marry for love.
If this were true women would choose to marry men who make less that they do but instead seek out and choose to love men who are financially better off then themselves in order to exploit their intimate partners financial resources.
@Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
If you are thinking of the ‘chimps with a typewriter’ saying, you forgot that the chimps are smarter than the mras.
You’re insulting both male and female victims of rape. Fuck off.
Also, you’re a misogynist creep.
@ neuroticbeagle – and chimps spend less time flinging shit
neuroticbeagle – just catching up to say that “I’m an animal in bed” cartoon was the best!
I must show it to Sir, he’ll get a giggle out of it.
Melody wrote:
@David Green
You mean that Futrelle shouldn’t point out rapists, men who think they should be able to tell a woman to get an abortion, men that see women as lesser than themselves, men that think hitting people is fine, men that think pedophilia is fine?
These are things you think “real men” do?
Futrelle needs to stop attacking the men who dare to expose the women who think they have a right to financially rape their male sexual partners, murder their unborn children, see men as lesser than women and think that hitting men is not only just fine but a national sport and the female pedophiles who prey sexually on children.
Monsieur Green:
1) You have easy options if you don’t want children (it’s true that sexual education is lacking in your part of the world… start with scarlateen for info.)
2)I’m glad the True American Male now prefers older women who make more money than him… since yesterday. (see the Fox news meltdown about a larger minority of women being the family breadwinner)
There is no such thing as financial rape. Rape is an assault on the person. Money and finances are not people, in case you hadn’t noticed.
Men don’t but women do indeed have a financial incentive to walk away from their marriage and leave the former love of the lives in abject poverty.
“According to some estimates, women represent 70 percent of the world’s poor. They are often paid less than men for their work, with the average wage gap in 2008 being 17 percent. Women face persistent discrimination when they apply for credit for business or self-employment and are often concentrated in insecure, unsafe and low-wage work. Eight out of ten women workers are considered to be in vulnerable employment in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, with global economic changes taking a huge toll on their livelihoods.”
quoted from http://www.unifem.org/gender_issues/women_poverty_economics/index.html
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III wrote: I know this has been asked before, but I’ll ask it again: why are all MRAs shitty writers? Seriously, just by pure law of averages there should be one or two that can string words together competently. And yet…
This is of course the favorite tactic feminists and weak kneed males resort to when unable to refute my arguments. I’m just surprised it took so long to show up.
Green, you forgot feminist ferret attacks:
@Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Glad you liked it. I aim to please.*
*excepting trolls
neuroticbeagle why don’t you try comparing apples to apples instead of grapefruits to peaches for a change. American men are not responsible for how other countries treat their women. Indeed by taking third world conditions and applying them to the first world is as dishonest an argument as one can make.
Green if you want me take you seriously then you better start showing me which blogs David posted which makes you think that we are okay with female pedophiles.
Because I’m betting that they don’t exist.
Not all of us are American, duder.
Green even the AMERICAN census has more women in poverty than men.
Uh, yeah. I know there was a post some time ago where David quoted an MRA stating that young boys having sex with their hot teachers are not oppressed, the oppressed ones are the poor boys who DON’T get to have sex with their hot teachers. Maybe he saw that post and mistake those views for David´s own?
And regarding women hitting men – we’ve been saying like a gazillion times in these comments threads that nobody ought to hit anyone (in response to MRA:s who think equality means everyone punches each other in the face).