evil women FemRAs irony alert judgybitch ladies against women misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men rape culture sex

JudgyBitch: Wives with low libido are man-hating bigots

Dudes: If your wife isn't horny for yoy, she's probably into misandry and witchcraft and maybe Pinterest.
Dudes: If your wife isn’t horny for you, she’s probably into misandry and witchcraft and possibly even Pinterest.

In a post ostensibly about the imminent arrival of female Viagra, our dear friend JudgyBitch weighs in on yet another subject about which she knows shit: the reasons that women who are not her might not want to have sex with their husbands:

Loss of libido in women, excepting rare medical conditions, in my opinion, is a direct result of not seeing men as emotionally complex beings. If you’re married, at some point, your husband probably stood in front of you and promised to love you forever. Rejecting him physically is a very wounding thing to do. It hurts. Sex is one of the most important, intimate ways married couples show that they love one another. Refusing to have sex with your husband is telling him, in a very painful way, that you don’t love him. That you don’t care for him or about him.

Huh. If I hadn’t seen her on video, thus confirming her status as an adult human female, I would have a hard time believing that it was an actual woman saying this and not some horny, creepy teenage boy in the process of trying to manipulate his girlfriend into “going all the way.”

Oh, but she’s got more:

I guess the only way to justify that is to think of men as emotionless. It doesn’t hurt men to be rejected because they don’t feel anything to begin with.

Really? The only way to justify saying “no” to your husband when you don’t want to have sex with him is if you convince yourself he’s emotionless? But women should just force themselves to say “yes” to sex when they don’t want to and simply endure what follows?

That’s the ugly little reality behind female viagara. Will it actually boost women’s libido? Who knows. What difference will it make, though, if women are going to continue to see men as less than completely human? That’s the real problem.

Does anyone know where to get irony meters at a reasonable price? Mine just leapt off the table, ran around the room screaming, and exploded.


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11 years ago

I see. Planet of the Asses then. gotcha.

11 years ago

Feminism defined:

An ideology that intentionally promotes such intense hatred for the male gender…That once lodged within the average female’s brain like an incurable virus it causes: Irrational and delusional thinking, emotional instability and intellectual insanity along with extremely low birthrates incapable of sustaining a viable population…That eventually leads its adherents to consciously, intentionally and deliberately with malice and forethought to either commit the ghastly crimes of murdering their own children (both born and unborn) as well as their husbands and/or to support those who do so by excusing their crimes against humanity…

Reading this while inebriated is very strange. WTF

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
11 years ago

Next up: bargaining, depression and acceptance, so stay tuned!

11 years ago

Well, that’s my insomnia cured. I guess I need to leave my creating on the ashes of the world of WTF and destroying the world for tomorrow.

Sweet dreams.

Bob Goblin
Bob Goblin
11 years ago

David’s planet is Uranus. Which is to say, His-Anus. Or maybe it’s, Ur-Anus, the source of all asses.

Lots of quicksand there.

11 years ago

I’m so glad David can make a determination of the mental state of thousand of women he has never met.

Writing snuff stories of course means you totally care about other peoples needs and wants. Thinking you have the right to demand sex of women of course is all about respecting the rights of women.

11 years ago


I majored in Gender Studies in college. THAT was not the definition of feminism.

11 years ago

Reading this while inebriated is very strange.

It’s actually stranger to read when sober.

ProPatria Truthteller
ProPatria Truthteller
11 years ago

Well gender studies is controlled by feminists, so there is a bias there.

11 years ago

Hello blockquote monster! What sacrifice do you wish me to make for you?

(except this: )

11 years ago

Is merriam-webster controlled by feminists too?

Maude LL
Maude LL
11 years ago

Yes, let misogynists define feminism. They have no bias, so everyone wins.

11 years ago

David M. Green said:

“The truth is that female sociopaths manipulate a males natural sexual desire in order to deceive him into placing himself into a position of being raped of his financial resources. Unfortunately her deception – intentional sexual fraud – only comes to light after the marriage ceremony; when there is no longer any incentive for the female sociopath to actually engage in the sex for which her husband has been induced – hoodwinked – into paying dearly for.”

Mr Green, it’s not “financial rape” to expect a fair division of property or the expectation of support for the children of a marriage. Both parties are equally responsible. Men don’t get to just walk away from a marriage and leave their children in poverty.

Oh, and being asked to pay your share is in no way equivalent to being raped. Words have meanings. Maybe you might try looking them up before throwing them around. I’d also be interested in knowing where you got your degree in psychiatry. In order to diagnose a mental illness you really do need extensive formal training and experience. You don’t generally get awarded one just for hanging out on MRA websites.

Also, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Women generally marry for love. We also enjoy sex a whole lot. Really! However, unfortunately for all concerned, marriages don’t always work out but that’s not due to some kind of worldwide feminist conspiracy. Personally if I was in an unhappy marriage I’d want to be able to get out of it and leave with my share of the joint property and a fair arrangement for the custody of our children. 50/50 sounds fine with me as long as one of the partners doesn’t have a history of being abusive.

11 years ago

The planet – world – feminists are so intent on creating on the ashes of the world they are so intent on destroying.

Why does this sound so familiar?

Disturb not the harmony of fire, ice, or lightning
lest these titans reek destruction upon the world in which they clash
though the guardian of the sea shall arise to quell the fighting
alone its song will fail
thus the world will turn to ash

Dear sweet Jesus. The real villains behind the Pokemon 2000 movie… were feminists.

ProPatria Truthteller
ProPatria Truthteller
11 years ago

Not controlled by feminists exactly, but definitely a coalition of narrow-minded intellectuals attempting to limit the contours of inquiry and language, which include lots of feminists as well as mysogenists/Pua/MRA.

ProPatria Truthteller
ProPatria Truthteller
11 years ago

It is not either or; rather it is Both And

11 years ago

Well gender studies is controlled by feminists, so there is a bias there.

But there’s no bias in the mra or your asshole??

David M. Green
11 years ago

Futrelle even creepier is your penchant for abusing those men who refuse to follow your example of living on their knees and kow tow to feminists instead of acting like a real man by exposing their lies. Indeed you are like a venomous snake who cowardly strikes at a man’s heel in order to bring him down by sabotaging his efforts to better himself.

11 years ago

Umm. Aren’t dictionaries SUPPOSE to define things? You know so you can’t just use a word to mean anything?

I’m so glad to know that feminists have been a part of Merriam and Webster for a long time though. And that feminists manipulative the language to sound an awful lot like what my stance is politically. That there should be equality among genders.

11 years ago

Can we take a moment to appreciate this post by Mr. Green?

If Boys are Dumb than So are girls

X = Female

Y = Male

XX = Girl

XY = Boy

It is simple genetics that women are all female while men are both male and female. So If boys are dumb than females are just as dumb.

11 years ago

Mr Green, where on earth did you come up with that definition of feminism? It’s really quite bizarre. I suggest you consult that poor, abused dictionary again.

11 years ago

Augochlorella: …Elodie Under Glass has to see that. She’d laugh her ass off.

11 years ago

@David Green
You mean that Futrelle shouldn’t point out rapists, men who think they should be able to tell a woman to get an abortion, men that see women as lesser than themselves, men that think hitting people is fine, men that think pedophilia is fine?

These are things you think “real men” do?

11 years ago

definitely a coalition of narrow-minded intellectuals attempting to limit the contours of inquiry and language

Says the guy who wants Pecunium excommunicated.

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