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JudgyBitch: Wives with low libido are man-hating bigots

Dudes: If your wife isn't horny for yoy, she's probably into misandry and witchcraft and maybe Pinterest.
Dudes: If your wife isn’t horny for you, she’s probably into misandry and witchcraft and possibly even Pinterest.

In a post ostensibly about the imminent arrival of female Viagra, our dear friend JudgyBitch weighs in on yet another subject about which she knows shit: the reasons that women who are not her might not want to have sex with their husbands:

Loss of libido in women, excepting rare medical conditions, in my opinion, is a direct result of not seeing men as emotionally complex beings. If you’re married, at some point, your husband probably stood in front of you and promised to love you forever. Rejecting him physically is a very wounding thing to do. It hurts. Sex is one of the most important, intimate ways married couples show that they love one another. Refusing to have sex with your husband is telling him, in a very painful way, that you don’t love him. That you don’t care for him or about him.

Huh. If I hadn’t seen her on video, thus confirming her status as an adult human female, I would have a hard time believing that it was an actual woman saying this and not some horny, creepy teenage boy in the process of trying to manipulate his girlfriend into “going all the way.”

Oh, but she’s got more:

I guess the only way to justify that is to think of men as emotionless. It doesn’t hurt men to be rejected because they don’t feel anything to begin with.

Really? The only way to justify saying “no” to your husband when you don’t want to have sex with him is if you convince yourself he’s emotionless? But women should just force themselves to say “yes” to sex when they don’t want to and simply endure what follows?

That’s the ugly little reality behind female viagara. Will it actually boost women’s libido? Who knows. What difference will it make, though, if women are going to continue to see men as less than completely human? That’s the real problem.

Does anyone know where to get irony meters at a reasonable price? Mine just leapt off the table, ran around the room screaming, and exploded.


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11 years ago

Also I can’t do international calls. Fuck.

11 years ago

called suicide hotline. They didn’t know what to do. I did however find his sister on facebook. I messaged her asking if he was OK, and I really don’t want to remind her, if he is actually dead.

Maude LL
Maude LL
11 years ago

I haven’t tried it for a few months, but maybe you can use google phone? (or whatever it’s called)
I used to make international calls for free with it when I was broke, you can call directly unto a phone line unlike free skype.
I don’t know your situation, but I hope this helps.
*virtual hugs*

11 years ago

Thank you all for your help and concern though.

11 years ago

So, basically, she believes that women have no internal life at all? Everything we feel, think, or do is just a reaction to something some guy did?

11 years ago

“I called suicide hotline. They didn’t know what to do. I did however find his sister on facebook. I messaged her asking if he was OK, and I really don’t want to remind her, if he is actually dead.”

I wouldn’t worry about reminding her. If he did kill himself and she knows about it yet I’m sure that’s all she’s thinking about anyway. At the very least I think you contacting her know someone outside the family cares, and/or you clued her into what is going on with him, and whether he’s alive or dead that can be hugely helpful. I send healing vibes to you and them . . .

11 years ago

“let her know someone” that should read . . I really need to be more careful about this non-editable comments . . .

11 years ago

auggziliary, all the hugs. 🙁

On JB … has it ever occurred to her that people’s libido levels vary? Not just between individuals, but over one person’s life? Or is she up there with that more mealy-mouthed misogynist Bettina Arndt, who so kindly acknowledges that women might be tired or stressed or simply not in the mood, but should have sex whether they want to or not because otherwise they’re being cruel to their poor husbands? What sort of gobshites do they think the men in these scenarios are, who are so focussed on their precious erections that they don’t care whether they’re raping someone or not? Yeah, it’s not women-in-general talking as if men are sexbots with no feelings, JB. It’s misogynists talking about men that way but making women suffer for it.

11 years ago

This particular JB rant could be summed up as “men are emotionally complex beings, and women who are emotionally complex beings are misandrist bitches”.

11 years ago

No sex from wifey? That’s a Male’s Right Issue®

11 years ago

By the way I hope you’re okay and he’s okay, Auggz. Why is he suicidal?

11 years ago

::reads title::

Oh joy this won’t be good…


I had a friend that was really suicidal, and he was talking to me a few days ago about doing it. Well he said his goodbyes to me, and then went offline…. I’m pretty sure he’s dead. I feel so much pain from it I’m not sure what to do with myself.

Oh fuck that’s horrible. 🙁 All the internet hugs if you want them.

David M. Green
11 years ago

The truth is that female sociopaths manipulate a males natural sexual desire in order to deceive him into placing himself into a position of being raped of his financial resources. Unfortunately her deception – intentional sexual fraud – only comes to light after the marriage ceremony; when there is no longer any incentive for the female sociopath to actually engage in the sex for which her husband has been induced – hoodwinked – into paying dearly for.

Of course what frightens today’s female sociopaths – feminists – more that anything else is that, as men become more aware of the modern day female sociopath’s propensity to financially rape the men in their lives, they tend to walk away from not just marriage but intimate relationships with women who are not sociopaths as well. Thus severely curtailing the power these female sociopaths have over their lives by simply choosing to not want them and by refusing to let them wreck havoc on their personal lives. Which has of course forced more female sociopaths then ever to rely upon false accusations of sexual harassment and rape; in order to “Financially Rape’ by proxy those males who refuse to be financially taken advantage of under normal circumstances.

11 years ago

Auggz, I’m so sorry. If it were me I’d drop his sister a line and ask if he’s OK. If not you’re unlikely to make it worse by offering condolences and e-hugs and if he is then she’ll be able to put your mind at rest.

I know that lines on a page are all we can offer a netfriend but you’d be surprised how helpful those words can be. I speak from experience here.

11 years ago

“Financially rape?” Fuck off.

11 years ago

Wow, boring troll here:

The truth is that female sociopaths manipulate a males natural sexual desire in order to deceive him into placing himself into a position of being raped of his financial resources.

Grownups use their words, fool. If a man isn’t getting as much sex as he wants he can say so. Also, learn what rape means. Also, step on a lego

Unfortunately her deception – intentional sexual fraud – only comes to light after the marriage ceremony;

Funny little imaginary world you live in.

and bla bla bla you’re boring.

11 years ago

David M. Green, Yes, there are like a dozen American men boycotting all American women, and obsessing about it on the internet. The rest of the human race is going about our business, completely unaware of you all.

But… nice vest.

Maude LL
Maude LL
11 years ago

Don’t be so harsh Marie, he’s an artist in torment. He’s got a poem about this on his blog:

Individuality women are not inherently – of and in themselves – any more powerful then men are and only exercise the power – the individual male and our society allows them to have – over the male gender. Their power over a man begins the moment he decides to let her take advantage of his financial resources; by acceding to her demands for payment in order to gain access to her sexuality and/or company. While the hallmark of a weak and dying society is its failure to restrain feminine sexuality by allowing it to manipulate individual males and the power structure of society – the political and judicial sectors – in order to wreak havoc on the collective social fabric one man at a time.


11 years ago

“female sociopaths – feminists”

I’m sorry, but I am not a sociopath. I am a feminist.

And given that the National Institute of Mental Health says only 1% of the population are sociopaths……I’d say that all feminists are NOT sociopaths. Way to ignore the points made in this thread.

11 years ago

Mr. Green does more than just poetry. He’s got a wonderful short story too about how a man finally gets the freedom he deserves after his wife and mistress die in quicksand.

The quicksand uttered suckling noises of pleasure as the depression where Sherry had been struggling just moments before slowly filled in. Nor was it long before the still quaking mud uttered a loud burp as it released the last of the air squeezed from Sherry’ lungs as she descended into darkness.

“Well Rex that solves that problem rather nicely and now we can get on with our lives.”

Panting with delight Rex jumped up and placed his paws squarely on his masters chest and playfully licked Doug’ face. Then both man and beast turned away from the quicksand and headed for home and their new found freedom.

You know a story is good when it’s got quicksand.

11 years ago

Wow David, I’m not sure If I should be laughing or horrified by this post.

The idea that anyone is in any way obligated to have sex regardless of their own desires…well, frankly I don’t get it. Saying “no” to your partner for whatever reason is the right of every human being. It’s not a rejection it’s just a “later when I’m feeling like it, or when
I’m not so tired, or not so ill ” or whatever. What kind of person would want to have sex with a partner who’s not into it or is only doing it as some kind of marital duty? Ugh!

And yes, there are a great many illnesses and medications that can shut your libido down completely. Some anti-depressants can do it, chemotherapy probably will do it (I can attest to that one personally) and I’m sure there are plenty of others. It means nothing other than that you don’t want sex right now. And to be frank, if my husband had asked for sex while I was on chemotherapy or after surgery I’d have been both angry and hurt. But, like the decent and loving man he is he did no such thing and that strengthened our marriage (along with all the other things he did for me), it didn’t damage it.

But people really don’t need to make excuses, either partner can say no at any time, for any reason and that’s a good thing, not some kind of rejection or betrayal. It’s just part of the give and take that exists within a good marriage.

I really don’t think that JB has a clue what she’s on about.

Maude LL
Maude LL
11 years ago

He’s single ladies!

(quicksand reached its apogee on Mario Bros. 3, it’s been going downhill ever since)