In a post ostensibly about the imminent arrival of female Viagra, our dear friend JudgyBitch weighs in on yet another subject about which she knows shit: the reasons that women who are not her might not want to have sex with their husbands:
Loss of libido in women, excepting rare medical conditions, in my opinion, is a direct result of not seeing men as emotionally complex beings. If you’re married, at some point, your husband probably stood in front of you and promised to love you forever. Rejecting him physically is a very wounding thing to do. It hurts. Sex is one of the most important, intimate ways married couples show that they love one another. Refusing to have sex with your husband is telling him, in a very painful way, that you don’t love him. That you don’t care for him or about him.
Huh. If I hadn’t seen her on video, thus confirming her status as an adult human female, I would have a hard time believing that it was an actual woman saying this and not some horny, creepy teenage boy in the process of trying to manipulate his girlfriend into “going all the way.”
Oh, but she’s got more:
I guess the only way to justify that is to think of men as emotionless. It doesn’t hurt men to be rejected because they don’t feel anything to begin with.
Really? The only way to justify saying “no” to your husband when you don’t want to have sex with him is if you convince yourself he’s emotionless? But women should just force themselves to say “yes” to sex when they don’t want to and simply endure what follows?
That’s the ugly little reality behind female viagara. Will it actually boost women’s libido? Who knows. What difference will it make, though, if women are going to continue to see men as less than completely human? That’s the real problem.
Does anyone know where to get irony meters at a reasonable price? Mine just leapt off the table, ran around the room screaming, and exploded.
third times a charm.
Brain Bleach in honor of cloudiah’s cat:
Thanks, it worked! 🙂
Cat, after a conversation with a femra:
Oh man, that was gorgeous… if I didn’t hate the taste of honey and nuts, and if the word “cheerio!” didn’t annoy the hell out of me, I would gorge myself on those for that ad. <3
My brain got confused when the mother spoke, though… she looks so British, but she sounds so American… my poor, confused cortex!
I just watched her vid. It’s pretty boring, you guys aren’t missing anything. The high point: she keeps saying “shoondinjer’s” rapist.
(*clicks on cat in cape again*)
Ohhhh…. all this time, I thought they were complaining about Schrödinger’s rapist, but they have their own concept? That must be why they don’t understand what it means.
Off topic– cloudiah, you could just take a square of fabric and glue some Velcro to the corners. And then kitty can get it off without help which’ll probably go over better anyways 🙂
Thanks for watching the video. I prefer to have the ickness filtered and supply brain bleach to those who are braver than I.
true and funny
Well, dehumanization is a huge risk factor for treating someone badly, so at least she’s on somewhat safe ground with that. And it’s actually really creepy how she’s taking something with perhaps a sparkle of truth (that a woman might not realize that her husband takes her loss of libido personally) and using those feelings to draw bizarre, dangerous conclusions. She’s hooking men who have felt a certain way and then telling them why they feel it, and it’s just scary.
I mean, the answer is goddamn communication, obviously. If a woman doesn’t realize her husband is hurt by her lack of libido, that’s probably because HE HAS NOT TOLD HER. If they have that conversation respectfully, hey’ll understand where one another are coming from. and the problem will be at least somewhat addressed. This…. this is so obvious.
And once again, it’s the feminists going around trying to make there be less of a message that men should feel emasculated if they can’t give their wives orgasms just by looking at them. Why are we their enemies, again?
Are the comments on her video horrible?
auggziliary –
I looked at a few, but they’re pretty unintelligible. The video itself is incoherent babble. What’s weird is the amount of upvotes. Ok, it’s not weird.
It’s hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that it’s not satire. It certainly looks like she’s making fun of MRA tropes (women being afraid of getting raped is like a white man being afraid of getting mugged by black people, etc.)
Oh for fucks sake… It would be a black man fearing getting beaten in that case, since they used to be disproportionately the victims of hate crimes(still are, but not as much as the 50s and 60s).
Btw I just want to troll the comments section without receiving a slew of U HATEFUL RADFEMINAZIS DESERVE RAPE BITCHES AND MEN USED TO BE MEN
Jean Stapleton (Edith Bunker) has died.
Reading her whole article, she’s responding to the idea that “female viagra” wouldn’t work very well because sex is purely mechanical and physical for men, but it’s all about feelings and narrative for women. I agree with her that this is bullshit, more of the same men=microwave women=crockpot stuff. Of course, she feels the need to express this thought through calling some woman who writes for the Daily Mail fat and ugly. Stay classy, JB.
I have absolutely no idea how she goes from the valid point that hey, maybe men’s libido isn’t purely physical to the idea that women’s loss of libido is due to viewing their husbands as robots.
Her youtube reveals her to be as absolutely insufferable and smug on video as she is in writing.
2thekidwiththereplaceablehead: If she is saying that, then it would mean that men *are* emotionless beings who only want sex. However I wouldn’t be shocked if she was saying that, since she really fails at logic.
Yes, exactly. It’s always amazing to me how MRAs can “question traditional male gender roles” and then in the very next breath reenforce those exact same gender stereotypes.
I mean, if you’re looking to criticize people who are spreading the idea that men are mindless sex machines, well, look no further than the alphabeta game theory crap that’s ubiquitous in the manosphere.
Gah… some of the comments on JudgyBitch’s blog are even more vile… One was when two 12 year old boys threatened to break into her house and gang rape her 11 year old daughter, and JudgyBitch(rightly) called the police and got pissed as hell. It actually really surprised me that she did that, since… she’s JudgyBitch.
The comments were calling her super over reactive because apparently that’s normal behavior for 12 year old boys. Jesus do these fuckheads realize that children need to *learn* that these things are wrong? No one would take those kids to jail for rape, since they didn’t actually rape, however they did make a serious threat, and that’s a crime. They were basically saying “boys will be boys”, but what they fail to realize is that doing really depraved shit like that is not normal for most boys, and that “boys” will ALWAYS be “boys” if we don’t react to that shit.
“JB should go give a BJ”
Nice. Non sequitur slut shaming on FeMRAs. Not sure that’s helping anyone.
Buntzums — I deleted your comment. Really?
David – you got mail. Can you let me know you received it ok?
This is personal issues, but idk where else to put it…
—-[TW: suicide]—-
I had a friend that was really suicidal, and he was talking to me a few days ago about doing it. Well he said his goodbyes to me, and then went offline…. I’m pretty sure he’s dead. I feel so much pain from it I’m not sure what to do with myself.
Oh god, that’s horrible augggziliary. Hugs if you want them.
Auggz, call the police in his local area.
He lives in India, Tamil Nadu. I really don’t think I can do much. This was a few days ago too. Now I feel bad for not calling their police.