In a post ostensibly about the imminent arrival of female Viagra, our dear friend JudgyBitch weighs in on yet another subject about which she knows shit: the reasons that women who are not her might not want to have sex with their husbands:
Loss of libido in women, excepting rare medical conditions, in my opinion, is a direct result of not seeing men as emotionally complex beings. If you’re married, at some point, your husband probably stood in front of you and promised to love you forever. Rejecting him physically is a very wounding thing to do. It hurts. Sex is one of the most important, intimate ways married couples show that they love one another. Refusing to have sex with your husband is telling him, in a very painful way, that you don’t love him. That you don’t care for him or about him.
Huh. If I hadn’t seen her on video, thus confirming her status as an adult human female, I would have a hard time believing that it was an actual woman saying this and not some horny, creepy teenage boy in the process of trying to manipulate his girlfriend into “going all the way.”
Oh, but she’s got more:
I guess the only way to justify that is to think of men as emotionless. It doesn’t hurt men to be rejected because they don’t feel anything to begin with.
Really? The only way to justify saying “no” to your husband when you don’t want to have sex with him is if you convince yourself he’s emotionless? But women should just force themselves to say “yes” to sex when they don’t want to and simply endure what follows?
That’s the ugly little reality behind female viagara. Will it actually boost women’s libido? Who knows. What difference will it make, though, if women are going to continue to see men as less than completely human? That’s the real problem.
Does anyone know where to get irony meters at a reasonable price? Mine just leapt off the table, ran around the room screaming, and exploded.
Pitcairn’s a pretty nasty place – a lot of sexual abuse going on among the powerful members of that community.
Oh god, and all this time I thought it was PITCARIN. Why did I go so many years not knowing the proper spelling? Augh.
Am reading that article now, and D: What a horrible place. And of course, the apologists crawl out of the woodwork.
It’s those family-ignoring aspects of separatism that make me wonder how much they’ve thought it through. It’s perfectly reasonable for a bunch of M to GTOW and live on their guaranteed-matriarchy(TM)-free island until their natural deaths; but as soon as a community wants to perpetuate itself by bringing up children, then the prejudices of the founders become an oppression for any child who doesn’t fit. The child has to cope in that hateful environment until they find there’s somewhere else more tolerant, and get together the means to move away – at which point they’re still an outsider.
[Fist-bump to fellow Yorkshireperson! Despite being no real Yorkshireperson, by most standards]
RE: Also, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Women generally marry for love.
If this were true women would choose to marry men who make less that they do but instead seek out and choose to love men who are financially better off then themselves in order to exploit their intimate partners financial resources
-an FYI: there are women who don’t specifically have relationships with men who make more money than them. I’m 1 of these women. The man’s income has never mattered to me. Instead what he IS matters, i.e., what kind of person he is. I’ve purposely broken what I call the “dating game rules” for years and will never stop doing that. I’ve started to speak up on this online in the past few years because it’s very needed as there’s so many unfair blanket statements, stereotypes, etc., about women put out by various groups.
I’ll just leave this here.
I was struck by that too, and looking back I’m wondering if the bit above ‘-an FYI’ is meant to be a quotation? Because it makes loads more sense that way.
It’s that or Specialest Snowflake Syndrome has struck in a JB thread, which is just an awful thing to have happen.
No, I think it was a direct quote and a missing paragraph. Seranvali at 5:04 Am, June 2 said that last page as a comment on it (It’s meant to be a joke)
So the “FYI” is meant to be a quotation gone wrong.
Laura! Paragraphs are your friends. And ours. Mainly ours q:
Yeah, that does seem to be a quote of Seranvali quoting someone else, so it’s extra confusing.
Oh, ok, that makes more sense.
This is still rather comically special snowflake-ish though. Why the need to frame the choice to date the person you like best regardless of income as a brave act of social defiance? Why the assumption that it isn’t what most women do already?
Oh Judgybitch, you are my absolute favorite self-hating, blather for attention, most circular thinking femra out there. You are a freaking goldmine.
JB just wrote something about how a baby is made out of a man’s DNA, and therefore since the Supreme Court said you can’t patent DNA that proves DNA belongs to the individual, and therefore legally the baby is the man’s property and that is why the man gets to decide whether or not the pregnancy is carried to term. All couched in tons of “edgy” WHY DON’T YOU JUST STOP SLUTTING AROUND YOU SLUTS language of course.
They seriously cannot produce one “thinker” who can make a coherent logical argument, let alone one that doesn’t make most human beings shudder in disgust.
Oh, JB. The man only owns half the baby. Solomon already solved this problem for us.
Um. That is to say, the kid’s DNA is just as unique as either parent’s DNA, and none of us belong to our parents as we age, so pre-born DNA bundles wouldn’t either. *cough*
She’s their entry into mainstream discourse. I’m not worried. Except for her kids. That I worry about.
Howard, you clearly just don’t understand science. Babby is formed from man’s dna and woman just grows it up.
We are essentially a sturdy clay pot. But not too sturdy. Because that would be gross.
She’s just following Aristotle.
“Aristotle proposed that the fetus was modeled from menstrual blood coagulated by seminal fluid – after all, menstrual bleeding ceased during pregnancy. Menstrual fluid contained all the potential body parts. Semen provided “form” to the menstrual “matter” and contributed the soul.”
o/~ Every sperm is sacred! Every Sperm is good!
Every sperm is needed, in your neighbourhood! o/~
JB sure does live up to her name, doesn’t she? Shame she’s already married, she and TAA would be perfect for each other, and combining their DNA would result in the most aggressively unpleasant children in the history of the world.
So much material from her alone.
Dear Fibinachi, this was only my 2nd post here and I was cutting and pasting something from part of another post to reply to. Sorry for any confusion. The “an FYI” thing wasn’t a quote. That was me starting my reply. Dear CassandraSays, in my experience I’ve run into hardly any women like myself as far as what I call the “dating game rules” go. This is 1 reason that I’ve been searching for them online the past few years. I lived a very isolated life for many years in the past and know that could be 1 reason I’ve met so few women that break the “dating game rules”. I found this place because I’ve read some on JB’s website and have been very disgusted by her lies about women who have sex for free (“sluts” to JB) such as we “lower the value of all women”. Speaking up for those women who purposely help out men sexually at no charge is 1 of my new causes and, unfortunately, I’ve found lies about us on JB’s blog plus others. 1 reason I put up this post is to show MRA men that not all women are gold diggers. I’ve run into MRA men on another blog (not JB’s which I want no part of) and have stated this on there also as it’s needed. 1 of the very sad things with some MRA’s is the view that all women are gold diggers.
Hi Laura. Were you by any chance raised in a fundamentalist family? If so, everything makes sense now, and I apologize for the initial hostility. We get a lot of trolls here so we tend not to jump on what sound like sexist ideas rather vigorously.
Here is the manbooz island!
How many books are too many when packing for the Island?
Hi Laura,
“I lived a very isolated life for many years in the past and know that could be 1 reason I’ve met so few women that break the “dating game rules”.”
If you’ve lived a very isolated life, have you met many women at all? I mean, I live a very socially isolated life too, off the Net, but I wouldn’t assume anything about people’s dating habits, so I was wondering what you’ve seen in action. I’d be surprised to be told anyone was following “dating rules” (ugh) at all, but that’s my inexperience speaking.