evil women FemRAs irony alert judgybitch ladies against women misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men rape culture sex

JudgyBitch: Wives with low libido are man-hating bigots

Dudes: If your wife isn't horny for yoy, she's probably into misandry and witchcraft and maybe Pinterest.
Dudes: If your wife isn’t horny for you, she’s probably into misandry and witchcraft and possibly even Pinterest.

In a post ostensibly about the imminent arrival of female Viagra, our dear friend JudgyBitch weighs in on yet another subject about which she knows shit: the reasons that women who are not her might not want to have sex with their husbands:

Loss of libido in women, excepting rare medical conditions, in my opinion, is a direct result of not seeing men as emotionally complex beings. If you’re married, at some point, your husband probably stood in front of you and promised to love you forever. Rejecting him physically is a very wounding thing to do. It hurts. Sex is one of the most important, intimate ways married couples show that they love one another. Refusing to have sex with your husband is telling him, in a very painful way, that you don’t love him. That you don’t care for him or about him.

Huh. If I hadn’t seen her on video, thus confirming her status as an adult human female, I would have a hard time believing that it was an actual woman saying this and not some horny, creepy teenage boy in the process of trying to manipulate his girlfriend into “going all the way.”

Oh, but she’s got more:

I guess the only way to justify that is to think of men as emotionless. It doesn’t hurt men to be rejected because they don’t feel anything to begin with.

Really? The only way to justify saying “no” to your husband when you don’t want to have sex with him is if you convince yourself he’s emotionless? But women should just force themselves to say “yes” to sex when they don’t want to and simply endure what follows?

That’s the ugly little reality behind female viagara. Will it actually boost women’s libido? Who knows. What difference will it make, though, if women are going to continue to see men as less than completely human? That’s the real problem.

Does anyone know where to get irony meters at a reasonable price? Mine just leapt off the table, ran around the room screaming, and exploded.


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11 years ago

DMG: Being forced to pay for a divorce he never wanted and to pay for children his ex wife intentionally denies him the right to see is indeed “FINANCIAL RAPE!”

Oh, so if he doesn’t want the divorce he gets to say, “sorry, you are on your own”?

This is of course the favorite tactic feminists and weak kneed males resort to when unable to refute my arguments. I’m just surprised it took so long to show up.

This is because we’ve seen a lot of crap writing. It’s gotten to the point it takes talent at being craptastic to get much response.

But you’ve not made any actual points; just asserted some assfax, which have been refuted.

It is a common tactic of the rhetorically challenged to say that people just can’t respond when the real problem is they can’t write.

The word rape comes from a Latin word whose original meaning was to take property by force. Financial Rape does indeed exist and is practiced by the majority of Western women.

And Wyffman meant female. So Wife doesn’t mean property, it means person; and therefore you should be arguing that women are equal to men in all regards; and that whomever has custody should get support for the share of the child’s upbringing which the non-custodial parent would have provided in the event the marriage didn’t dissolve.

But you aren’t doing that. Could it be your use of etymology is based on misunderstandings and pathetic as that of the workings of quicksand?

The reason the English language is unique and remains dynamic is because those who speak it constantly borrow words and their original meanings from other languages.

Note the emphasis.

11 years ago

He was appalled that they were sticking up for a child molester, so it was probably one of his finer moments. And then he was attacked, since (a) things were different in the 60s and 70s, and (b) those are just allegations.

Can’t say I’m surprised by that reaction … y’know just the other day in the Victorian parliamentary inquiry into institutional child abuse, Cardinal George Pell was asked if he’d really said to a couple whose daughters were abused that the Church couldn’t do anything about the priest in question until he’d been convicted, because until then it was “just gossip”.


He referred to the abuse of their daughters – one of whom suicided, the other who drank and ended up hit by a car and permanently vegetative iirc – as gossip.

His reaction when asked about this in the enquiry was essentially to repeat himself: they can’t take action on the basis of gossip.

His initial response to the parents, btw, was when they’d shown him photos of their daughter. One was of her as a little girl, with Pell himself at some award ceremony. The second was after they came home and found her as a teenager with her wrists cut after she tried to kill herself. The picture showed her covered in blood.

His reaction: “She’s changed, hasn’t she?”

Yet even he, even this man the parents rightly described as having a sociopathic lack of empathy, is not as foul as the MRAs.

M Dubz
M Dubz
11 years ago

@Kittehs- that is HORRIFYING. So, so horrifying. How can people be so callous? I just don’t get it…

11 years ago

M Dubz

Yup. The All Australian Living Embodiment of the unavoidable fact that it’s entirely possible to have a functioning mind and body that is entirely devoid of empathy, sympathy or any discernible redeeming qualities.

11 years ago

Yup. It’s kind of apt that Georgie Pell came to mind every time the Manboobz Pell was prancing around. They’re probably related.

My boss knew G Pell years back. Says he wasn’t the sharpest knife in the draw. I’m not sure I know who’s more repellent, him or Archbishop Hart, he of the “better late than never” smirk when asked by the same enquiry why it took so. fucking. long. for the church to act on these known pedophiles. As someone said in the papers – eighteen years to deal with one pedophile, but he hounded Father Bob out of office the minute he turned 75. Says a lot about their priorities.

(For all non-Aussies, Father Bob MacGuire was a priest in South Melbourne, outspoken and someone who actually took his job of caring for the vulnerable seriously – the hierarchy here hated him and the minute he got to retirement age, they were on him like a ton of bricks.)

M Dubz
M Dubz
11 years ago

@mildlymagnificent- I mean, I know that this shit happens, and the good old US of A has its fair share of people lacking in empathy, it’s just that sometimes it breaks my brain. A lot.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Neo-dadaism. That was cute. Slipping a tell right in there for the lulz, next to the obvious hatery.

Listen, lulz-trolls, here’s the thing. I get that you don’t really believe the worst of what you say, you just think it’s hilarious to get us worked up over it. (this goes equally for the perenially banned and to Talacaris)

But it doesn’t matter. Read the posts. There are very real people up there propogating toxic hatred.

And do you know where it ends?

Anders Breivik. His manifesto was full of the same stuff about feminism and Islam you can find anywhere in the Manosphere.

The hateful violent rhetoric goes out into the world, and some of those who hear the message are willing to act on it.

And you stand by the side and laugh. “This is hilarious!”

When you laugh, you signal that you aren’t bothered by the violent rhetoric. You signal that you aren’t against the hate.

You give cover to the rest of them. You pat yourself on the back for being moderate, for being modern, post-modern. Smart.

And you give cover to people like Elam. You give cover to people who would post an open call to terrorism on their activism page.


This is not lulz. This is real life, and people have already died over this. And letting them spread their hate without resistance will make sure more people die.


In some ways, being a lulz-troll on a site like this is nothing but pure evil.

11 years ago

Ah, but Howard, we all know there’s nothing in the world more important than lowlifes like Mr Al and other lulz trolls not getting sex on demand. Death, disaster, rape, war – none of it compares with the true tragedy of a loser with a sad boner not getting to own women. I doubt you’ll get through to these fools by making real points about real things.

11 years ago


…His reaction: “She’s changed, hasn’t she?”

God what an asshole. May he step on all the legos, forevermore.

11 years ago

Howard: I don’t really think they don’t believe a large chunk of what they say. Accepting, arguendo, they are in it for the yuks, they still have the entire internet to choose to make the focus of their attention.

Then they have to engage in the debate enough know the calling cards which are likely to get the locals all upset. Then they have to reframe them into some semblance of coherent argument.

So they aren’t as investment free as they pretend. It’s part of why talacaris fails so badly; I get the sense he doesn’t care enough to do the homework needed. But Al, Joe, Brandon, etc., they care. They affect a certain remove, but the issues they harp on, are always the same issues. If it weren’t, at least a bit personal they wouldn’t keep coming back to the same sets of talking points.

The Stepford Knife
The Stepford Knife
11 years ago

It’s interesting to see her write so much on a Daily Mail article while ignoring this piece from the very same rag:

I’m 41 and have been with my partner for 24 years. Though we have two children, he’s never had a high sex drive — once a week when we were courting, and a couple of times a month in the first year we lived together. From then on a couple of times a year.

In the past 13 years we’ve made love about six or seven times in total, and it has been 18 months since the last time. I’ve tried begging, but that only puts him off. Years ago I tried taunting — but that wasn’t nice at all. I’ve tried seducing him and turned our bedroom into a boudoir. He didn’t notice!

I’ve put on a lot of weight lately but I had a gorgeous figure until the past few years, and he wasn’t any more interested then.

I had a frank talk with him a few years ago and told him that if he EVER wanted to have sex, I’d always be up for it. He said acting so needy put him off.

I should leave, but I love him and our children and we have a good life together. He doesn’t stray and tells me he loves me, too, but I do wonder if he would care if I had an affair, or walked out. Actually, I don’t think he would!

The complete lack of intimacy leaves you feeling worthless and unfeminine. It makes me angry. He’s not prepared to go to counselling or see a doctor.

We don’t kiss and cuddle because he ‘forgets’, is too tired, is just about to go to work, has just come in from work, is going fishing, watching TV etc. An affair is out of the question, as I couldn’t do that to another woman.

I don’t want to die never having had an active sex life, even for a couple of months! What would you do?

How would JudgyBitch explain this one? My guess is that, being so fixated on Ms Sibary’s looks, she’d home in on the part about “Violet”‘s weight gain and claim this is why everything is her fault.

11 years ago

Mister Quicksand:
1. …is also horribly racist:
“As it was then: The leaders of her own race were just as guilty as the hated white man for the enslavement and consequent sufferings of the Negroes. Even though the current leaders of the NAACP and the civil rights movement wouldn’t admit it as they continued to bring disgrace upon the movement begun by Martin Luther King.”

2. I like how he refers to the dying women in his stories as ‘goddess’ and ‘lovely’, it makes it even more creepy.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

@Pecunium: yeah, I was trying to get an umbrella big enough to fit talacaris and Mr SteALe there; because they’re both providing cover, but at least one of them I peg as half-believing most of what he says.

But either way. They like to think of themselves as NOT being the violent and evil one. But they enable it.

11 years ago

And WTC jokes enable hijackers and provide cover for them???

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

You missed the “horribly insensitive” option.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago


Sure, as soon as you get to that place where you’re standing between a bunch of terrorists planning their next big hit and the people arguing for peace and niceness.

You aren’t on some street corner. You’re in the place that mocks the Manosphere. You know the difference.

11 years ago

MRAs and their false comparisons are oh-so charming.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

I’m dead serious, talacaris. Go back and the Anders Breivik post.


Read that, and tell me it’s fucking funny to troll this site.

11 years ago

As if the terrorists //the manosphere will listen and be influenced…they won’t..

11 years ago

@David Futrelle – “Sadly, the project seems to have stalled out.”

Much like the libertarian “Freedom Ship” project.

11 years ago

“As if the terrorists //the manosphere will listen and be influenced…they won’t..”

Your kind still provides a voice they think is on their side. They don’t bother to ask if you’re for real or not. Do you hate women? Do you? Because if you don’t, why are you giving even pretend support to men who do?

11 years ago

talacaris: “As if the terrorists //the manosphere will listen and be influenced…they won’t..”

What I care about is limiting the ability of the manosphere to reach out and influence everyone else. That’s why they have their knickers in a twist; they just got told people don’t like some of their stock in trade.

They lost a venue for spreading hate, and they know that hurts them (look at how much of their traffic comes from pictures of women being abused/killed).

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

*creak* those goalposts move.

I didn’t say you could single-handedly change their minds, and I didn’t say I could change their minds, talacaris. I said what you do provides cover for them.

And you don’t have to. You’ve made abundantly clear in the past few days that you’re capable of sticking around for the lulz and not providing them ammunition at the same time. You’re smart enough to tell a joke and and smart enough to pay attention to whose expense it’s at and how the mechanics of the joke work.

But you’d rather troll.

11 years ago

Just after reading this thread with its talk of Reddit Island, I went to another site and was linked to this article about Pitcairn Island which is where the mutineers from the Bounty ended up and there has been a community there ever since.

They sound like the original MGTOW.

11 years ago

KIm: They were worried about the Royal Navy; which actually wanted to hunt them down and kill them. They were sort of Men Who Were Being Chased Away.