Men’s Rights, er, activists are waving their arms frantically in the air over what they see as a dire new threat to men and manhood: Facebook’s recent annoucement that it was going to try to do a better job of taking down violent images mocking victims of rape and domestic violence, and other kinds of misogynistic hate speech.
Last week, as many of you no doubt already know, a coalition of feminist groups launched a campaign targeting Facebook and its advertisers for tolerating this sort of content on Facebook — in many cases even after it was reported to Facebook moderators as clearly violating the site’s already existing policies against hate speech and graphic violence. (For many truly disgusting and possibly TRIGGERING examples, see here.)
Well, Facebook actually listened, and announced it would be making efforts to better handle “gender-based” hate speech, and would be “solicit[ing] feedback from legal experts and others, including representatives of the women’s coalition and other groups that have historically faced discrimination” — among them some of the groups involved in the protest. While Facebook’s promises remain vague, those behind the protest are hailing this, correctly I think, as a victory.
A lot of Men’s Rights activists, by contrast, seem to think Facebook’s new policy means the beginning of the end for free speech for men on the internet. And no one seems more worked up about it than A Voice for Men’s Supreme Commander Paul Elam.
In a posting he declared “probably the most important article I have ever written” — not that this is saying much — Elam attempted to rally the troops to fight against what he called “the greatest challenge the M(H)RM has faced so far.” Elam claimed that taking down images of brutalized women with captions like “women deserve equal rights — and lefts” isn’t the real goal here. No, he charged,
feminist ideologues are co-opting Facebook, and they will root out any and all opposition to their worldview.
But instead of lamenting this terrible alleged threat to the spirit of the First Amendment and Free Speech, Elam moves on — immediately, in the very next sentence — to an even more important issue:
That will include, at some point, the AVFM Facebook page and its nearly 3,500 fans (2,000 of which have come in the past two months).
How important this is? In a word, very.
Facebook accounts for roughly 10-13% of our traffic on most days, and with a rapidly growing fan base that promises to represent a continually increasing number of actual visitors to the site.
And if feminists succeed in their dastardly plan to root out all non-feminist thought on Facebook — a plan which so far exists only in Elam’s paranoid imagination– then what?
Where do you imagine, if they are successful at eliminating men’s rights discussion from Facebook, they will go next? Reddit? YouTube?
How about Google?
Do you think they are above trying to have men’s rights websites de-listed from Google search returns?
If any of this actually happens, outside of Elam’s fever dreams of persecution, I pledge to literally eat my kitties. Or, at the very least, one of Werner Herzog’s shoes.
Of course, if Facebook simply does what it says it will do, and not what Elam imagines it will do, A Voice for Men’s Facebook page may find itself in a bit of trouble. Because a lot of what appears on AVFM — which continues to post an open call to firebomb courthouses and police stations on its activism page — can only be described as gender-based hate speech. (TRIGGER WARNING for what follows.)
It was Elam, after all, who asked, about women who are date raped after drinking with men at bars:
[A]re these women asking to get raped?…
They are freaking begging for it.
Damn near demanding it. …
[T]here are a lot of women who get pummeled and pumped because they are stupid (and often arrogant) enough to walk though life with the equivalent of a I’M A STUPID, CONNIVING BITCH – PLEASE RAPE ME neon sign glowing above their empty little narcissistic heads.
And Elam — like a lot of the misogynistic “humorists” on Facebook — is not above using a picture of a brutalized woman to illustrate one of his little “jokes.” Here is a screenshot from one of his posts; the text is his, as is the caption to the picture. (He has since removed the picture from the post, though the hateful text remains.)

Of course, even as AVFM tries to whip up outrage over the alleged feminist/Facebook plan to silence the menz, the regulars there are having a hard time even pretending to be bothered by the violent images of rape and brutality that the feminist protesters have pointed to on Facebook. (You’d think, at least for PR purposes, they’d want to position themselves against violent rape “jokes.”)
Indeed, in an earlier AVFM post on the Facebook fracas, someone called Victor Zen seemed to argue that glorifying or even promoting rape is fine so long as you don’t actually go and do it. See if you can make sense of this word salad:
Rape, it’s glorification? My experience has been that people who post images, videos and text that promote rape and violence are doing it because they know the value of shock. If you conflate their intention to deceive with their presentation of an untruthful reality you rob yourself of the truth. It is tempting for some to believe as they say, but in the end those that do are denied what is actually real. I doubt real rapists are publicly announcing their desire to rape. I want numbers because I am curious.
How many examples of hate speech that WAM! and affiliates moan about lead to proven incidences of rape or domestic violence?
I don’t even … what?
The Men’s Rights movement: Fighting for the right to shout rape jokes on a crowded Facebook.
I’m sure there’d be out cries from the MRA community if images of violence against men were being sensationalised on Facebook. Free speech? Only for the menz!
“Where do you imagine, if they are successful at eliminating men’s rights discussion from Facebook, they will go next?”
THIS is where: http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2013/05/30/four_out_of_ten_households_have_female_breadwinners_fox_news_responds_with.html
David Futrelle
Man, the “Men’s Rights Movement” is a sick joke. You should put “Men’s Rights Movement” or “Men’s rights activists” in quotes, from now on, because they have no business calling their movement, a “right’s movement.” Not only do some of them endorse violence, few show any sign of genuinely being interested in defending anyone’s rights, including the rights of men. Most of the time, they’re just spewing sexist garbage and demonizing women, and this is a fine example of that.
Don’t want your stuff removed? Then don’t post images of women with duct tape over their mouths and the caption: Tape her and rape her
I heard about that. Fox News would be a perfect place theses “MRA” losers. Erick Erickson would probably make a good spokesmen for their movement.
“Don’t want your stuff removed? Then don’t post images of women with duct tape over their mouths and the caption: Tape her and rape her”
What’s the saying? They were asking for it?*
*having the content removed, that is.
Admiral Grace Hopper!? But women can’t computer! Proof that feminazis control the internet and the military.
*goes back to read the post after computer science nerd meltdown*
This may be a worthy follow up to your ubiquitous “Don’t forget, AVFM promotes terrorism” footnote.
“Paul Elam, who considers his defense of portrayals of violence against women to be the most important thing he’s ever written…”
Where to start? This is….. what is their problem?
And just to add: of course there are men being abused by their female spouses and I do believe they might be more than we know as most are unreported.
However, many feminists writers do address this issue. If mra was an actual group for equality that focus on men and boys, it would work WITH feminism and not against it, because ultimately it makes no sense to be against it in the first place.
Well, they make no sense to me.
(the links I’m posting are only illustrative. I have read bell hooks, but I’m not familiar with the femlegaltheory blog, are you?)
Oh no, Facebook is catching kooties!
@CriticalDragon, Thomas over at the Yes Means Yes blog refers to them as the “men’s power movement” or “men’s power activists” which I kinda like. It’s really a lot more accurate.
Yes, because people who tell rape jokes are really just social justice warriors attempting to depict reality. We all know that the best way to let people know that rape culture exists is to shock people with messages that at least outwardly encourage rape. Oh, and everyone can easily spot a rapist, everyone can easily believe that someone is a rapist, and no rapist can express hir desire to rape implicitly through these images. Nor are there any rapists who actually agree with them.
Because we all know that feminists only criticize that speech because it directly causes aggression against women.
AVfM, if you can’t stop being horrible, at least stop being incredibly stupid.
Except that I cannot believe that Pal Elam would tolerate anyone who might overshadow him …
I love(d?) how FB would remove pages about female anatomy and health, breast feeding, etc., because they displayed nudity, but would never seem to touch all the Upskirt pages.
Patrick Stewart demonstrates that he’s not only an excellent actor and starfleet captain, but also an awesome human being.
Unbelievable…this will be my new “go to” link for those whining about free speech on Facebook
Don’t want your stuff removed? Then don’t post images of women with duct tape over their mouths and the caption: Tape her and rape her
Or just plan on being the hero, and kidnap a woman who rejected you, so you can rescue her. Only when you arrive at the place you plan to abandon her (where you will later, “find her”, she’s dead.
So you dump the body in the woods.
If the only thing you can discuss about Men’s Rights is how to hit or harm women physically, then you are not talking about Men’s Rights.
Ugh, that story. That guy is full of shit. This wasn’t a fake kidnapping, it was a flat out kidnapping, I guarantee it. He lured her out there with a fake persona after she rejected his advances. He claims this was a fake kidnapping, but he took her clothes off? It’s a fake kidnapping but she ends up dead?
Asshole rapist murderer.
I want this t-shirt..
(It’s really a t-shirt, but the Zazzle link isn’t working right now.)
If reasonable people consistently avoid being associated with your ideas, maybe that is free speech working as it should. I don’t see any violation of free speech rights in this situation. Some MRAs say toxic things and Facebook no longer wants to host a forum for those ideas.
This one reminded me of the rage comics David posted.
A Minor Mistake
(I’m currently a high school student. I look really young, about 12 or 13, so I’m not hit on very often. A customer aged about 30 walks up to me, smirking.)
Customer: “Remember when I asked you out two years ago, and you turned me down because you said you live too far away? Well, look where we are now. I have a job at [local corporate headquarters], and you clean up people’s trash at a movie theater.”
(He drops trash on the ground.)
Me: “I’m sorry, sir, but I’m not who you think I am. I go to [local high school]. Also, I only date girls.”
(The customer slowly realizes that I am both a minor and a lesbian.)
Customer: “Oh. I’m way off, aren’t I?”
Me: “Yes, sir.”
(The customer picks up his trash, and scurries off with a sheepish look on his face.)
So Elam’s beef is that without the ability to spread material glorifying the brutalization of women around the world’s most massive website, his readership will drop by an unacceptable amount?
Is that really the sort of thing he wants to admit to?
For some reason the response that popped into my head was “Yes, I do but we will have to order a new dumpster after I stick you in.”