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On Slate, daddy blogger Andy Hinds guiltily wrestles with his sexual fantasies, wants us all to watch

Ogling: People do it.
Ogling: People do it. They just don’t all feel the need to write about it on Slate.

In Slate, writer Andy Hinds has provided us all with one of the most cringe-inducing “unsolicited penis updates” since our old friend Paul Elam filled us in on which “fuckmuffin” body parts make his Little Elam happiest.

Hinds starts off by assuring us he’s one of the feminist Good Guys, a stay-at-home-dad who respects the heck out of the ladies:

I celebrate every inroad that women make into business, technology, science, politics, comedy, you name it, and I get angry about “slut-shaming” or “stereotype threat” or whatever is the affront du jour.

But he also admits to having lurid sexual fantasies about, well, woman he finds attractive,

as if a never-ending porn movie has been playing in my subconscious for the last 30 years, and any lull in cognitive demands, or interaction with a woman who is perfect for a cameo in it—the woman walking her dog past my house, the neighbor’s nanny, the Valkyrie on the elliptical trainer at the gym—rotates the film to the main screen. In 3-D.

Yes, that’s right, we’re going to have to endure the sad spectacle of a grown man wrestling with his weird guilt over his sexual fantasies in public.

Though Hinds, thankfully, doesn’t spell out any of his porny fantasies in detail, it seems clear from what he writes that his everyday naughty thoughts, while evidently quite numerous, are more or less in line with the everyday naughty thoughts that every human being with a sex drive has on a fairly regular basis, not the extreme and intrusive thoughts that might require actual mental health treatment.

But, armed with advice from Sex Addicts Anonymous and an ebook called Porn Again Christian,  he decides, for a day, to try to clamp down on his lustful thoughts anyway, forcing himself to imagine the potential objects of his lust wearing burqas, and evidently finding that this …  helps?

Hinds’ piece has gotten him the attention I guess he wanted from feminists and anti-feminists alike.

From the latter, he’s gotten mostly ridicule for being a self-professed “beta dad” who feels guilty for having normal (hetero) male desires. On Reddit, he’s been bashed by Men’s Rightsers and Red Pillers in mostly predictable ways; on the manosphere blog Gucci Little Piggy, our old pal Chuck Ross complains that Hinds “doesn’t want to be, essentially, a man.”

Feminists have responded with a bit more cheek, telling Hinds, in essence, that’s nice dear, most of us think about sex, we just don’t  need to hear all about the filthy thoughts you have about the grocery store cashier. Accompanying a short post on Hinds’ piece with the laconic title “Man Thinks About Sex When He Looks At People,” the Awl helpfully provides us with a photoshopped image of Hinds  in a burqa.

On Jezebel, Katie J.M. Baker points out that having fantasies isn’t the problem here.

[I]t’s not sexist to think about boning strangers, [but] it’s horrifying, really, to resort to mentally censoring women so you don’t have to consider the possibility that you’re not actually as much of an “enlightened” feminist as you think but a dude with a latent Madonna-whore complex.

But to me the really cringeworthy aspect of Hinds’ piece is, well, what you’d have to call its exhibitionism. He doesn’t just talk about the women who inspire his fantasies in some vague generic sense; he specifies who these women are — not by name, but in such a way that if these women read his piece they’ll know he’s talking about them in particular: the staff at his kid’s school, the cashiers at his local grocery store, the women in his yoga class.

My classmates are mostly women, mostly in yoga pants and tank tops; and naturally the ones with the best form are also the most fit and attractive. Perhaps one day I’ll be able to honestly say that I can look at a woman in a downward facing dog pose and be struck only by her strength and flexibility. Today is not that day.


His post on Slate is the journalistic equivalent of going up to them and saying, hey, pretty lady whom I run into on a regular basis but otherwise know nothing about, whenever I see you I think about doing you. It’s almost, if not quite, the journalistic equivalent of sending them unsolicited dick pics.

EDIT: That’s not quite right. That might be the appropriate metaphor if he had spelled out his fantasies. But he didn’t. What he’s doing is more like the journalistic equivalent of a catcall. Which is still pretty icky, especially if you’re virtually catcalling the woman in front of you in yoga class, or your kids’ teacher.

At the end of his post, Hinds proudly reports that his Day of the Burqa has helped him to lust after the ladies less.

This technique of essentially ignoring women’s physical presence may not be sustainable, and it may not be desirable. But it also seems like as good an alternative as any to giving women unwanted (or even wanted) sexual attention … .

Yeah, then you  went ahead and wrote an article for Slate announcing to these women, and the world, that you’ve been thinking all sorts of nasty thoughts about them for years. Keep it in your pants, and off the internet.

EDITED TO ADD: Hinds has written a defensive yet indignant response of sorts to his critics, the gist of which is “come on, guys, it was supposed to be funny!

In apportioning blame for people not “getting” how utterly hilarious his sort-of “satirical” piece was, Hinds blames, among others, “crazy” commenters on Slate, “internet pundits whose default setting is snarky outrage,” his editor (for telling him he was funny) and, oh yeah, himself, a little bit, “for not fully committing to the humor piece.”

Keep digging, dude!

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11 years ago

Finally, an issue that feminists and MRAs can unite around!

[reads MRAs’ criticism]

Or maybe not.

The Black Fedora
The Black Fedora
11 years ago

Male feminists are always constipated about something.

11 years ago

Why are you even still here, kiddo?

11 years ago

I really don’t get it. Does he think that you can’t REALLY be a feminist if you think lewd thoughts about pretty women?

That’s…ridiculously dumb. It’s like worrying that you can’t REALLY be against rape if you have ever had a fantasy about being raped. It’s trivially untrue.

Fantasize about sex all you want. Fantasize about whoever you want, whatever you want. Your fantasies can’t hurt anyone. Just keep it in your pants.

11 years ago

Ewewewew. In addition to the exhibitionism and the absurdity that you highlight, that opening (emphasis mine)….

I celebrate every inroad that women make into business, technology, science, politics, comedy, you name it, and I get angry about “slut-shaming” or “stereotype threat” or whatever is the affront du jour.

That’s a lovely bit of minimizing horseshit that he deserves to get called out on, especially with the scare-quotes around the specific examples. Slut-shaming and stereotype threats are real concepts that have to be navigated, not ‘topics of the day’, you faux-feminist twit!

I leave this out as appropriate to the topic:

11 years ago

I agree. The whole article really…weirded me out. I knew, as soon as I read the title, that MRA types were about to pile on, but as I read, it became clear that if this guy’s a feminist, he’s either not a mainstream one or he doesn’t know much about the movement (and its men).

11 years ago

For those who haven’t read all the latest threads, many manboobzers are calling for ignoring a certain be-hatted troll who is currently pooping on all the threads. Just FYI.

11 years ago

[I]t’s not sexist to think about boning strangers, [but] it’s horrifying, really, to resort to mentally censoring women so you don’t have to consider the possibility that you’re not actually as much of an “enlightened” feminist as you think but a dude with a latent Madonna-whore complex.

Uh, why? These fantasies are clearly bothering him. Why shouldn’t he take steps to squelch them–provided he doesn’t share them with the world?

11 years ago

provided he doesn’t share them with the world?

That’s the part that really bugged me. I hope none of those women he’s been fantasizing about read this article…

11 years ago

“This technique of essentially ignoring women’s physical presence may not be sustainable, and it may not be desirable.”

This like really stuck out to me. Because apparently this guy thinks the only way he can respect us (not that I think he needs to stop fantasizing about women in order to respect us, as long as fantasizing is not effecting his ability to treat us like human beings) without pretending we’re not even there.

Darth Conans
Darth Conans
11 years ago

As with all sexual fantasies, I am reminded of the old Martin Luther quotation about thoughts: “I may not be able to stop a bird from hitting my head, but I can certainly stop it from nesting in my beard.”
If a person wants to have sexual fantasies, go for it, as long as you keep it to yourself. If you don’t want to have sex fantasies, masturbate and learn some thought control. In either case, don’t waste time talking about it and don’t write dumbass articles about it.

11 years ago

…wow that comment made no sense. What I was trying to say was “this guy apparently thinks the only way he can respect women is to pretend like we’re not even there.”

11 years ago

And of course he closes with the suggestion that maybe women do want it after all.

But it also seems like as good an alternative as any to giving women unwanted (or even wanted) sexual attention … .

11 years ago

Oh good, another “feminist” who thinks that means wallowing in male guilt and talking extensively about his boner.

I’m a little troubled by the fact that this dude apparently can’t take women seriously unless they’re totally un-sexual in his view (and that he defaults to sexualizing women), but I’m way more annoyed by his racist fucking coping method.

Zanana the Pegging Queen
Zanana the Pegging Queen
11 years ago

Yeah I didn’t know what to make of this article. Agree that the author doesn’t seem to understand much about mainstream feminism. If his own thoughts are bothering him so much, I wonder whether something else is going on… maybe he’s still dealing with some kind of religious upbringing or maybe he’s dealing with OCD-type intrusive thoughts… in any case, it sounds like it couldn’t hurt to talk to a therapist.

ProPatria Truthteller
ProPatria Truthteller
11 years ago

So now one of the feminists here quotes Martin Luther (I’m a Catholic, but still respect Lutheran thought). The lesson here is that the constant talk about sexual fantasies in current society can be traced to the abandonment of traditional Christianity. Feminists need to understand that while women should advance in careerism and equality, deviant behaviors of all kinds need to be kept underground where they belong and where they were until recently. The fake feminist men are more dangerous to women than many who criticize feminism.
The feminist movement, and the mysogenist Red Pill/Game community/MRA, are involved in a conspiracy against balanced gender roles and the Great Awakening which is about to restore Christian civilization.

In this story we see the feminist scold site Jezibel being quoted; that site which squashes the freedom of dissident women to promote heteronormativity and balanced gender roles. Jezebel names itself after an evil woman psychopath from the Bible. Why couldn’t they have named themselves Ruth or Deborah?
Anyway, this guy Andy whatever is an idiot who needs to keep his thoughts to himself, and the Red Pillers criticizing him are even more steeped in false existential reality, and so are most of the commenters on this site. But the Great Awakening is soon to happen where the good women of the nation will rise up and end this tyrany.

11 years ago

Fuh? He’s clearly been listening to too many MRAs.
Dude, feminism isn’t about the death of the sexuality. I mean, obviously treating women as nothing but sex objects is a bad thing, but everyone has sexual thoughts.. even women!! (No, for reals, I’ve spoken to some of the breasted ones and they totally do!)

11 years ago


11 years ago

Propatria, can you please link me to those anti-racist comments you made on white supremacist sites? I am really, honestly, genuinely interested.

11 years ago

In this story we see the feminist scold site Jezibel being quoted; that site which squashes the freedom of dissident women to promote heteronormativity and balanced gender roles.

Yeah, sorry but those of us who fall outside of the heteronormative world are people too. You’re perfectly welcome to have your balanced gender roles in your own relationships, but we shouldn’t be forced into them any more than you should be forced out of the work place.

Zanana the Pegging Queen
Zanana the Pegging Queen
11 years ago

zomg, Propatria, people are free to be heteronormative if they wanna be. Not even is disputing that. You and your Christian friends are the ones telling people that their perfectly normal sexual thoughts are “deviant”.

11 years ago

Imma figure out some creative ways to be deviant this weekend, just because I live in a society not ruled by zealots and I can.

11 years ago

Pro-Patria Truthiness: So now one of the feminists here quotes Martin Luther

Shocker inn’t? Almost as if there were a wealth of people, with educations, backgrounds and interests as diverse as any other; and all of them feminists. Who’da thunk?

The lesson here is that the constant talk about sexual fantasies in current society can be traced to the abandonment of traditional Christianity.

Really? I’d have said the obsession with sex, and the idea that it’s wrong to like it/think about it, was an excess of, “traditional religion” (and those which have conflicted views on sex are more than just the Abrahamic traditions)..

need to understand that while women should advance in careerism and equality, deviant behaviors of all kinds need to be kept underground where they belong and where they were until recently.

Really? What do you mean by, “deviant”? And what do you mean by underground? Because I really reccomend you avoid museums which have collections of Indian statuary, which was 1: sexual as all get out, and 2: very much not underground.

You might want to reconsider some of the, “underground” aspects of it in the West too.

The Victorians weren’t all that prudish, they just had different ideas about when/where to express it. But express it they did (it was a huge problem, trying to get the age of consent raised to 13, people were against it. That, and against making street prostitution a bit more controlled. Men needed their release, and all). There was a lot of fucking in doorways and alleys.

If people could do it, they figured out how long before the last ice age ended.

In this story we see the feminist scold site Jezibel being quoted; that site which squashes the freedom of dissident women to promote heteronormativity and balanced gender roles. Jezebel names itself after an evil woman psychopath from the Bible. Why couldn’t they have named themselves Ruth or Deborah?

Because when women try to argue they should be treated just as they are; people with wills, rights and freedoms, just like any other person (i.e. men), they get called, harlots and jezebels.

It’s because narrow-minded fools like you would see them as jezebels, and call them that; It takes the sting out of your attack to have the word in use.

11 years ago

deviant behaviors of all kinds need to be kept underground where they belong and where they were until recently.

Yep. Because up until the ’60s, we deviant queers didn’t exist in public. Never. Not at all. *dies laughing*

Oh, no. I can’t die. I get to visit my girlfriend this weekend! *dance-dancey-dance*

Sparky2, if you’re still here, I’ll have to die laughing at you when I’m back.

But also, go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on. In an extremely heterosexual and non-deviant way, of course.

11 years ago

Because I really reccomend you avoid museums which have collections of Indian statuary,

If Patty were to visit some of the temples I toured in Nepal, he could see exactly what fucking himself and the horse he rode in on might look like. In minute if not anatomically correct detail.

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