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Friendzoning: The Rage Comics


Two rage comics that capture well the true human tragedy that is FRIENDZONING, both of which I found in the awesome Blue Pill subreddit. The one above is by dont_buy_me_gold; the one below by SaltyChristian (who is, incidentally, a CERTIFIED ALPHA).

I have heard rumors that the entire Blue Pill subreddit is not actually a hangout for super alpha dudes but rather a parody of the Red Pill subreddit but I choose not to believe them, much in the same way I choose not to believe in the supposed “law” of gravity. It’s A THEORY, people!

(Note: These are both parodies, by the way, in case there is any confusion.)


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11 years ago

I mean, I’m also a Zionist. Lots of people want me to cease to be. You just want me to cease to be sexual, so that’s improvement. I haven’t seen options besides Game, begging, and Be A Hollywood Celebrity.

11 years ago

That was some sad shit.

11 years ago

I miss the days when trolls lied their butts off about funny things.

11 years ago

I can insist on making my case here while still respecting women’s boundaries there.

11 years ago

My Internet is crashing, so you get your wish. {Departs in cloud of smoke}.

11 years ago

Seriously, can’t this guy just be banned? He’s a permanent annoyance.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Eurosabra — see, I know you’re capable of thought out polite conversation as we had such a conversation regarding the Israel/Palastine fucking mess. Stop posting, at least about PUA, until you’ve really thought it through. As for you claims about dating…make friends, remember her interests, have engaging conversation, ask her out, at worst, you just made a good friend — still a win.

Oh that note, everyone else, I need flirting tips! I mentioned I’ve been going into work with my mother again? Well I left my number with one of the techs to give to the deliverer of FedEx. I got greeted by name Wednesday, my first day going back in in months — some of the regular staff didn’t remember my name. So my mother thinks it’s worth a shot, but idk wtf do to since we have like a 5 min window for interaction! (Also, there are kids involved, sorta, like, I could offer to help watch the kids, but that’d probably go over terribly with FedEx kid’s ex…)

Lol, “FedEx kid” is a nickname given by my mother as there can’t be more than. 2 year age gap between us. And I’m cool with dating a single parent, totally get that the wee ones come first, but idk, should I just like, ask if my number ever got passed along? Is that a big enough hint that won’t be awkward if there’s no interest? Cuz I definitely don’t want to make things awkward at an office I’m only allowed in because they like me and I get the filing done super fast.

11 years ago

If someone told me to stop stealing food from a small store, they’re not telling me to starve.* When we tell you not to be a manipulative creep to get sex, we are not telling you to stop being sexual.

*I tend to dislike these metaphors, since often it’s used in the “I lock my car, cant you women just dress less slutty?”… I know stealing food isn’t as horrible as getting manipulated.

11 years ago

Argenti, a friend of mine managed to start dating a UPS guy that she only saw for 5 minutes at a time at her office. It was just clear there was an attraction, so she jumped right in and asked him out. She kind of skipped past the extended flirting period because she was afraid they would change his route or something and she’d lose her opportunity to interact with him. Carpe diem! (You should like that, it sounds like fish are involved, ha.)

11 years ago

I missed the part about the phone number being passed along. Also, she worked in an office where she could see his truck pull up, so she figured if it did get awkward, she could just absent herself during his delivery runs. 😀

11 years ago

You just want me to cease to be sexual

I doubt that anybody really cares that much about your sex life to be hoping whether or not you get laid. What people don’t want is for sex to be coercive or manipulative because that’s not cool and is rather rapey. PUA uses manipulative, coercive tactics, and as documented here many of the sites even have listed plenty of stuff that sounds very very close to date rape. And even when it doesn’t give a game plan for date rape the PUA sites assume the worst in both men and women because it HAS to boil men and women down into easy to explain stereotypes that actually don’t usually apply to most real people because if men and women weren’t monoliths, there’d be no supposed secret passcode for getting women to take their clothes off. If you’re troubled, PUA is really not the place to be going to work out your problems. PUA is a bogus racket, run by men who make their money by telling you that you aren’t good enough as you are. It is a business built on an odious lie that exists only to perpetuate itself. It does not actually exist to help you. What would be the point of that? If you got good at “game” you would cease to require the use of their product and therefore they would lose a customer. PUA helps no one.

@Argenti, I’m terrible at communicating interest to people but I think it’s totally just worth going for. Asking if they got the number seems perfectly casual to me.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Thanks guys! Should probably wait out this depressive funk first, but that works, more time to feel out if there’s anything there 🙂

11 years ago

Again, I feel compelled to defend the lighter and more positive side of PUA when David posts on the rapey outliers.


Says the kinder gentler gaslighter; who gets upset when (in light of his stated purpose here of defending the reprehensible) we remind the people who see him that…. he’s a PUA.

Which is is proud of, except that PUA is a, justifiably, dirty word.

We are all for guys finding a look, and getting some confidence and using their happy place to meet people. That’s good.

That’s not PUA, and you admit that it’s not the PUA you practice.

So, if you don’t like hearing about it, You don’t have to post. If you do, and continue to espouse what you espouse, we will continue to make sure people know what you stand for… manipulating women and abusing them, “benignly”.

So you want an anti-PUA echo chamber,

No, I don’t. Honestly, I’m glad you are here; because you are what passes for decent in the world of PUA. You understand consent (don’t really practice it, but yuo understand it, and seem to want to encourage it. You’ve told yourself that it’s not something you can get, and get laid, but hey…). You are as good as it gets.

And you are still a douchecanoe. So having you here is good for those who might be waffling. Who might think they can use “the good parts” and avoid the bad.

You just want me to cease to be sexual,

Liar. We don’t care if you have sex, or not. We care that you use abusive tactics to do it.

And you know that, because we keep saying it, every time you tell that lie.

11 years ago

So you want an anti-PUA echo chamber, yet David for whatever reason doesn’t enforce it with bans/blocks. I suppose you think letting me post here undermines PUA for the lurkers.

Oh shit it’s almost as though the community here is not a hivemind and David’s ban policy does not depend directly on the personal preferences of commenters, OBVIOUSLY AN ECHO CHAMBER.

Also gotta keep loling at “Well, if you want me to leave, you will have to forcibly restrain me from posting, otherwise you obviously don’t mean it.” GEE I WONDER WHY PEOPLE THINK YOU’RE A RAPE APOLOGIST IT ISN’T AS THOUGH YOU CONTINUOUSLY IGNORE SIGNALS THAT PEOPLE AREN’T INTERESTED IN YOUR COMPANY OR ANYTHING

11 years ago

Sorry, that should really read “why people think you’re a rape apologist at best and actual rapist at worst.” Unwarranted moment of generosity.

11 years ago

Look on the bright side – given his repeated attempts to spin “we don’t want to talk to you” to mean “you don’t want me to have sex!”, and how he keeps trying that tactic even though it doesn’t work, chances are that he’s not actually very good at manipulating his intended victims.

11 years ago

@elodieunderglass – that Friendzone pic is fantastic. Especially his arm going in one ear and out the other. 😀

11 years ago

@Radical Parrot – kitten in fedora! I iz ded of cute!

11 years ago

You know, as a man I am super offended by the implication that in order for me to be sexual I need to be coercive, aggressive, womanhating rapist.

Maybe I just need to check my non-misogynist privilege

11 years ago

Because you view all elements of Game as coercive. All of you are so biased there’s no reason to argue with you.

11 years ago

So, every PUA we meet, including you, is a gaslighting, coercive asshat who refuses to respect other people’s boundaries, but the reason we don’t like them is because we’re biased? Keep fucking that chicken, right on out the door.

11 years ago

RE: Eurosabra

And yet… here you are, still.

11 years ago

“Because you view all elements of Game as coercive. All of you are so biased there’s no reason to argue with you.”

Says the man who says he gaslights women and has had a full definition of it explaining that it’s mental abuse. Yeah, we’re only looking at Game as coercive ‘cos we’re so biased.

Go fuck yourself with a wasabi coated lego.


Because you view all elements of Game as coercive.
Isn’t the idea that women have sex and men have to trick them into giving it up fundamental to Game? Every PUA thing I’ve ever seen has basically treated women like rubes and men like carnival hucksters. Win a fuzzy hat.

Would you care to list some non-coercive elements of Game? (That are also true?)

11 years ago

As noted, no reason.

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