Two rage comics that capture well the true human tragedy that is FRIENDZONING, both of which I found in the awesome Blue Pill subreddit. The one above is by dont_buy_me_gold; the one below by SaltyChristian (who is, incidentally, a CERTIFIED ALPHA).
I have heard rumors that the entire Blue Pill subreddit is not actually a hangout for super alpha dudes but rather a parody of the Red Pill subreddit but I choose not to believe them, much in the same way I choose not to believe in the supposed “law” of gravity. It’s A THEORY, people!
(Note: These are both parodies, by the way, in case there is any confusion.)
I am not normally a fan of Winston Rowntree, but I rather liked his Friendzone comic today, thought it fitted in with the theme:
Blackhead’s posting style:
Black is white.
Purple is brown.
I am the eggman
It has been proven. You are all wrong. and that’s real.
Yep, Blackhead knows nothing about logic. Sigh.
Note that the feminists here were already having a discussion about whether TB was reversing the genders to make a point well before you came along. If any of us were trying to misrepresent MRAs we wouldn’t link back to the original.
And way to miss the point: TB routinely says such terrible shit that when she goes for satire/sarcasm she fails utterly.
I think Fedora is a spam bot.
Challenge, Fedora. Prove you’re not a spambot.
Nah, I think Sparky is just a blinkered moron. I’ve had much more fruitful conversations with spambots.
@ titanblue
Justicar (youtube channel) has done an item by item analysis of the comments Rebecca Watson claims to be receiving. Not one conclusive example in months of damseling. Rebecca also tried to get the police involved over a ridiculous story about a female skeptic wanting to kill her. The reality was simply that she put the ‘kill bill’ theme tune on a video about her.
Antia has been using her media empire to turn supposed threats into cash in much the same way that Rebecca has. You would have thought that if she had evidence of these things she would take it to someone who could make it stop but no.. this would make the money stop too!
Actually the Westbrough Baptist Church picketing Rebecca Watson sounds rather fun. They both deserve one another and at least they are not bothering innocent people while they are bothering one another.
think how easy it should be for Fedora to prove he is not a spam bot … thus, gasp, proving a negative. At which point, the universe collapses in upon itself and Fedora disappears up his own ass in a puff of purple smoke.
i am late as usual, but….
what was that typhon blue thing????? O__________O I’m completely horrified now. How can people actually think something like that? What thinking process goes on in order to get to a conclusion like that?
Adds internet trolling to the everexpanding list of things about which Blackhead understands nothing.
@ Cloudiah
I think you are close to the truth here. Gender politics is not a particularly rational area and both sides misunderstand anything that can be misunderstood. It is important to be literal in this situation.
Thank you, Argenti for making me laugh when I was starting to feel crappy after reading the tb piece of…. whatever.
I have presented conclusive evidence of many things to you in the past but this has not changed you views one bit- which would tend to indicate that I am right about this too.
TBF, I went back and checked the quote you claim was “substantially edited”. I find, however, with the omission of the words Typhon Blue blockquoted in reply, it is an exact reproduction of her words. Some of her double hyphens may have been changed to en-dashes but her words have not been changed. It is an exact quote.
That makes you in error, or a liar. Which is it?
By the way, if you put any trust in the Justicar then you are also a fool. He is a rabid slanderer and libeller; nothing he says is worth any rational person’s attention.
Well that’s handy, since no one here ever says that. Most people here seem to think most men are decent human beings. It tends to be the MRA posts that have the most “all men are slavering beasts” type of content, waxing poetic about how horrible it is that feminists object to rape because rape and abuse is supposedly “NORMAL MALE BEHAVIOR”. I can guarantee you that no one here has nearly as low an opinion of men as MRAs have of men.
Also, yes male rape is a thing that is horrible and happens, probably on a larger scale than we know because men are also very likely to be shamed into silence. FUCKING DUH. If you’ve been reading this blog for a long time you’d know about a troll named Ruby who managed to derail tons of threads because commenters weren’t willing to let her awful “prison rape is hilarious” bullshit stand.
So yeah, tell me again how “men can’t be raped” is a “feminist attitude”.
Projection, and now outright lying. I’m done with you.
Just wanted to leave some (sort of) good news to start the morning (at least starting it where I’m at): Beatriz, the woman in El Salvador who has been denied an abortion, will be getting an extremely early c-section that will probably save her life. It’s not the best news as it is still riskier and more invasive than an abortion, but it’s a way for her to sidestep the abortion ban and end the pregnancy before things get any worse for her, and she is expected to survive it with much better odds than she would have if she carried the pregnancy to term.
So, you know, still bad news that she’s had to wait this long and that she’s being forced to undergo a much more invasive procedure, but good news in that her life will almost certainly be saved.
I know we were discussing her in another thread but I can’t remember which right now so I just figured I’d leave this here.
@ ostara321
This notion is fundamental to feminism in practice but only to some feminists in theory. The standard response to male suffering, be it rape, medical neglect or the current rise of suicides is ridicule and ‘what about the menz’ shaming language. This is what we saw in the thread. Standard feminism.
Radfems seem to give an almost religious significance to the penis- as if if penetrated them even when doing nothing. Even a man looking at a woman becomes invasive. The natural conclusion to this is castration or all men or the mass raping of men in revenge.
I am aware not a feminists are RadFems.
‘All men are rapists’ is a feminist slogan- not a MRA slogan.
I find the confusion rather bizarre.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahaha – wheezes for breath – hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha – oh, gods, I’ve got stitch, I’ve tears streaming from my eyes – hahahahahahahahahahahahaha -falls off chair.
Palate cleansers:
Theo, the French Bulldog:
Golden Retrievers wearing handkerchiefs:
Princess Monster Truck:
To cite the tail end of a conversation as the complete statement is indeed selective editing.
The entire premise of this site is to take writing by men (and occasionally women) and then quote them out of context in an effort to find some imagined dark recess in the male soul.
It has quite failed in this so far.