Two rage comics that capture well the true human tragedy that is FRIENDZONING, both of which I found in the awesome Blue Pill subreddit. The one above is by dont_buy_me_gold; the one below by SaltyChristian (who is, incidentally, a CERTIFIED ALPHA).
I have heard rumors that the entire Blue Pill subreddit is not actually a hangout for super alpha dudes but rather a parody of the Red Pill subreddit but I choose not to believe them, much in the same way I choose not to believe in the supposed “law” of gravity. It’s A THEORY, people!
(Note: These are both parodies, by the way, in case there is any confusion.)
This post was near the end of a very long thread in which a man was verbally abused for having allowed himself to become too drunk to know what the woman was doing to him. It was not just blaming him for getting drunk it was castration threats and so on. I can only assume that TB’s reply was some sort of shock reversal of what was being said about him (that what happened to him was natural and therefore not rape).
Having said this the final sentence sounds crass as the preceding comments have been edited out and so the parody element has been lost.
Irony generally does not work on the Internet.
Also, that guy was passed out, and someone tied him up and assaulted him. Yes, he was raped. From his description, he is also exhibiting signs of PTSD after the assault so I hope he’s able to find some sort of support network because he needs to talk about it — and not on Reddit. It’s a fucking cesspool.
And I give you *drum roll* the Men’s Human Rights Movement! Defending the human rights of men by abusing men who have been raped.
@ Chie
If you scroll back you see that Brz has checked the original form of the TB comment and found that it was significantly edited.
I have read this blog for a while now and this always happens sooner or later. The supposed misogyny is ALWAYS fake.
It is very striking that honest examples cannot be found.
Do you suppose feminists do not post on MRM forums? Why would you assume this?
The implication of your post is that you accept that men can be raped by women.
You really are a nasty little shit-stain, aren’t you, Blackhat.
Multiple citations of examples where this blog has done this, immediately please. Should be easy, according to you.
Why yes Sparky, I do. Did I ever say otherwise? Ever? This persona has a very long history online and talks about rape a lot.
You see, this is because I’m not an asshole and don’t hate men, unlike MRAs.
And we have a lightbulb moment from Blackhat! Yes, Nepenthe is saying that men can be raped by women. And that it is disgusting that anyone should deny this. You really do lack any basic understanding of empathy, don’t you, Blackhead?
Also, are you claiming that all the people abusing this gent were secretly feminist false flags?
This blog is one long citation. I have not yet come across a single link or quote that comes close to what it is claimed to mean.
I would have thought that there were some genuine examples could be found but it is striking that none have so far despite Davids apparently wide reading.
Your average feminist blog on the other hand… wow.
Ninja’d by Nepenthe.
In Blackhead’s mirror world, it is the feminists who abuse rape victims so if rape victims are being abused on an MRM site, it must be visiting feminists. All that disonance must be giving you a massive headache, Blackhead.
I have no way of knowing their exact motivation. All I can say is that they were espousing feminist attitudes.
There is a weird overlap between feminism and the MRM (Tom Martin and so on) so it is not a complete ether/or situation.
Nice vague handwaving, Blackhead. Cuts not ice. Explicit example showing this assertion, explaining why it does not mean what it is supposed to mean.
Pigswill. Citations of supposed feminist attitudes by these posters, please, with corresponding attitudes quoted from mainstream feminists.
Put up or shut up.
@ titanblue
Well it is good to find agreement when we can.
This recognition is an important part of what the MRM is fighting for.
Projection, as usual.
Anita Sarkeesian does a fundraiser seeking $6K to work on a project that will examine stereotypes in video games. She receives rape and death threats, has her wiki page defaced with pornographic images and racist commentary, has a game made which allows the player to physically beat her.
Zerlina Maxwell says that because most rape is not stranger rape, women using guns to protect themselves won’t be a very successful tactic in the long run. She receives rape and death threats, and is deluged with racist and sexist attacks on Twitter.
Rebecca Watson advises guys to “not do that” after being propositioned on an elevator immediately after giving a speech which included commentary about how she dislikes that exact behavior. She is deluged with death and rape threats, which still continue to this day, TWO YEARS LATER.
A femra tweets the Westboro Baptist Church to urge them to harass the Women in Secularism event.
An MRA mocks up a fake feminist blog in which he claims to be a radical feminist who works at a university admissions office and who is blocking “white males” from entrance. The MRM buys the bullshit and identifies the wrong person, and harasses not only her, but the college she supposedly works for.
Feminist college students who participate in protests on campus are doxxed and harassed by the MRM.
Shit, these are just from the last six months, and yes, I’m including Watson in that because her harassment is ongoing.
It is impossible to prove a negative. If you think there is some SPECIFIC example of misogyny that you know about it is up to you to provide the links.
‘Vague ‘all men are misogynist’ statements simply will not do.
@ Chie
All of the examples you cite have been disproved.
Do you really think that if there was any reality behind them the authorities would take no action? Just think about it for a moment.
So Sparky, I read the whole thread and I didn’t find this rampant abuse you were talking about. Unlike a woman posting about being raped, only a couple of guys told him he should be happy. A few did the “well you were drinking” thing. A couple did a double take when they realized that they’d be calling a woman who posted the same thing a slut who deserved it. I checked out the ones who blamed him. They all seemed to be /mensrights regulars, or at least sporadic posters.
And I didn’t find this castration threat that you talked about. Linky link.
Are you subliterate or something? Where exactly have these statements been made? I’m just dying to know.
And I bet you think it’s only rape if there’s a conviction. I hope there’s cow shit on every piece of spinach you eat for the rest of your life.
Adds logic to the looooong list about which blackhead knows nothing.
There was a threat about a chainsaw. Actually it was directed at one of the ‘men cannot be raped because of Patriarchy or something’ crowd. My apologies.
The fact that someone is a regular on a forum does not mean they are agreement with the philosophy of the board.
All of the examples you cite have been disproved.
Really? Where and by whom?
@ titanblue.
An experiment- prove that I am not a pink elephant typing this with my trunk.
You will find that this cannot be done. Negatives cannot be proven.