Two rage comics that capture well the true human tragedy that is FRIENDZONING, both of which I found in the awesome Blue Pill subreddit. The one above is by dont_buy_me_gold; the one below by SaltyChristian (who is, incidentally, a CERTIFIED ALPHA).
I have heard rumors that the entire Blue Pill subreddit is not actually a hangout for super alpha dudes but rather a parody of the Red Pill subreddit but I choose not to believe them, much in the same way I choose not to believe in the supposed “law” of gravity. It’s A THEORY, people!
(Note: These are both parodies, by the way, in case there is any confusion.)
She’d have to be fathoms deep in denial to spend all her time on MRA sites spouting hatred of women as she does.
Tuphon Blue is truly a horrible little ideologue, but if you look at the context for the quote Cloudiah posted I think it’s clear that she’s aiming for “withering sarcasm” rather than “this is what I actually believe.” I mean, it’s kind of hard to tell, given that she has written, ostensibly in all seriousness, that being a man is like wearing a shock collar that constantly goes off, but it doesn’t seem to be 100% her actual beliefs.
I would also say the exact same thing about Tuphon Blue’s twin, Typhon Blue.
It’s so awful that there’s two of them.
On comics, the first one is almost too on the nose. In fact, don’t a lot of the “nice guys” complain about how women won’t dump their asshole boyfriends for them?
On Typhon Blue, I appreciate that she is working hard to “ironically” scare people away from aligning with her.
Hm, maybe, Tulgey. But when her online persona is so terrible that reasonable people can’t tell for sure … well, it might be a good idea for her to examine her life choices.
p.s I’d be willing to bet lots of money that no one in r/mr takes it as sarcasm.
Sorry to double post, but I found something interesting in my blog readings and thought people here might like it.
Coercive Reproduction
A study which talks about the signs to look for when a partner may be interfering with contraception or otherwise pressuring an intimate partner into becoming pregnant against their wishes.
If it’s supposed to be sarcasm, what’s she actually trying to say? I don’t have a damn clue.
Typhon blue is saying that raping a vagina is impossible because vaginas were made to fit around penises. However, raping a penis with a vagina is totally possible since the act is more like amputation.
She is pointedly avoiding noting that legal definitions of rape which don’t include rape of men as a possibility were invented by the patriarchy to protect the integrity of their property.
Never has there been a more apt nickname than “TB” for TyphonBlue. Her online persona is like TB, but for your ideas instead of your body.
Are we certain she’s not a very dedicated troll, though? I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea of the level of self-loathing it would take for a woman to see herself as a collection of holes designed to be fucked and nothing more.
…And now she made me sad as well as annoyed.
The context is that the original post is by some guy who feels like he was raped by a girl while drunk. In the thread there’s some good stuff and some “don’t get drunk” victim-blaming stuff, because they wouldn’t be the MRM if they were able to unequivocally blame a perpetrator for their actions. The person who TB is replying to in particular, though, said this:
The way I see it, she’s trying to show how ridiculous this is by saying something equally but oppositely ridiculous compared to that ass’s statement. Except since it’s TB, it sounds like something she actually believes.
Maybe reading the comment she responded to could give you a clue : she responded to someone who’s said that “there is a difference between vaginal/anal rape and penile rape” because “penises are outside the body” and “nothing gets left in them” and “they don’t usually get damaged during use, even rough use”.
You could have had already a clue if Cloudiah hasn’t removed the quote in the comment of Typhon Blue which says I always consider rape of an orifice worse than unwanted stroking on an appendage.
What does she mean when she say “vaginal rape don’t real because vagina is a hole” to someone who said “penis rape don’t real because penis is outside the body”? Dunno, must be rape apologia.
Anyway, nice team work manboobzers : half a brain for a dozen of mouths.
Fuck off, moron. TyphonBlue has a history of extreme misogyny. If anyone else wanted to make the same point they’d have done so without leaving any question whether they were being sarcastic. She’s no better a writer than you, and possibly just as foul a human being.
Someone needs to gently break it to TB that effective satire requires excellent writing skills.
It also helps not having a history of being genuinely horrible about the same topics.
She has painted herself into a corner a bit. How can anyone tell that you’re attempting satire if you say equally appalling things about similar subjects all the time?
If someone had attributed that quote to, say, Ann Coulter, to pick a woman whose political opinions I find ridiculous, I would have gone looking for context, because as obnoxious as she is I’ve never known her to say anything comparable to that quote. But Typhon Blue? She says jaw-droppingly awful things all the time, so what else is new?
@ CassandraSays
In other words she is responsible for your reading comprehension?
If you have a problem in this area then fix it.
Reading comprehension is patriarchy.
@brz she still said a vagina cannot be raped because science. fuck off.
I’m not even going to bother to try to figure out this one from TB. She has such bizarre ideas I never quite believe she’s serious about anything she writes, but pretty much every time I’ve looked into it, she has been serious. Even by manosphere standards, her ideas are strange. Brz and hatboy, have you never noticed this?
But david! Asking questions is misandry!
@ David.
TB generally expresses herself by reversing a thing and seeing how it sounds in its reversed state. Often this takes the form of taking some common anti male sentiment such as the ones expressed on this blog and then simply revering the sexes. We find that what seems normal when directed at men suddenly becomes shocking when aimed at women. It his her way of showing the ways in which our culture has become blind to misandry.
I would guess this is the same sort of thing. The fact that it was edited pretty heavily before coming here would suggest that.
Love her or hate her, she is a brilliant woman.
Want to point me to exactly where David or the commenters on his blog have endorsed the view that raping someone vaginally is bad and raping someone by enveloping their penis is okay?
Actually, you know what? We did have a recurring troll, now banned, who used to say that. So what you’ll want to do is dig up his old posts, ignore that everyone else was appalled and told him to fuck off forever, and come back and use it as proof that everybody here believes that envelopment without consent is not rape. Because that’s what you do, right? Find something that one individual said, and that everyone else rejected with disgust, and claim that’s what this entire community thinks?
Her exact quote was copy/pasted, AND a direct link to the original quote was provided. Nothing was edited. She was responding to someone who apparently claimed that forced penetration was worse than unwanted touching. I also disagree that one is “worse” than the other — unwanted touching of any kind is an assault. But she didn’t simply “reverse the genders” as you claim she did. She outrightly claimed that vaginal rape does not exist because the vagina was meant to accept a penis — erasing the woman completely and reducing her to a hole.
She’s a sociopath.