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Friendzoning: The Rage Comics


Two rage comics that capture well the true human tragedy that is FRIENDZONING, both of which I found in the awesome Blue Pill subreddit. The one above is by dont_buy_me_gold; the one below by SaltyChristian (who is, incidentally, a CERTIFIED ALPHA).

I have heard rumors that the entire Blue Pill subreddit is not actually a hangout for super alpha dudes but rather a parody of the Red Pill subreddit but I choose not to believe them, much in the same way I choose not to believe in the supposed “law” of gravity. It’s A THEORY, people!

(Note: These are both parodies, by the way, in case there is any confusion.)


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11 years ago

Dave: The rest of you, could you also cooperate and not talk about him either in this thread?

Sorry. Done.

As for me… had unpleasant spinning adventure. I’ve been drop-spinning some yarn for a friend. I went to ply it up, and miscalculated the lay (i.e. which direction the twist was) and tried to ply it the wrong way. So I had to cut the plies (which were, “cobweb” [i.e. less than 1/60th inch across, to be more arcane it was averaging about 1pt]), and start over.

Then (this is the adventure), I tried to reverse the 10 meters or so I’d already plied wrong. It’s probably usable, but very, “arty”.

And it’s still really fine.

11 years ago

What about summer hats that are fairly plain? Cloth ones in a single colour, for instance. Think of ’em as helping frame your face while you can’t have your hair long enough to do so. At any rate, it’s important to cover up in summer. Speaking from the country with the highest rate of skin cancer in the world, I’ve heard this message a long time!

11 years ago

Argh, Pecunium, having to undo all that work does not sound fun!

11 years ago


“Think of ‘em as helping frame your face while you can’t have your hair long enough to do so.”

That’s a nice way to look at it. Can you please show me an example of such a hat, though? It doesn’t ring a bell ATM.

11 years ago

This is more or less the sort of thing, though it’s a bit more extravagant than the ones I see around the place in pharmacies and the like:

This is the sort of thing I’m thinking of: some come with a turn-up brim, which helps counter updrafts.

I was also thinking of maybe straw panamas or trilbies, too, like this:

I know that doesn’t really go with your dress style at present, but for the future at least, or when you’re dressed up a bit for work, maybe?

I’m not sure how fine a line you’d have to walk with not getting your father flying into a “That’s a girl’s hat!” tizz, so I’m thinking of not-too-feminine stuff, or trying to.

11 years ago

Does anyone else have trouble understanding MRAs? Whenever I try to read anything from them, I’m left with that “… What the fuck did I miss???” feeling.
The right eloquently most of the time, but it still doesn’t follow for me.
I know I’m kind of hypocrite for saying that, since my writing can be bad sometimes, but jesus, it’s like every single MRA I’ve come across has that bizarre, humorless writing style.

11 years ago

(Heheh this is all just leading to saying WEAR A FEDORA!)


11 years ago

The reason I’m saying this is because whenever I read Eurosabra’s comments, I have to reread them several times because I have no idea why he’s talking about whatever he’s talking about.

11 years ago

Eloquent? That lot? More like verbal diarrhoea, I’d have said …

Their stuff’s like those sentences that are constructed to show something can be grammatically correct yet make no sense whatsoever, except they miss the “grammatically correct” bit more often than not.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pecunium — if you mean the yarn you showed me, it was going to look “artsy” in any case, that mixed green/blue is gorgeous (screen cap just the yarn for everyone else to behold?)

Me? I washed my hair…big achievement, I know! Going into the shop with my mother in the morning, which probably means MAOR IPAD GAMES!! Very exciting, I know.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oh and congrats Aaliyah!

11 years ago

I think reading any troll’s comments here is like a game of join the dots, because there often enough isn’t much connection between Rantwhine 1 and Rantwhine 2, even though they’re ostensibly on the same subject. Part of it’s goalpost shifting (like the slimer’s latest whine), part of it’s … because they’re dumbasses?

That, or they just repeat themselves.

11 years ago

Screen cap of the yarn, yes please!

11 years ago

Oh and Argenti – m’lud has promised not to borrow my new beret! Amazing!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Kitteh — a hat you can keep! Excellent!

11 years ago


I really like the second hat, but yeah, I’m going to face some gender-policing for sure if I do that. Thank you for the suggestion, though – I’ll definitely keep it in mind.

Maybe I can cover my head with this keffiyeh I have like I do sometimes. (I’m just holding it in the air – that’s not how I wear it on my head XD)

That way I can cover my head wIthout facing gender-policing (because it’s often seen as a masculine accessory)

11 years ago

Oops, here’s the photo.

11 years ago

I was thinking (frivolously) before of how your dad would react if you wore a hijab … but if the keffiyah is acceptable, go for it!

Argenti – to paraphrase Meatloaf, one out of three ain’t bad! 😛

Maude LL
11 years ago

You knitted that beret, kitteh?
I thought you were just starting! It looks really good.
I love the tassel.

11 years ago

That is so awesome that you get a job doing web dev. What’s the project you’ll be working on about?

11 years ago

Thanks, Maude! Yes, I knitted it. Third thing I’ve done with cable, about the seventh beret I’ve done altogether – the others were all in garter stitch. The pattern’s very easy.

I was pleased with the tassel, too! Easier to make than I thought, and it covers the bit at the back where the pattern goes haywire. I got the idea from a huge book on knitting Mum just bought for my birthday.

11 years ago


I’m working on a bookkeeping software – most of it has already been done, but I need to finish the work alongside my cousin (he also got a job for the same project). It’s a hefty project as it requires pretty much every single web technology I know and I have to do a shitload of additional reading. Especially on Ruby on Rails.

11 years ago

Well, think of this: cash, perhaps for therapy, and a shitload of good stuff to go on your CV.

(Would that help with your college acceptance, btw?)

11 years ago

That sounds like it’ll be a great experience. I hope it’s lots of fun and not too stressful.

11 years ago

Argenti: The color changes are a common yarn style (varigated). Art yarns are, “thick and thin”, boucl&eactute;, “muppet”, glitter, metallic, beaded and other sorts of strange stuff.

Here are links to the spindle, with some of that yarn on it.

They are from my phone, so they aren’t the best.