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Friendzoning: The Rage Comics


Two rage comics that capture well the true human tragedy that is FRIENDZONING, both of which I found in the awesome Blue Pill subreddit. The one above is by dont_buy_me_gold; the one below by SaltyChristian (who is, incidentally, a CERTIFIED ALPHA).

I have heard rumors that the entire Blue Pill subreddit is not actually a hangout for super alpha dudes but rather a parody of the Red Pill subreddit but I choose not to believe them, much in the same way I choose not to believe in the supposed “law” of gravity. It’s A THEORY, people!

(Note: These are both parodies, by the way, in case there is any confusion.)


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11 years ago

No, I have decided that the partner is not attractive to me. I conclude that the other person evaluating that partner has criteria unknowable to me, and I consider their taste for *physical* form different from mine. It is possible that someone can have a partner who would be almost-universally rated “unattractive” on “Hot or Not” for example, it is possible to speak of people as “not conventionally attractive.” I don’t doubt that this other person *feels* attraction for this “not conventionally attractive” person. But she/he/zie isn’t necessarily appearing on the cover of fashion magazines anytime soon. So, yes, I tend to judge him/her/hir as having really unusual/”non-socially-sanctioned” taste, and that some kind of consensus on that “non-socially-sanctioned” taste might be found on, say, “Hot or Not.” So yes, we’re dealing with the social meaning of appearance and not objective truth, but it exists and can have real effects.

As far as Louis goes, I would generally say that he was quite conventionally attractive in earthly form, for his time, and to a certain extent for our time as well:

SFW, except for Frondistes. You can definitely see the family resemblance, and some people today would read conventional 16th-17th century male fashion as “gender-bending” today, but I think the portraits of him as an adult would be read as attractive.

11 years ago

Jesus, is EuroCreep still trying to prove he’s not a sleazebucket? Give it up, pusbag.

11 years ago

So yes, we’re dealing with the social meaning of appearance and not objective truth, but it exists and can have real effects.

Uhh… so what effect does it have if I am not conventionally attractive, but my partner thinks I’m hot. Or vice versa. Why are you judging other people’s partners anyway. Why are you talking about this at all? I’m so confused.

11 years ago

Well, there’s a lot of possible eye-rolling from your partner’s entourage and lectures to him/her/hir about the possibility of doing better, although this kind of policing tends to be a younger people and/or parental thing. I’m judging other people’s partners because I’m judgey, because I have a lot of male friends who really *did* make lots of $ with the calculation that it would make them more attractive to the-most-conventionally-attractive women who then apparently threw their usual criteria to the winds when it came time to settle down. So, I’m a bit mystified that they’re undoing their usual calculation. Then again, I have retained a transactional view a bit longer than all of my friends, except the lawyers.

11 years ago

Nicely put, BlackBloc.

EuroCreep, no one here cares what your friends did or what you do or why you’re so unsuccessful with the ladies. We have a pretty damn good idea why that might be.

11 years ago

I’ve actually seen a suicide bombing in the bar section of a café in Jerusalem. So I’ve seen the aftermath of scenes like that IRL. It’s very triggering for me, it’s triggered my INTENSE hatred and loathing of you. Moreover, various Palestinians and Germans have already expressed the desire to see me dead, so this is nothing new.

11 years ago

I write something like that, I get banned. You write it, everyone applauds.

11 years ago

You just wrote it–whatever that was–and you’re still here. Stop the martyr routine, jackass.

Like I said before, bring it.

11 years ago

Well, there’s a lot of possible eye-rolling from your partner’s entourage and lectures to him/her/hir about the possibility of doing better, although this kind of policing tends to be a younger people and/or parental thing.

Yeah, you better watch out for that kind of thing. Having someone roll their eyes at you would be terrible, way more terrible than not being with someone you love.

I have a hunch that very few “you could do better” chats that your partners have participated in have centered around your appearance.

11 years ago

What’s EuroCreeper wanking about now?

11 years ago

Who the fuck knows. He really wants to tell us off, but as usual, he’s too chickenshit. So he’s going to skate riiiiiight up to the line, because he doesn’t want to get banned.

I think he should have been binned the moment he reared his pointy little sleazebag head, but not my final call.


“All over the world major museums have bowed to the influence of Disney and become theme parks in their own right. The past, whether Renaissance Italy or Ancient Egypt, is re-assimilated and homogenized into its most digestible form. Desperate for the new, but disappointed with anything but the familiar, we recolonize past and future. The same trend can be seen in personal relationships, in the way people are expected to package themselves, their emotions and sexuality, in attractive and instantly appealing forms.” ― J.G. Ballard, The Atrocity Exhibition

You’ll be a lot happier if you quit letting what they think about how attractive someone is influence your own assessment.

11 years ago

BlackBloc indirectly expressed a wish that I die violently on my next bar-hopping venture, using a Game of Thrones reference.
He didn’t know I’m a two-time survivor of someone’s suicide terrorist attacks.
That was triggering–it triggered hatred and loathing of BlackBloc.
If I wrote something like that, I’d be banned.

11 years ago

You are still here. Even after we’ve told you to fuck off repeatedly.

I personally don’t care what triggers you, you gaslighting fucknut.

11 years ago

I’m pretty sure that there are no suicide bombing scenes in Game of Thrones, on account of there being no bombs.

11 years ago

Ballard needed to read Houellebecque. The spiritual no longer prevails over the material, if it ever did. Also, most of the ambiguity I feel about appearance tends to impact the *beginning* of relationships. Not that you care.

11 years ago

You are so right about us not caring.

11 years ago

Ha, ha. May you never see what I’ve seen, if you have, my sympathies. A room of bloodied corpses is the same, in any language, place, or time.

11 years ago

Maybe he’s afraid of being invited to a Red Wedding. Or Dragons. Dragons are as real as bombs…aren’t they?

*eye roll*

11 years ago

David keeps writing about PUA, I keep replying.

11 years ago

“Also, most of the ambiguity I feel about appearance tends to impact the *beginning* of relationships. Not that you care.”

I know I don’t.
When did this thread become all about Eurosabra’s hang-ups?

11 years ago

Every thread he gets involved in ends up being about his hang-ups. That’s why I wish David would just ban him – I’m tired of him trying to use us to work out his issues.

11 years ago

EuroCreep, your insistent whine that because David keeps writing about PUA so you’ll keep replying makes you sound like the petulant man-child you are.

Maybe if PUA weren’t pro-rape douchebags, there would be no need to write about them. Fuck off.

11 years ago

Occasionally you raise a detail about PUA that I feel merits a response, because I think I can provide context or nuance. Generally that gets drowned in venom directed at me. And I go off on tangents of anger, accusations of tu quoque, or self-pity when my buttons get pushed. I’m generally good at staying off MRA threads because I’m not an MRA, I think men’s problems don’t need a gender movement to combat them, because they are problems with capitalism, sexism, and racism that happen to be pointed at men. I agree that the discussions generally aren’t productive and I’m happier when I stay away.

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