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Friendzoning: The Rage Comics


Two rage comics that capture well the true human tragedy that is FRIENDZONING, both of which I found in the awesome Blue Pill subreddit. The one above is by dont_buy_me_gold; the one below by SaltyChristian (who is, incidentally, a CERTIFIED ALPHA).

I have heard rumors that the entire Blue Pill subreddit is not actually a hangout for super alpha dudes but rather a parody of the Red Pill subreddit but I choose not to believe them, much in the same way I choose not to believe in the supposed “law” of gravity. It’s A THEORY, people!

(Note: These are both parodies, by the way, in case there is any confusion.)


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11 years ago

I would have to be inside their heads to know if they are really attracted to their partners. But I could SEE if their partners are conventionally attractive. My guess is they’re not, which is not a sin or a crime, most people aren’t.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago


Quick Definition: The act of kino escalating yourself, better known as masturbation.”

*dies* nicely done talacaris, for once, you’ve produced something genuinely funny.

And I have no problem with peacocking, other than the potential to look absurd. And isn’t voice attraction like, using your “phone voice” basically? So yeah, also fine (well, mostly, don’t try altering your voice too much or you can fuck it up [your voice, not the sound of it])

But point stands that the acceptable parts of PUA are about changing yourself. (And no, lying doesn’t count, not for an actual relationship anyways, one night stands? Just don’t lie about STDs and shit like whether you’ve got another partner who’d call it cheating)

11 years ago

@Eurosabra: Can you please show us the things in The Game that you find acceptable? And not acceptable?

11 years ago

My guess

Yep, nice to know you realise that you’re guessing. At pretty much everything. Go away & come back when you have some some facts, laddie.

11 years ago

Eurosabra: No, I mean no reason to debate, no useful purpose or outcome to be served debating the irrevocably biased.

This assumes we are wrong. This actually betrays your fundamental failing: you operate under the condition that “game” is a proven thing.

We don’t. So you have to convince us. The tools you have used have failed. Not because we are biased, but because the eividence (how many “approaches were you making? What number of approaches do your disciples have to make? Some of them are in the realm of, 300? Based on studies in colleges, that means Game is worse than just randomly approaching women and saying, “hey, wanna fuck?”) you provide isn’t convincing.

When you say, “all women hate disable men”, we have experience which contradicts this absolute claim. They may reject you, but they didn’t reject me. They may have rejected you, but there are women on this board who didn’t reject disabled men.

You are wrong.

When you argue that abusive techniques (mild gaslighting) is acceptable, because otherwise you can’t get your dick wet, we disagree.

It’s not that we reject, “game”, per se, it’s that we reject abusive manipulations. In that I admit to being, “biased”. I’m PROUD of that “bias”.

11 years ago

Again, I don’t have to convince you. There is nothing to be won or decided in the real world as a result of this space, except that maybe Gamer McVeigh (and I wish he did not exist and we would do well to root him out) now knows about and focuses on the SPLC.

11 years ago

Then why are you still here?

11 years ago

Again, I don’t have to convince you.

Do you really think there is a large group of Proto-PUA here?

What is your investment in legitimising game? If it is what you want, and it gets you what you want, and you don’t care that you are abusing women, why do you care about its image in the wider world?

Who are you tying to convince?

11 years ago

I would have to be inside their heads to know if they are really attracted to their partners. But I could SEE if their partners are conventionally attractive. My guess is they’re not, which is not a sin or a crime, most people aren’t.

That would have to be the fucking stupidest thing you’ve said yet. If their partners are attractive to them, they’re attractive. What you think is irrelevant. And who the hell are you to ask whether someone’s “really attracted” to their partner? Do you get to make some sort of judgement on this?

Could it possibly be that you’re just as bigoted about women’s appearences as you like to claim women are about yours? Have you ever approached a woman who was not “conventionally attractive” by your standards, or who had, for instance, a limp? (Oh the horror!)

I’m betting you haven’t, and you’re just playing the same old, same old double standard of whining both that women dismiss men who aren’t handsome enough, and there aren’t enough twenty-year-old supermodels around for you to take your pick from.

11 years ago

blockquote monster’s awake, I see …

11 years ago

She has such bizarre ideas I never quite believe she’s serious about anything she writes, but pretty much every time I’ve looked into it, she has been serious. Even by manosphere standards, her ideas are strange. Brz and hatboy, have you never noticed this?

Typhon Blue is what a feminist would look like if “gender equality” were more than just a rhetorical argument for feminists : someone who believe that feminists have betrayed their cause by transforming their movement into an anti-male cult and that, in order to finally achieve the gender equality utopia, they just need to prove by logic that men’s problems also exist and should matter and the ongoing demonization of men and masculinity will stop by itself.
It’s just typical MRM crap.

11 years ago

“Typhon Blue is what a feminist would look like if “gender equality” were more than just a rhetorical argument for feminists”

*spits out drink*

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

someone who believe that feminists have betrayed their cause by transforming their movement into an anti-male cult and that, in order to finally achieve the gender equality utopia, they just need to prove by logic that men’s problems also exist and should matter and the ongoing demonization of men and masculinity will stop by itself.

“anti-male cult”

Yes, I feel so victimized. Aaa. Aaa. Help me.

Your next bit is a bit of a hash, and I had to read it three times to understand what you meant.

I think … “[TB] believes that if she shows feminists that men suffer and are opproessed they will stop oppressing men.” Roughly.

Which is so wrong on so many levels. Aaaah, women oppressing me by asking to be paid fairly, aaaaaa. Women oppressing me asking for hate sites on Facebook to be taken down, aaaa, oh noes.

Brz, you’re just… getting more and more divorced from reality every day. Take a break, son.

11 years ago

If Typhonblue is trying to prove anything by logic, she’s producing a whole new level of fail.

11 years ago

Typhoidblue just hopes desperately that her “edginess” (feminism is just like anti-semitism, and OH! I’m just going to use the N-word a few times) will distract everyone from the fact that there’s no substance to her arguments.

11 years ago

It’s not f*cking stupid, it’s a perspective that states that conventional attractiveness is well-defined and personal criteria of attractiveness are individual, largely unknown to the outside observer and probably unknowable to a certain extent even to the holder. So I can’t know if they are really attracted, but the example of the bride who dodged the groom’s kiss at her own wedding raises doubts. So I go with the observable. I judge. People do judge. It’s probably a fault.

You’d probably be surprised at the varied women I’ve dated, never mind approached, if you weren’t too busy advising them to run screaming for the hills. I am not grousing a bit that there aren’t enough 20-year-old supermodels to go around but that’s not a major issue, that’s a strawPUA.

11 years ago

So I go with the observable.

No, you don’t. The observable is that people are together. The presumption is they are with people to whom they are attracted.

You have decided (contra the observed facts) that any person who doesn’t meet your, idiosyncratic, interpretation of, “conventionally attractive” is, in some way, not actually attractive to the people they are involved with.

Occam’s razor says the better assumption is, absent evidence to the contrary the smart money bets on the two parties to a relationship each finding the other attractive.

11 years ago

Dude, we could be lying about everything to everyone else and no one would know. That’s a given. That would mean that all your experiences with women would also have the potential to be fake, too. Hell, we could all be kittens trained by David to type this. You never know. But that’s given with any interaction.

11 years ago

So I go with the observable. I judge. People do judge. It’s probably a fault.

Why would you rate how attractive my partner is to me by how much you’re attracted to her? That’s like trying to figure out how hungry someone about to eat is by judging whether you like the food on their plate. That’s just so… stupid.

*takes a huge bite of anchovy and pickled brussel sprout pizza with soy cheez*

11 years ago

“So I go with the observable. I judge. People do judge. It’s probably a fault.”

I’m honestly really lost by this. You can’t judge what people thing, therefore you judge? Was the “fault” comment in response to how clearly stupid that is?

11 years ago

Think*, not thing….

11 years ago

Why would you rate how attractive my partner is to me by how much you’re attracted to her?

Subjectivity, what’s that?

11 years ago

You’d probably be surprised at the varied women I’ve dated, never mind approached, if you weren’t too busy advising them to run screaming for the hills.

They don’t need us to do that. Your own account says the vast majority of them aren’t interested. It’s what you spend half your time here whining about.

As to the first part of that word salad … you’ve already been answered. You’re talking as if conventionally attractive (or what you find attractive) overrrides the evidence of a couple being together. To repeat: fucking stupid.

Hell, we could all be kittens trained by David to type this.

Shhh, don’t give all our secrets away!

11 years ago

memo to self: no more pre-breakfast attempts to do blockquotes

11 years ago

Maybe it’s the ol’ “my experience is the only one that counts” thing again. Euroslime isn’t attracted to a particular woman, therefore he can’t quite believe that any other man would be, either.

… which kind of means no woman is ever attracted to a man, ‘cos Eurosabra isn’t, therefore nobody can be.

Two bits of anecdata: I don’t find my best friend’s fiance remotely physically attractive. But there is no question they are enormously attracted to each other.

I was seriously surprised when friends started admitting thoughts like “whoarrr!” came to mind about Mr K – and that’s from seeing his earth-time portraits. I hadn’t thought he would be thought hot by other people. He isn’t Conventionally Attractive after all, how can this be? ::head explodes::

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