a woman is always to blame alpha males antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? bad boys boner rage evil sexy ladies evil women men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny not-quite-explicit threats oppressed men playing the victim PUA straw feminists taking pleasure in women's pain thug-lovers we hunted the mammoth

Men Violent Because of Women, Says Man Who Hates Women

I blame women.

Over on This is Why MGTOW, the blogger who calls himself Cerberus Alpha (dude, seriously?) attempts to answer the question: Why are men more violent?

Rather than attempting to engage with the extensive scholarly literature on the subject, or even making a token effort to do any research on the subject whatsoever, Mr. Alpha instead spins a few familiar manosphere fairy tales into “evidence” that it’s all the fault of those evil sexy ladies and their evil sexy and/or feminist ways.

Young women train violence and criminality into young men. The thug with the shaved head who communicates in grunts is sexually rewarded. The empathetic bookworm is denied if not publicly humiliated if he approaches a girl. So the bookworm puts down the book, gets contacts and a tattoo, bulks up in the gym, and generally acts like an asshole. (Why would he be nice to women any more?) Suddenly, he finds himself showered in pussy. This is how it works. Women’s sexual desires are dark and pathological, and this encourages men to become violent criminals if they want to get laid.

His evidence for this?

Just look at all the Game blogs out there, which teach men how to mimic the frame of the uncaring, alpha criminal without actually breaking the law.

That’s right. Misogynist dude pontificating about ladies cites as evidence … other misogynist dudes pontificating about ladies. THAT’S SCIENCE!

Oh, but the perfidy of the evil violence-causing ladies gets worse! Because they also force men to commit evil violence by, apparently, telling them to do it in sweet sexy voices:

Women’s own violence is committed via proxy (i.e. they get men to do the difficult work of physical coercion), and thus is incorporated into men’s overall violence. That’s pretty smart of women, in a devious and manipulative sort of way. A woman who has a problem with a man (or just wants to see a guy get beaten up, because that kind of sadism makes her tingle) sidles up to her boyfriend and asks so-sweetly if he will ‘do something’ about that guy who’s bothering her. But when the fun is over and the cops show up because someone is leaving the party in an ambulance, it was all his fault, see. She didn’t do a thing. She’s sugar and spice and all things nice.

I think Mr. Alpha here is confusing real life with the TV show Cheaters.

But wait!  We haven’t even gotten to the even eviller evils of … FEMINISM.

Since the 1960s, normal male behavior has been increasingly criminalized while criminal female behavior has been increasingly normalized. This process is known as ‘feminism,’ and includes legal restrictions on politically incorrect speech, redefinitions of ‘harassment,’ and so on. This ground has been covered over and over again in the sphere and we don’t need to retread how feminism makes it illegal simply to exist as a man.

Uh, maybe you do need to go over that once more because, well, here’s the thing, I’m a dude, and I’ve never been arrested for being a man. Or even given a warning. And I’m pretty sure there are literally billions of other men on planet earth in the same situation as I am. Are there warrants out for us all?

The flip side is that crimes like abortion and infanticide, for which women were typically held responsible, have been made legal and normalized by feminists.

Really? Could you remind me again when Congress passed the Actual Live Human Baby Killing Is A-OK With Us Act, because I’m pretty sure infanticide isn’t legal or “normalized” in the US or anywhere on this planet. And in the US, at least, abortion rights (not to mention abortion providers) are under pretty much constant attack.

Mr. Alpha also suggests that male violence is just a sort of side effect of men being such hard workers and deep thinkers and shit:

Men commit more crime because men do more of anything, that is apart from self-obsessed complaining. This is the Y-chromosome explanation that radfems are so fond of, except they miss out the part that if there’s no Jack the Ripper then there’s no Einstein either, and it’s kind of hard to be a career grrl if men haven’t invented corporations and desks yet. Men are proactive as women are reactive, which in laymen’s terms means we get shit done.

Also, mammoths, we hunted them to feed you, etc.

Not content to blame male violence on women, Mr. Alpha ends by suggesting that he won’t really mind if some men — wink, wink — wise up and start directing some of this violence at the ladies who made them all violent in the first place.

The majority of violence committed by men, which is encouraged or outright instructed by women, as described above, is committed against other men. Thus for the most part, it can be described as female violence against men, delivered via proxy. …

If, however, these machinations happen to backfire, and a man who has been trained into criminal violence turns on his trainers, who am I to care?

Gosh, men in the “sphere” sure do love to fantasize about ladies getting beaten up by men, don’t they?

Dude, please, go your own fucking way already. The farther you go, the better.

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M Dubz
11 years ago

@Cassandra- Yes, exactly. You said it far more succinctly than I did!

11 years ago


Finishing up that last part in point 1:

“Really, internalized misogyny can influence women and girls’ preferneces in men and boys profoundly. And I think it’s strange that Serano ignores this; she instead attacks a straw man.”

11 years ago

Reblogged this on iheariseeilearn.

Zanana the Pegging Queen
Zanana the Pegging Queen
11 years ago

Agreed- I really don’t believe that abusers and harassers are more likely to attract women. the part of that article that did seem plausible to me was the part where we as a culture understand sexual interactions through such a fucked up predator/prey lens that we then can’t help but view all sexually active people in terms of these terrible stereotypical roles (e.g., assholes and whores)

I think this idea that only assholes are sexually “successful” falls directly from that framework.

11 years ago

It’s even funnier when they start insisting that women prefer assholes because they want to hurt nice guys because…reasons?

11 years ago

It would help if our culture would stop viewing rapes accomplished when the victim was incapacitated by alcohol or drugs as praiseworthy notches on a man’s stud belt.

11 years ago

Okay, this (link is to NYT) is incredibly infuriating:

El Salvador’s highest court on Wednesday denied an appeal from a woman with a high-risk pregnancy to be allowed to undergo an abortion, upholding the country’s strict law banning abortion under any circumstances.

Her fetus, which has anencephaly, a severe birth defect in which parts of the brain and skull are missing, has almost no chance of surviving after birth, leading her doctors to urge an abortion to protect Beatriz’s health before it deteriorates further.

Women (and other people who can get pregnant) are just fucking breeding stock.

11 years ago

Sorry, I just plopped that there in the middle of an ongoing discussion. I’m just a teensy bit upset.

M Dubz
11 years ago

Hey Mr. “gentle patriarchy,” you do realize that this is what happens when we think it’s okay to think of women as animals in need of controlling, right?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

cloudiah — I saw that just a bit ago and holy fuck. Can’t get an abortion now, has to wait until her life is in imminent danger, then they can induce labor to “potentially save mother and child”, exactly 0% odds the fetus can survive even at term. It’s fractally fucked up.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

Personally I’ve been “showered in pussy” (and the occasional dick) *because* I’m a bookworm. Not a tattoo in sight… though I’ve thought of getting one, I’m too fickle to stay interested in one design for more than a few months, and so I wisely abstained. And I know I’m all “Black Bloc! RAAWR!”, but I’ve dealt relatively low amounts of violence in my life.

Admittedly, I should credit one particular book the most for this state of affair.

Not being a jerk also helped, in that it helps get repeat business as well as not have your reputation precede you and poison your odds of hitting it off with other people.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oh, and of course induced labor is way more dangerous than early abortion.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

Man, I didn’t think linking to it would result in a huge ad.

11 years ago

I signed an Amnesty International petition about Beatriz’s case a couple of days ago. If anyone wants to sign as well here’s the link to the petition.

11 years ago

A fetus with no chance to live is more valuable than a living, breathing woman. They don’t give a shit that her living kid may lose a mother, because once born kids don’t matter either, unless they’re wealthy & photogenic.

Fuck that.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Myoo — signed, shared, thank you. It’s like an inverse “you keep using that word”. Anancephaly is incompatible with life, and that’s a phrase they’re apparently not grasping.

11 years ago

As far as MRAs go, they probably think any pregnant woman deserves to die. After all she’s had sex at least once, and it’s not likely to have been with one of them.

11 years ago

@Darth Conan, thanks for writing that up but I actually knew all that. 😉 I was asking rhetorically, because the vast majority of “politically incorrect” speech is not illegal in western countries.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Fuck, pick your best case:

She’s relatively healthy, it’s a stillbirth
She’s relatively health, fetus is born alive and struggles to survive on brain stem functions for, at most, a few days, while she has to watch it suffer and slowly die.

Seriously, even without her life being in danger, abortion seems the right choice here.

M Dubz
11 years ago

It’s like, the fetus has no brain. NO BRAIN. You cannot live if you are missing your brain.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

So yeah, best case? Miscarriage. That should never be your best case! *asplodes*

11 years ago

On a related subject, this was good.

In conclusion,

if what we have is two sides, one of which has the policy goal “reproductive freedom for women,’ the other of which has the policy goal “women shouldn’t ever choose to have sex, but if they do they should be forced to give birth,” then there is no possible compromise.

11 years ago


They make exceptions for non-wealthy, severely disabled babies that Satan worshiping monsters like us would have murdered in the womb. Anencephalics usually have brain stems and their bodies can sometimes survive for quite a while on their own, especially if that pesky “not having a skull” problem can be worked around. One can find numerous online shrines to these breathing dolls.

This one was kept alive for almost three years by court order.

11 years ago

There are three recorded cases of anencephalic infants surviving two years – it wouldn’t surprise me if there are people out there who’d force a woman to go through childbirth, whether or not her own life or health were at risk, because an infant with no cerebrum (and no ability to feel pain, no consciousness … nothing) just might live that long. If live is even the word for it.

Warning, there are a couple of frightful pictures on Wiki’s article.

11 years ago

Ninjaed by Nepenthe!

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