Over on This is Why MGTOW, the blogger who calls himself Cerberus Alpha (dude, seriously?) attempts to answer the question: Why are men more violent?
Rather than attempting to engage with the extensive scholarly literature on the subject, or even making a token effort to do any research on the subject whatsoever, Mr. Alpha instead spins a few familiar manosphere fairy tales into “evidence” that it’s all the fault of those evil sexy ladies and their evil sexy and/or feminist ways.
Young women train violence and criminality into young men. The thug with the shaved head who communicates in grunts is sexually rewarded. The empathetic bookworm is denied if not publicly humiliated if he approaches a girl. So the bookworm puts down the book, gets contacts and a tattoo, bulks up in the gym, and generally acts like an asshole. (Why would he be nice to women any more?) Suddenly, he finds himself showered in pussy. This is how it works. Women’s sexual desires are dark and pathological, and this encourages men to become violent criminals if they want to get laid.
His evidence for this?
Just look at all the Game blogs out there, which teach men how to mimic the frame of the uncaring, alpha criminal without actually breaking the law.
That’s right. Misogynist dude pontificating about ladies cites as evidence … other misogynist dudes pontificating about ladies. THAT’S SCIENCE!
Oh, but the perfidy of the evil violence-causing ladies gets worse! Because they also force men to commit evil violence by, apparently, telling them to do it in sweet sexy voices:
Women’s own violence is committed via proxy (i.e. they get men to do the difficult work of physical coercion), and thus is incorporated into men’s overall violence. That’s pretty smart of women, in a devious and manipulative sort of way. A woman who has a problem with a man (or just wants to see a guy get beaten up, because that kind of sadism makes her tingle) sidles up to her boyfriend and asks so-sweetly if he will ‘do something’ about that guy who’s bothering her. But when the fun is over and the cops show up because someone is leaving the party in an ambulance, it was all his fault, see. She didn’t do a thing. She’s sugar and spice and all things nice.
I think Mr. Alpha here is confusing real life with the TV show Cheaters.
But wait! We haven’t even gotten to the even eviller evils of … FEMINISM.
Since the 1960s, normal male behavior has been increasingly criminalized while criminal female behavior has been increasingly normalized. This process is known as ‘feminism,’ and includes legal restrictions on politically incorrect speech, redefinitions of ‘harassment,’ and so on. This ground has been covered over and over again in the sphere and we don’t need to retread how feminism makes it illegal simply to exist as a man.
Uh, maybe you do need to go over that once more because, well, here’s the thing, I’m a dude, and I’ve never been arrested for being a man. Or even given a warning. And I’m pretty sure there are literally billions of other men on planet earth in the same situation as I am. Are there warrants out for us all?
The flip side is that crimes like abortion and infanticide, for which women were typically held responsible, have been made legal and normalized by feminists.
Really? Could you remind me again when Congress passed the Actual Live Human Baby Killing Is A-OK With Us Act, because I’m pretty sure infanticide isn’t legal or “normalized” in the US or anywhere on this planet. And in the US, at least, abortion rights (not to mention abortion providers) are under pretty much constant attack.
Mr. Alpha also suggests that male violence is just a sort of side effect of men being such hard workers and deep thinkers and shit:
Men commit more crime because men do more of anything, that is apart from self-obsessed complaining. This is the Y-chromosome explanation that radfems are so fond of, except they miss out the part that if there’s no Jack the Ripper then there’s no Einstein either, and it’s kind of hard to be a career grrl if men haven’t invented corporations and desks yet. Men are proactive as women are reactive, which in laymen’s terms means we get shit done.
Also, mammoths, we hunted them to feed you, etc.
Not content to blame male violence on women, Mr. Alpha ends by suggesting that he won’t really mind if some men — wink, wink — wise up and start directing some of this violence at the ladies who made them all violent in the first place.
The majority of violence committed by men, which is encouraged or outright instructed by women, as described above, is committed against other men. Thus for the most part, it can be described as female violence against men, delivered via proxy. …
If, however, these machinations happen to backfire, and a man who has been trained into criminal violence turns on his trainers, who am I to care?
Gosh, men in the “sphere” sure do love to fantasize about ladies getting beaten up by men, don’t they?
Dude, please, go your own fucking way already. The farther you go, the better.
I don’t have time to post a lot lately, but The Black Fedora’s comment “ideology destroys empathy”; that whole comment is one of the most brilliant comments I’ve ever read on any blog. Please get help though and don’t give up on life.
BRZ, I would be careful with complaining about pro-feminist men. If you say that pro-feminist men are brainwashed or just trying to get pats on the head from women, than what about anti-feminist women? Anti-feminist women bring a lot of balance to civilization and they are constantly shamed by pro-feminists, including supposedly feminist men. Feminists admit that a lot of men pretending to be feminists are fake; look at the Mansplaining Tumblr account. The fake feminism of men comes out especially when they shame anti-feminist women or moderate women. When moderate women point out that abortion is one of the most mysogenistic practices in world history because half of fetuses are female, meaning that millions of females are murdered, they are constantly shamed.
The world is not controlled by either feminists or MRA. There can be in fact aliances of convenience between them, such as what the Black Fedora talked about with feminism and radical Islam by the way. Overall this alliance was for the good; it was a necessary balance for materialism after 9/11. More recently though the Pope has talked about making an alliance with Muslims against secularim. To get back from my digression, neither feminism nor MRA control the world; they often work together though in a conspiratorial manner. It is the responsibility of moderately pro-feminist men and moderately anti-feminist women to develop a concordat for the preservation of civilization.
People accuse myself, BRZ and The Black Fedora of posting without sources, wanting free therapy, and tell us to go away. Yet you continue to read every single line of our postings and write long responses to us. If you want us to go away, you must encourage the site owner to ban us. You continue to read us because you are on a search for truth and understand in your hearts that you don’t have all the answers.
lol wow
Dude, do you have a problem with reading comprehension? Misogyny, we mock it. We’re making fun of you, you silly little mansplaining, stawfeminist fighting, person.
Can’t you morons read the label on the tin. It says “Misogyny. I mock it.” That’s you. You, to us, are a joke, a side show. This is the place where I come to blow off steam after a day of being nice to people.
By that reckoning, banning abortion is far more misogynistic, since 100% of people forced to give birth or die trying have been female bodied. But I suppose they don’t count because they’ve sinned or some such bullshit.
Feminists, aligning themselves with radical Islam since 2001! *barfs*
Feminism, in a nutshell: women should be allowed the same freedom to make choices as men.
Radical Islam, in a nutshell: women must be subservient to men.
In what world do those mix?!
And the problem with the US’s response to 9/11 was materialism! Not warmongering, nope, materialism!
This thread is making me think nwo spawned and now his young are returning to ancestral breeding grounds by instinct.
Great. Supporters of the forced childbirth movement are out in force. /vomit
We’re not saying the alliance makes logical sense or is going to last forever.
I’ve read some of the archived threads with NWO’s post. He had the right idea in general but was too mysogenistic. What happened to him; did he leave or get banned?
Your need to mock mysogeny, and the need of the mysogenists to mock feminism, is part of a psychological parodigm shift and protomaterialist existentialism in the minds of all of us posting here. Both sides cannot understand me because I am posting straight from the heart, blurring lines of usual discourse, like the Prophet Isaiah and other classic writers.
Pregnancy and childbirth are the #1 killers of girls aged 15-19. Since up to half of young women in developing nations become mothers before they are 18, clearly those of us who think they shouldn’t be forced to assume that risk against their will are the real problem here.
Actually, now that I think about it, chicken farming is the most misogynistic enterprise in world history. Approximately 50 billion (with a b) females per year are confined to cramped cages, slaughtered without any attempt to ease suffering, and eaten. (Males die too, but don’t get to enjoy a life of torment first.) And ever more each year.
Oh, wait, did you mean women? People? Should have said something to indicate that.
Oh wow. That’s…ok then.
LOL what
We understand you dude. We’ve met your ilk many times before. We don’t agree with you, and have complete contempt for you, and no amount of mealy-mouthed platitudes on your part will wave that away.
Funny, that. Especially since the vast majority of abortions take place before sex of the foetus (embryo?) can be determined. But I’m just a person with firsthand and secondhand experience of abortion. What would I know?
(Sorry if this double/triple posts. Having some internet problems here.)
Ok just in general – MRA’s, THIS is a good example of activism that… well, is actually activism in that it affects change. I give you Sir Patrick Stewart. From this article:
So… he helps both women and men. Wow. MRA’s c’mon, you could manage to do half that and actually do something, like a real thing you go and do, to help men who are suffering from something other than sadlonelybonerpants or rageagainstmadeupstuff-ismitis.
Pseudo! Aesthetic! Neo-Freudian! Frankfurt School inspired anit-kitsch! Abstruse! Nonsensical! Lacanian Mirror Stage!
See! I can string together super dooper smart words and phrases together too. Mine is random and fun with thesaurus.com, but it certainly makes more sense than your word salad. Go elsewhere and work on you editing skills.
Contempt is respectful
Platitudes are funny
Disingenousness is a noble virtue
Nah, suggesting MRAs should do actual, constructive activism? Misandry!
Got it.
By MRA/PUA logic, this makes us beta, or nice guys ™. By default, this makes you an alpha, or an “asshole,” I suppose. After all, those are the only two possible categories, and you’re the one displaying alpha behavior by coming here and bravely negging the wimmin folk.
So, why are these nice-guy-shaming feminists bashing you instead of us? Seems to me that if your underlying logic is true, all the feminist wimminz here should want you, and be kicking us to the curb.
Oh, talacaris. Keep trying, baby.
Also, regarding everybody talking about the troll I mentioned, actually, it was someone who I dearly hope was shit-stirring, because they coached it in very… Baby’s First Consent Gone Wrong way. Pretty much, they believed a woman should know whether she is banging a virgin or not, because otherwise, they are being deceived, can not give informed consent, and are therefore being raped. (Yes. I know. It made my brain hurt like pain too.)
Shock of all shocks: the comm flayed them alive before the mod descended and froze everything.
RE: ProPatria Truthteller
You know, comparing yourself to a prophet is generally not going to make you look any less self-important.
RE: Bob Goblin
Seeing as I’m a gay man, I keep wondering what they think I feel the need to appease feminists (who are of course all women). Do they think my husband just isn’t putting out enough or what?
We may mock misogyny, but we are helpless before mysogeny. You win this round, sir.
hahahahaha omg no stop my sides hahahahahaha
Did you miss the part where that was completely made up? Like, seriously?
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha okay duder
Well, see, you ain’t really gay. You’re just pretending because none of the wimminz will sex you up. If one of the under-25 HBs here gave you a real shot, you’d ditch your hubby in a heartbeat for the chance to donate your sperm. It’s your biological imperative, and you’d have no choice.
– Russian = Spanish
– Evolution = superdogs
– Animal sexuality = sexy miniskirts
“yeah sounds about right,” says ProPatria Maurie
You have somehow managed to type up all your posts while tripping balls on salvia, right? That is literally the only explanation I can imagine for this level of whackery.
“Straight from the heart?” I apologize for this, but …