a voice for men antifeminism drama drama kings evil women FemRAs imaginary backwards land infighting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rape culture sexual abuse straw feminists Tom Martin TROOOLLLL!! victim blaming

Tom “Female Penguins are Whores ” Martin, banned from A Voice for Men for excessive feminism?

Tom Martin would be right at home in Second Life, apparently.
Tom Martin would be right at home in Second Life, apparently.

I realize that I may be the only one who’s really all that interested in sectarian infighting amongst the MRAs, but an old friend of ours has weighed in on the recent battles over the A Voice for Men satellite group MRA London, and I’ve learned some interesting things as a result.

The old friend? Tom Martin, the British MRA who famously lost an anti-male discrimination lawsuit against the London School of Economics and who is well known around these parts for his beliefs that 97% of female humans are whores, 100% of female penguins are whores, hard chairs are misandry, and that [TRIGGER WARNING FOR CHILD RAPE APOLOGIA] “pedophiles who pay children for sex are not really rapists, because the child consents, then performs the act, indicating they understand the nature of the contract.”

Martin used to be a regular troll around these parts, making himself (and the Men’s Rights movement that supported him in his crusade against the LSE)  look worse and worse with each comment he posted, until he became too repetitively obnoxious and I banned him.

Apparently he went on to have a bit of a run as a commenter at A Voice for Men, the self-described men’s human rights site that hosts an open call to firebomb courthouses and police stations in its activism section. But he was banned there too. Not for his misogyny. Not for justifying child rape. But for being … too feminist???

No, really. All this happened some time ago, apparently. But AVFM’s Dean Esmay recently unbanned him to let him post his thoughts about the MRA London fracas, and this exchange happened.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure Tom was able to figure out pretty quickly that we hated him, and it wasn’t so much because of the whole “male wanting to be treated as a human being” thing so much as his “inability to treat females as human beings” thing. But as we know, the inhabitants of AVFM don’t really live in what most of us on planet earth recognize as reality.

In any case, if you want to wrap up your Memorial Day with some utterly surreal reading (non-USians can ignore this bit), I suggest you take a look at the rest of the AVFM thread from that point on. You will see DriverSuz describe Martin as a “male enabler” of feminism. And you will see Martin himself describe himself as a “feminist MRA,” and offer this strange semi-endorsement of feminists as potential dates:

[W]hen you’ve dated and screened thousands of women for potential dates, you get to realize, its the ones identifying as feminists who are the ones least likely to be gold-digging whores looking for an early retirement off the man’s toil. …

I follow the money, which is why I am a feminist MRA.

The money the state disproportionately allots to over-screechy victim-feminist wheels is wrong, and needs to be fixed, but pales into insignificance compared to the over-screechiness an anti-feminist traditionalist woman has lined up for any man unlucky enough to cohabit with her. A feckless housewife wannabe is far more a financial burden than an ill-informed egalitarian identifying as feminist who can be corrected on which sex owes the other money.

Tom Martin, such a romantic!

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11 years ago

This is some of the most bizarre stuff I’ve ever read. If it’s not over-screechy of me to say so.

11 years ago

Acid trips are way better than this. Even the bad ones.

Where is Fibinachi when you need a fitting rewrite of “The Jabberwocky”?

11 years ago

A rewrite of Jabberwocky? Now that is a really scary thought!*

*scary in a good way

11 years ago

Argenti, it’s a sad world when both ends of the theocratic spectrum are sure that the answer is “women caused x” x being plagues, pestilence, poverty etc etc.
Funny how a vagina has such a strong effect on weather patterns and tectonic shifts. No wonder the MRAs are scared of the female.

11 years ago

Maybe the heroes in London and Oklahoma were just looking out for the males who are and would become taxpayers to financially support the matriarchy? [/sarcasm]

11 years ago

Delurking to say that that Tom Martin sure is a brain-breaker, isn’t he? I still can barely make any sense of what he’s saying and am somewhat worried that I might in the future.

Also, my compliments to the excellent tagging system, which enlightened me to Martin’s…”greatest hits”


11 years ago

So Basically Tom Martin was banned from a Vioce for Men for not being sexist enough. That’s like someone being kicked off of Storm Front for not hating blacks and Jews enough, or someone being kicked of off Jihad Watch for not hating Muslims enough.

I think it’s like getting kicked off stormfront for saying that black people make better servants than white people instead of thinking they shouldn’t exist at all.

11 years ago

Welcome, tooimpureangel!

11 years ago

[cloudiah runs to the attic and dusts off another complimentary welcome package to mail to tooimpureangel]

11 years ago

Thank you, Kittehserf!

11 years ago

You all are keeping me busy mailing out welcome packages. All the more difficult because my attic is entirely imaginary.

11 years ago

*squeals* my own hard chair o’ misandry!!! Thanks cloudiah!

11 years ago

No Proudfootz, I think the men had been scared away from their “inherent manly bravosity” by the evil femi nazi legal system which had forced them all to be MWGTOWs. Or some such shit. That and the fact they were all busy dressing up in silly hats, eye patches and wigs for the nightly prowl pretending they’re sex gods.

11 years ago

I’m not the only one with an imaginary attic, lol?

11 years ago

I love the idea of the Manboobz Attic. Is there an old rocking horse up there as well? Some ancient magazines?

11 years ago

Toopure…, I always thought the hard chair of misandry was really funny. In my family I’m the one with the bony bum and my husband is very well padded. So he finds hard chairs cool and groovy where as I’m looking for a kitteh to sit on.

11 years ago

I’m cynical enough that I initially wondered if the outrage was staged and they just wanted to get rid of him because he’s an embarrassment. And then I remembered that these people are too detached from reality to notice that they should be embarrassed by rants about manipulative child prostitutes and the whoriarchy in Saudi Arabia.

11 years ago

@Yoyo, I accidentally sat on a kitteh once. NEVAR AGAIN!

11 years ago

There are all kinds of things in the Man Boobz Imaginary Attic! Rocking horses (for the alpha cock carousel, of course) and old magazines are just the beginning!

Sad story: When my grandma died, my evil aunt used the part of the will giving her family the house to deny us anything at all, including my dad’s photos and letters home from WWII, which were stored in the attic. Sheer meanness on her part. Bleah.

11 years ago

@cloudiah, that was horrible of your evil aunt =(

11 years ago

Let’s make do with the abstract, for now. Paraphrased from Wikipedia, with replaced words in brackets:

“In an early scene in which [Manboobzers] … encounter the [MRAs] [Tom Martin] and [Dean Esmay], [David Futrelle] finds a [really long comment] written in a seemingly unintelligible language. Realizing that [they are] travelling through an inverted world, [Manboobzers] recognize that the [comments] are written in [gibberish]. [They] hold a [bullshit translator] to one of the [comments], and read the reflected verse of [Twilight Zone-ish misogyny, apologetics for pedophilia, accusations of animal whorishness, and general labryinthine doublethink]. [They] find the nonsense verse as puzzling as the odd land [they have] passed into, later revealed as [the bottomless, unfathomable hell of boner rage].”

Pretty much sums it up right there. Cassandra_Says has the best (and most cynically true) interpretation thus far.

11 years ago

I’ve sat on cats a couple of times. Both my cats really like to burrow under blankets, so the rule is that you have to check the blanket before you move it, and don’t sit on blankets. One is only seven pounds, though, so you think, “Oh, there’s no way she’s in there.”

She is. She definitely is.

11 years ago

Worlds combine… ironically, Penguins were big in the recent Fantasy Faire which raised …a lot of money for cancer research. XD XD XD

11 years ago

@Yoyo – Yeah, maybe the males were all going their own way as fast as possible and leaving the bystanders and kids to fend for themselves…

11 years ago

Nice to know the MRA outreach is terribly effective. Nothing helps recruitment like a purity purge.