a voice for men antifeminism drama drama kings evil women FemRAs imaginary backwards land infighting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rape culture sexual abuse straw feminists Tom Martin TROOOLLLL!! victim blaming

Tom “Female Penguins are Whores ” Martin, banned from A Voice for Men for excessive feminism?

Tom Martin would be right at home in Second Life, apparently.
Tom Martin would be right at home in Second Life, apparently.

I realize that I may be the only one who’s really all that interested in sectarian infighting amongst the MRAs, but an old friend of ours has weighed in on the recent battles over the A Voice for Men satellite group MRA London, and I’ve learned some interesting things as a result.

The old friend? Tom Martin, the British MRA who famously lost an anti-male discrimination lawsuit against the London School of Economics and who is well known around these parts for his beliefs that 97% of female humans are whores, 100% of female penguins are whores, hard chairs are misandry, and that [TRIGGER WARNING FOR CHILD RAPE APOLOGIA] “pedophiles who pay children for sex are not really rapists, because the child consents, then performs the act, indicating they understand the nature of the contract.”

Martin used to be a regular troll around these parts, making himself (and the Men’s Rights movement that supported him in his crusade against the LSE)  look worse and worse with each comment he posted, until he became too repetitively obnoxious and I banned him.

Apparently he went on to have a bit of a run as a commenter at A Voice for Men, the self-described men’s human rights site that hosts an open call to firebomb courthouses and police stations in its activism section. But he was banned there too. Not for his misogyny. Not for justifying child rape. But for being … too feminist???

No, really. All this happened some time ago, apparently. But AVFM’s Dean Esmay recently unbanned him to let him post his thoughts about the MRA London fracas, and this exchange happened.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure Tom was able to figure out pretty quickly that we hated him, and it wasn’t so much because of the whole “male wanting to be treated as a human being” thing so much as his “inability to treat females as human beings” thing. But as we know, the inhabitants of AVFM don’t really live in what most of us on planet earth recognize as reality.

In any case, if you want to wrap up your Memorial Day with some utterly surreal reading (non-USians can ignore this bit), I suggest you take a look at the rest of the AVFM thread from that point on. You will see DriverSuz describe Martin as a “male enabler” of feminism. And you will see Martin himself describe himself as a “feminist MRA,” and offer this strange semi-endorsement of feminists as potential dates:

[W]hen you’ve dated and screened thousands of women for potential dates, you get to realize, its the ones identifying as feminists who are the ones least likely to be gold-digging whores looking for an early retirement off the man’s toil. …

I follow the money, which is why I am a feminist MRA.

The money the state disproportionately allots to over-screechy victim-feminist wheels is wrong, and needs to be fixed, but pales into insignificance compared to the over-screechiness an anti-feminist traditionalist woman has lined up for any man unlucky enough to cohabit with her. A feckless housewife wannabe is far more a financial burden than an ill-informed egalitarian identifying as feminist who can be corrected on which sex owes the other money.

Tom Martin, such a romantic!

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11 years ago

When you convince yourself that the whole world is out to get you, it’s only a matter of time before you start seeing enemies everywhere.

This is amazing. *passes popcorn*

11 years ago

Wow. This is some sort of Asshatception.

BTW, I noted that during the weekend, we had a couple new trolls pop up. Sadly, they were too pathetic and dull to seem worth a decent stick-poke.

11 years ago

Oh, Tom. Words mean things, honeybunch. You can’t be a feminist MRA.

InB4 Tommyboy tries to sock his way up in here.

11 years ago

Wonderful. Just wonderful.

No wonder Esmay and his little buddies are so scared of feminism. If they think TM is any sort of feminist, it must be difficult for anyone not to be one.

Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

A Voice For Men: probably the only place on the World Wide Web where you can watch one pedophilia apologist attack another pedophilia apologist for being too feministic.

Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Never mind. I just remembered Reddit.

11 years ago

I cannot wait for the day Driversuz effs up and gets her ass booted out of the AVfM treehouse. Much laughage will ensue.

11 years ago

That will require an extra large serve of popcorn.

11 years ago

You know, hate’s far too strong a word to use to describe my feelings for Tom (cough) Martin. He’s too sadly irrelevant and ineffective (besides being a figure of inadvertent comedy) to warrant more than sympathy for his self-inflicted problems. He could certainly be infuriating to deal with, but to hate him? He’d have to raise his ‘game’ to obtain that reaction.

The Black Fedora
The Black Fedora
11 years ago

The only problem Tom has is that he still believes there is some honesty in the feminist movement- all this stuff about patriarchy hurting men too. He believes this because he has to, He is a feminist academic of sorts and spouts the same sort of stuff as any other- but being male gets called for it.

Really- how is anything Tom says different from mainstream feminism?

11 years ago

how is anything Tom says different from mainstream feminism?

I was not aware that the feminist mainstream thought that most women are whores, hard chairs are misandry, and that the men who hire child prostitutes are the real victims in that scenario.

11 years ago

I mean really, aside from the two links in this post, there’s plenty here to demonstrate who Tom Martin is.

11 years ago

He is a feminist academic of sorts

The idea of Tom Martin as any sort of academic is even funnier than the idea of him as any sort of feminist.

11 years ago

TBF, I can’t recall any mainstream feminists acknowledging that MISANDRY is a real thing, and that HARD CHAIRS ARE MISANDRY. Or criticisms of female penguins, for that matter.

11 years ago

Can we get a cleanup on Aisle One? The Black Fedora has beshitted yet another thread with his dishonest wank.

11 years ago

I was just getting ready to laugh my ass off and then we have some sort of Fedora who’s never spent any amount of time actually reading feminist thought. Anyone who thinks Tom (hard-chairs) Martin is any sort of feminist really needs his head examined. For one thing dumkoff, feminists don’t think hard chairs are some sort of global assault against men. Please point me towards his feminist writings, because I’m pretty sure they don’t exist, but you could always try to prove your assertions with facts.

In better news, kitty in my icon is back home with me, yay!

11 years ago

AJ, I’m glad your kitty’s back home with you!

11 years ago

Holy hell… I thought I just got a tetanus shot. Did the hospital shoot me up with acid instead? Tom “Saudi Arabia is a feminist utopia of whoredom” Martin is banned by MRAs as too feminist? The Black Fedora agrees with that assessment? What kind of pills am I taking?

Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Really- how is anything Tom says different from mainstream feminism?

How does a person even get their head that far up their butt?

11 years ago

Really- how is anything Tom says different from mainstream feminism?

LOL no, just no.

11 years ago

AJ, glad to hear about your kitty being home! 🙂

leftwingfox – sounds like the Red Pill is really bad acid, man.

Not that that’s much of a revelation.

Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

One must admit, it’s most reassuring
that such hatred, so frothing, enduring
is just a coin flip
away from a good trip;
a thin red pill between “Elam” and “Turing”.

(Arrested Development is taking a while to buffer, okay.)

11 years ago

Thanks hellkell! We’re both slightly weirded out, it’s been a year, but we spent the nine years before together, and he’s not had to wear a collar and has been chasing rabbits out on the farm with my cousin, but he seems happy to be home. He’s taken up his usual spot in my office so he can see what’s going on in the front yard and monitor me constantly typing on the computer at the same time.

I’m so happy to see him just back. It’s hard to express love for cats, though the internet’s made us know we’re not alone. Yes! He’s back! And sitting in the room ignoring me! Yay!

11 years ago

AJ he sounds like he’s doing his Furrinati job well – supervising and ignoring you. 🙂

11 years ago

And this . (Sorry if the link is not quite right. I’m a bit of a mega Luddite.) 😉

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