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Evil Seven Step Plan to Destroy Men uncovered by Men’s Rights Redditor

This is Step Eight
Step 8: Release the Monkeys

After yesterday’s horribleness, here’s a bit of MRA pontificating that’s mostly just absurd. In the Men’s Rights subreddit, our dear old friend OuiCrudites spells out the Seven Step Plan that is destroying men today. He doesn’t explain 1) who exactly is taking these steps, or 2) why exactly they want to destroy men, but, you know, I think we can just assume 1) the evil feminist gynomatriarchy/women in general and 2) EEEEEEVIL.

Step 1: Tell boys that they are disruptive and inferior to the girls in their classes.  Step 2: Once boy reaches puberty, assume that he is a potential rapist and woman batterer. Also assume his female contemporaries can do no wrong.  Step 3: Tell pubescent male that he must be a perfect gentleman and repress anything that makes him masculine if he wants females to like him. Shame him when he happens to notice that females throw themselves at his most aggressive male classmates. Tell the females they can do no wrong.  Step 4: Throw zillions of female-only scholarships and hiring quotas at young adult females. Tell her that she is a helpless victim that can do no wrong. Assume the young adult man is a rapist woman oppressor looking for victims.  Step 5: Smile and nod while some females mate with the roughest thugs they can find, and give them welfare. Browbeat all males for not "manning up."  Step 6: Allow some wives to ruthlessly tear apart their families for non-dire reasons. Withhold children from loving fathers. But of course, continue to demand child support.  Step 7: Ignore and shame men who fall on hard times. Act surprised when they hold a gun to their head and pull the trigger.

Interesting that two whole steps out of the seven here involve complaints about “females” dating thuggy alpha bad boys instead of decent, hard-working nice guys like those you might find posting thoughtful comments on gender relations in helpful list form on Reddit.

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11 years ago

These are too easy Cloudiah! Feminists hate the middle east because of burkas and racism and such. Therefore ergo sum qed misandry.
What do I win?

11 years ago

Huh. I didn’t think it was possible for me to pity the poor bastard, but there you go.


The Iranians would probably be totally fine with democracy if they weren’t (justifiably) scared of their women turning into Evil Western Women with naked, disheveled whore-hair.

11 years ago

These really are too easy now. Those in the know have been whining about the northern european gyocracies for ages now. NEXT.

11 years ago

Then explain events in Syria, the economic situation in Greece/Spain, etc. We could go on all day, but actually this is boring.

See, this is why MRAs will never, ever fix the problems they claim they want to solve. At a very fundamental level, even when they identify real problems they do not understand their causes.

Fedora Dude here is just a particularly stupid example of that.

11 years ago

At least feminists come up with entertaining ideas of ways to blame feminism! XD

11 years ago

wow… we leave for 3 days and so much to catch up! this will take a while! O_O

11 years ago

Still playing with the Black Fedora shitwit who can’t read?

Yo, Black Chapeau: you never did guess my age or spins on the cock carousel. I am disappoint.

11 years ago

“It is also why some women get angry at men who are not rampant studs.”

Absolutely. Whenever I meet a man like that I want to punch him.
As for sick men, I just leave them in the jungle to die. /sarcasm, if that’s needed. Actually I didn’t realise that men with cancer were refused medical treatment. But I guess I just get confused a lot, as women apparently do when all men in the world don’t fit into one box.

Projection much? And raise you with rampant victim complex: Being single is *not* the same as being gay in places where that was/is illegal and/or likely to get you violently assaulted, and you do *not* need a cover.

11 years ago

BlackAsshat is Joe? That would explain the dull.

11 years ago

David was pretty sure Fedora Dude was not a sock. I think maybe they all attend the same writing seminar or something.

Why would Joe sock? He hasn’t been banned.

11 years ago

I thought I saw reference to that upthread, but I was kinda skimming because BF is booooooooooooooring.

11 years ago

Step 1: Tell [bananas] that they are [fast] and [larger] to the [mice] in their [coaster].

Step 2: Once a [sword] reaches [anxiety], assume that he is a [squishy] [tomato] and [breadsticks]. Also assume his [smelly] [boats] can do no [tiger].

Step 3: Tell [oatmeal] that he must be a [burnt] [key] and [dance] anything that makes him [red] if he wants [spoons] to [run] him. [Kick] him when he happens to notice that [books] [pour] at his most [sweet] [apples]. Tell the [rocks] they can do no [cup].

Step 4: Throw [1,000,000] of [long]-only [breads] and [punches] at [small] [sticks]. [Taste] [it] that [she] is a [crispy] [smile] that can do no [bow]. Assume the [happy] [phone] is a [ventriloquist] [motorboat] [gathering] for [posters].

Step 5: [Drink] and [leap] while some [pricklies] [shoot] with the [biggest] [monkey] they can [stab], and give them [barrel]. [Light] all [shinies] for not “[shaving].”

Step 6: Allow some [pills] to [briskly] [eat] their [chains] for non-[hard] reasons. Withhold [songs] from [buying] [seeds]. But of course, continue to [melt] [fire].

Step 7: [Crawl] and [throw] [trees] who fall on [bricks]. Act [rusty] when they hold a [shirt] to their head and [swim] the [helmet].

I got my boyfriend to do it. Many words were inspired by us eating cereal and him playing Chivalry. Also by my gemstone collection on the table.

11 years ago

Everyone’s seen this I assume?

11 years ago

I still think there’s a factory that stamps them out assembly-line style.

11 years ago

Mr Schwarzer Hut:

If I’m in the jungle with a sick person, male or female, I’m going to be scared because: how the hell did I end up in a jungle? I’m not fond of jungles, they tend to be very hot, very humid, and full of large insects and carnivores. I will not be going there voluntarily. The fact that I am there with a sick person, male or female (do I know this person? Is it a friend, a stranger, or the person who brought me to this hypothetical jungle?) is only going to compound the basic problem of I’M IN A JUNGLE.

Upon falling on hard times, I put on my big girl panties because (a) I am a big girl, meaning a female adult, and (b) I happen to prefer to wear panties. Anyone else can be a big (meaning adult) girl, boy, or whatever other identifier they prefer. And they can wear panties, thongs, boxers, briefs, boxer briefs, or go commando for all I care. It’s an expression meaning I acted like an adult and took charge of my own life. It is not meant to be taken literally. If someone talks about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, they don’t mean that you have to go out and find a pair of boots with straps. You idiot.

Also: did I or did I not specifically exclude depression? *scrolls up to reread own post* I did. My point stands.

And finally: Your explanations for why feminism is the root of all modern evils only displays your hilarious and tragic lack of education regarding history, economics, and sociology.

11 years ago

I have one! Michael Bay. Why do he and his terrible movies exist, and how is feminism responsible for either of these tragic things?

11 years ago

Because men have to take women on dates to see movies, but they can’t see rom-coms because that’s totally beta, therefore Michael Bay exists so that guys can show how ALPHA they are. Do I win?

11 years ago

@CassandraSays: Now don’t go hating on Michael Bay. I really liked…uh…um…oh, The Rock. I liked that movie. It had a great car chase scene.

IMDB lists him as producer of a film in pre-production called “The Hauntrepreneur”. I’m too scared to click on the link and find out what it’s about. The person who came up with that title needs to be banned from naming anything, ever.

11 years ago

Feminism is really just a cover for the return to chivalry. Bay’s movies include lots of explosions and car chases, because those make women feel unsafe (which of course makes our ‘ginas tingle). When women feel unsafe, feminists insist that men must protect them.

Therefore, feminism causes Michael Bay films to exist.

I might have skipped a few steps in there.

11 years ago

And Alex, tell your boyfriend to stop stabbing monkeys. 🙂

Aaron Duncan
Aaron Duncan
11 years ago

Agree with the monkey thing.

11 years ago

Cloudiah, he promises. 😉

11 years ago

The only thing that’s stayed in my mind about Boring Troll is that he has the hide to use the name of a really good hat and thus add to the MRA/PUA arsehole loser association it’s gained.

He should have called himself Hatful of Arseholes, as in “he’s about as much use as a – “.

11 years ago

Australians have the best sayings. And thats a fact.