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Evil Seven Step Plan to Destroy Men uncovered by Men’s Rights Redditor

This is Step Eight
Step 8: Release the Monkeys

After yesterday’s horribleness, here’s a bit of MRA pontificating that’s mostly just absurd. In the Men’s Rights subreddit, our dear old friend OuiCrudites spells out the Seven Step Plan that is destroying men today. He doesn’t explain 1) who exactly is taking these steps, or 2) why exactly they want to destroy men, but, you know, I think we can just assume 1) the evil feminist gynomatriarchy/women in general and 2) EEEEEEVIL.

Step 1: Tell boys that they are disruptive and inferior to the girls in their classes.  Step 2: Once boy reaches puberty, assume that he is a potential rapist and woman batterer. Also assume his female contemporaries can do no wrong.  Step 3: Tell pubescent male that he must be a perfect gentleman and repress anything that makes him masculine if he wants females to like him. Shame him when he happens to notice that females throw themselves at his most aggressive male classmates. Tell the females they can do no wrong.  Step 4: Throw zillions of female-only scholarships and hiring quotas at young adult females. Tell her that she is a helpless victim that can do no wrong. Assume the young adult man is a rapist woman oppressor looking for victims.  Step 5: Smile and nod while some females mate with the roughest thugs they can find, and give them welfare. Browbeat all males for not "manning up."  Step 6: Allow some wives to ruthlessly tear apart their families for non-dire reasons. Withhold children from loving fathers. But of course, continue to demand child support.  Step 7: Ignore and shame men who fall on hard times. Act surprised when they hold a gun to their head and pull the trigger.

Interesting that two whole steps out of the seven here involve complaints about “females” dating thuggy alpha bad boys instead of decent, hard-working nice guys like those you might find posting thoughtful comments on gender relations in helpful list form on Reddit.

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11 years ago


Your suggestion that men can live fulfilled lives without women is misandry.

11 years ago

After all- is is usually women who bully other women about appearance. Does this mean anorexia is somehow less of a thing?

No. For god sake, the beauty standards that are so fucking unreasonable, in the goddamn media? Yeah, guess who has the most power there? Men. Go pet a cactus and run along now, dearie.

11 years ago

Does the black fedora think mr manboobz is joking when he repeatedly encourages mgtowers to just get on with it, and that most women genuinely DO NOT WANT to be around these people?

It takes a special kind of narcissism to think that society in general is upset that fedora-wearing misogynists aren’t having sex. Like, the only societal reaction is “Yep, that confirms our expectations.”

11 years ago

So stop obsessing then mr fedora. Why is the whole of the mrm so obsessed with ‘females’? When ‘females’ are apparently the root of all evil? Go your own way and be done with it.

11 years ago

Step 7: Ignore and shame men who fall on hard times. Act surprised when they hold a gun to their head and pull the trigger.

Seriously? When I fell on hard times – which has happened to me more than once, both through my own stupidity and through no fault of mine – I put on my big girl panties and dealt with it. Because I’m a freakin’ adult, and I understand that everything isn’t going to be handed to me on a silver platter just because I am a member of a particular gender.

Please note that I am not referring to anyone suffering from depression. I’ve been down that road too, and it was damn hard to climb out of even though the cause of my depression was external. But I’m pretty sure that OuiCrudites (“Yes Appetizers”?!) isn’t referencing men suffering from clinical depression either.

The Black Fedora
The Black Fedora
11 years ago


I do not believe in the patriarchy myth.

Actually I do not think it is only the political left who has a hatred of weakness in men. I think it is innate to women.

This does not mean it cannot be challenged. We are not slaves to our dark side.

Basically.. being in the jungle with a man who gets sick is pretty scary for a woman. She is in need of protection and her fear turns to anger- directed at the man who has just become sick.

This is one reason for the lack of suicide prevention services for men in the UK. The health service is very largely run by women and many of them have an unspoken rage at men who get sick.

It is an evolutionary thing really. This is not to say it cannot be dealt with.


But, if enough Men GTOW, birthrates will plummet and society will collapse! Humanity will die out!
What are your demands? We’ll give you anything, just please, for the love of God, have sex with women.

11 years ago

Actually ellex24, I think you’ll find that everything has been handed to you on a silver platter. Ever sat on a hard chair? Misandry. Ever bought a scented candle or a pillow? Misandry.
Think on it.

11 years ago

Suicide prevention lines won’t take calls from men (um…) because men need to be strong to save women from tigers in the jungle. This update brought to you by the most boring troll to ever troll in the history of trolls.

(Who still needs to wash his socks.)

The Black Fedora
The Black Fedora
11 years ago


Your post is contradictory.

You seem to doubt that people dismiss and then shame men who are depressed and then you talk about putting on big girls panties (which is shaming).

Fortunately in the UK we have a number of charities springing up that are run by men who are dealing with the issue. At least in part.

11 years ago


Actually I do not think it is only the political left who has a hatred of weakness in men. I think it is innate to women.

That’s nice dearie. Now provide a citation.

Basically.. being in the jungle with a man who gets sick is pretty scary for a woman. She is in need of protection and her fear turns to anger- directed at the man who has just become sick.

No actually, women have this thing where we can try to protect ourselves (and our loved ones!) thanks.

The health service is very largely run by women and many of them have an unspoken rage at men who get sick.

Dude, if you’re going to claim something is largely run by women, you’re going to need a citation. Things are not true just because you pull them out of your ass.

It is an evolutionary thing really. This is not to say it cannot be dealt with.

If you’re pretending this is science, provide a study, thanks.

Also, my mom is home, and she’s a scientist (not evolutionary though, she’s a microbiologist). I still could ask her cuz she’s probably 100X more educated on the subject than troll boy here, who wants to see that?

11 years ago

Ah, Monsignor fedora just put the nails in his own coffin. Being in the jungle with a man who gets sick is pretty scary for a woman?
Really though?

Not to mention ‘the health service being largely run by women’ garbage. I suppose
2 out of 6 isn’t bad, but it’s hardly a majority.

11 years ago

@black fedora

You seem to doubt that people dismiss and then shame men who are depressed and then you talk about putting on big girls panties (which is shaming).

I think she was saying there is a difference between falling on hard times and depression. mras shouldn’t be using them as synonyms, they aren’t.

11 years ago

Ah, Monsignor fedora just put the nails in his own coffin. Being in the jungle with a man who gets sick is pretty scary for a woman?

Yeah, I mean I think it would be scarier for the man.

11 years ago

The health service is very largely run by women

NHS Board of directors:

Non-executive directors: 5/7 are men
Executive directors: 7/12 are men.

11 years ago

So anyone can write something unbelievably stupid — so stupid that it is actually improved by Mad Libs treatment — but if he tacks on something about suicide as an afterthought at the very end, you’re not allowed to criticize it?

Another failure of logic and reason from a MRA. I wish I could say I was surprised.

11 years ago

I dunno, poorly men can be incredibly whingy and annoying

11 years ago

Fortunately in the UK we have a number of charities springing up that are run by men who are dealing with the issue.

Should we administer the “is this 1st Joe test?”

Hey Black Fedora, how do you feel about the fact that all major MRA and MGTOW writers have advocated for increased rape and/or child abuse in society?

The Black Fedora
The Black Fedora
11 years ago


There are many women who are on the same path as some men. They do not want entanglement but enjoy male company from time to time. They want a man to take to a company event so that they do not want to be thought ‘odd’.

It is mutual cover.

11 years ago


Well, I guess 7/12 is almost half women. Which is a majority? And I thought men were supposed to be good at math. Troll boy should work that into his evopsych shtick.

The Black Fedora
The Black Fedora
11 years ago


I had some respect for you for a while. Your last comment blew it.

11 years ago

@black fedora

Like, I enjoy ‘male company’ from time to time, seeing as how I like some men, but I don’t want to be romantically or sexually involved with a man. This, surprisingly, isn’t a ‘going my own way’ shtick, it’s just me being a lesbian.

11 years ago

Wow, Ugh, you sure blew it, pointing out Black Fedora hangs around shitty people… Now whatever shall you do? XD

The Black Fedora
The Black Fedora
11 years ago


You prove my point once again. Thanks.

11 years ago

There are many women who are on the same path as some men. They do not want entanglement but enjoy male company from time to time.

Oh word, those of us who aren’t creepy misogynists call those women “my friends.”

They want a man to take to a company event so that they do not want to be thought ‘odd’.

Just throwing this out there, if you don’t want to be thought of as “odd,” don’t set up a sham marriage because you’re deathly afraid of being judged for your extremely unorthodox lifestyle of “being single.”

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