After yesterday’s horribleness, here’s a bit of MRA pontificating that’s mostly just absurd. In the Men’s Rights subreddit, our dear old friend OuiCrudites spells out the Seven Step Plan that is destroying men today. He doesn’t explain 1) who exactly is taking these steps, or 2) why exactly they want to destroy men, but, you know, I think we can just assume 1) the evil feminist gynomatriarchy/women in general and 2) EEEEEEVIL.
Interesting that two whole steps out of the seven here involve complaints about “females” dating thuggy alpha bad boys instead of decent, hard-working nice guys like those you might find posting thoughtful comments on gender relations in helpful list form on Reddit.
Prima: “Men kill themselves because they are constantly menaced by Extra-dimensional Machine Elves.”
Secunda: “Extra-dimensional Machine Elves aren’t real.”
Prima: “How dare you mock suicide victims!”
Disingenuous appropriation of male suicide victims is, for me, the most enraging thing that MRAs do.
Black Fedora just wants people to generate traffic to his blog, and thinks getting linked on the boob roll here will accomplish that.
Is it any more interesting than his comments here? So far I’ve seen no reason to visit it. Maybe if I’m having a hard time sleeping.
It is really not that hard to understand is it? Just imagine for a moment the article was written by a feminist on their usual favorite subject (apart from themselves) which is rape.
Would you devote the same time to ridiculing the idea that anyone could be concerned about such a thing? Would you? If not then there is a double standard going on.
Is rape funny?
Then why is suicide funny?
If you think the solutions offered are faulty in some way- then say so. Have a debate- but do not just dismiss the issue as a joke.
I just don’t understand. Do they honestly not care about issues that affect men? Do they honestly think that tacking some current talking point that affects men onto an otherwise incoherent misogynist screed that people will take them seriously? That people will take note of the serious issue and somehow take in the rest by osmosis?
The other day I was chatting with my other half and he said ‘whats friendzone? I’ve heard the term but can’t figure out what it means’ I was very proud. I was even prouder at his perplexed dismissal of the entire concept. But then he’s probably just a terrible mangina.
I feel like that would cause some pretty weird dreams.
Black Fedora again is not having the same conversation as anyone else. Nobody thinks male suicide (or any suicide) is funny. I know it’s easier to argue with the StrawFeminmeanies, but the rest of us are talking about, you know, Earth.
Yay for mangina friends! 😀
The article where he advocates having a non-sexual marriage to a lesbian in order to provide cover for MGTOW is kind of awesome.
He advocates that? >:/ And are single guys really that uncommon?
The black fedora is quite correct. Who could possibly ridicule the following article about rape:
Step 1: Tell girls that they are disruptive and inferior to the boys in their classes.
Step 2: Once girl reaches puberty, assume that she is a potential gold digger and man user. Also assume her male contemporaries can do no wrong.
Step 3: Tell pubescent female that she must be a perfect lady and repress anything that makes her feminine if she wants males to like her. Shame her when she happens to notice that males throw themselves at her most passive female classmates. Tell the males they can do no wrong.
Step 4: Throw zillions of male-only scholarships and hiring quotas at young adult males. Tell him that he is a helpless victim that can do no wrong. Assume the young adult woman is a gold digging man oppressor looking for victims.
Step 5: Smile and nod while some males mate with the roughest thugs they can find, and give them welfare. Browbeat all females for not “being feminine enough.”
Step 6: Allow some husbands to ruthlessly tear apart their families for non-dire reasons. Withhold children from loving mothers. But of course, continue to demand child support.
Step 7: Ignore and shame women who fall on hard times. Act surprised when they talk about rape.
I believe the problem here is quite subtle. Women expect men to be protectors and providers. This has been the case for all of recorded history. Feminism once claimed it was about sharing responsibilities as well as power but this story pretty much died out with the new left.
What is left is an instinctive hatred and contempt for men who are seen as weak. This is why men do not get the medical treatment they need and die (particularly of cancer) needlessly. How dare these men be weak!
It is also why some women get angry at men who are not rampant studs. Men are ‘supposed’ to be having sex all the time (or thinking about it). Some men simply do not. Some men are more interested in romance than multiple sex partners. All of this causes confusion among women.
Suddenly we have Men Going Their Own Way who do not fit the mold of what men are ‘supposed’ to be.
We also have men who are not naturally good with women learning to be so. A ‘proper’ man would simply accept that he will die a virgin and slink away in shame- but these men do not do so! They overcome their shyness. They do not give in. They are losers who refuse to be losers! How confusing!!
This causes fear and anger among some women. In fact 90 percent of the posts on this blog are directed at them.
Simply because they are becoming the sorts of men they wish to be- not what other people want from them.
Everyone else here : Car crashes are awful, especially when people get injured.
FedoraDude : Are you agreeing with the general feminist notion that men should not be allowed to drive cars because they are evil rapists?
Everyone else : Huh?
FedoraDude : Your refusal to discuss the pain of men who are forbidden to drive by feminists is what actually causes car crashes.
Everyone else : Whatever, dude.
You make my point very well. If these things really were happening to women you would be shocked. But.. it is only men so never mind.
The black fedora is upset that men have been oppressing other men for centuries, even coming up with such delightful terms as ‘mangina’, yet he still blames women. Remarkable.
Step 1: A lot of these things are happening to women.
Step 2: The point was that ‘rape’ was tacked on at the end as an after thought, much like ‘male suicide’ was tacked onto the original screed. Congrats on missing the point.
God, Black Fedora is so boring, but I’ll try anyway:
Generally, there is not a huge overlap of women who expect men to be protectors and providers and feminists.
“I say left, but what I really mean is patriarchy”
Also called patriarchy.
Fixed that for you.
Wild guess here, but I think men have not fit the mold of what men are supposed to be for all of human history. Men are not a hivemind.
The men who are not ‘naturally good with women’ do not think of women as people, but rather as separate than how they’d treat men. The reason they do this is because they are sexist, intentionally or not.
Are you suggesting men become rapists if they do not get laid? Because that is what this sentence sounds like to me.
“Women don’t like men who advocate abuse, manipulation and rape. How surprising. Also, I cannot do math.”
If they wish to be manipulative assholes, they were not good men in the first place.
BTW, actually acknowledging you can read my comment would be nice.
Do not have a nice day
-Zombie Marie.
The kid with the replaceable head.
I call this a lavender marriage as this is what they were called in Victorian times. In reality a literal marriage would be dangerous so it is more a lavender LTR.
The mad libs thing was fun. Where are the men who have been downtrodden by the system? It’s so weird because all the men I’ve hung out with had concerns, but not to this kind of extreme degree. When boys reach puberty it’s usually other men that start to distrust and challenge them. At least I never saw women picking fights on the school yard, or accusing men of pedophilia on YouTube. It’s usually dudes.
Yes I do read you comments and find them interesting. Thanks.
Sorry, I misread him. Not marriage and probably not a lesbian.
What I find odd about this is that it would involve having a Real Person™ relationship with a woman. If you can find someone “on the same wavelength as yourself” to be your fake girlfriend, why not find someone on the same wavelength as yourself to be your actual girlfriend?
Men have never previously decided to be voluntarily celibate, ever, in the entire history of the human race. Trufax.
Monasticism is a misandrist lie!
@Black Fedora
Then reply. You seem to think many things that ‘the sCaRy eViL lEfT’ does are things that are actually affects of the patriarchy. Here, I’ll make it simple, so you don’t have to utilize the ‘back’ button to get to the other page:
You say that the left despises weak men, when the reason men are ‘supposed to’ be strong is because of the patriarchy. In the patriarchy, women are weak and men are strong, and there is no room for anyone else. Just because the patriarchy can hurt men doesn’t mean that it’s not designed to hurt women. The negative effects of patriarchy on men are not misandry.
At least explain to me where you get your ‘blame everything about patriarchy you don’t like on the left’ shtick, plz.
Does the black fedora think mr manboobz is joking when he repeatedly encourages mgtowers to just get on with it, and that most women genuinely DO NOT WANT to be around these people?
You make an interesting point. It does not change the reality of the suicides or that somehow the pain is lessened.
After all- is is usually women who bully other women about appearance. Does this mean anorexia is somehow less of a thing?
Because it would interfere with their victim complex to actually have fulfilling relationships with women. MGTOWs apparently find their victim complex more satisfying than sex.
I am sure he means it and I am sure he is correct.