After yesterday’s horribleness, here’s a bit of MRA pontificating that’s mostly just absurd. In the Men’s Rights subreddit, our dear old friend OuiCrudites spells out the Seven Step Plan that is destroying men today. He doesn’t explain 1) who exactly is taking these steps, or 2) why exactly they want to destroy men, but, you know, I think we can just assume 1) the evil feminist gynomatriarchy/women in general and 2) EEEEEEVIL.
Interesting that two whole steps out of the seven here involve complaints about “females” dating thuggy alpha bad boys instead of decent, hard-working nice guys like those you might find posting thoughtful comments on gender relations in helpful list form on Reddit.
It’s psychological projection 101, really. They’re taking their own flaws and offloading them onto others. “All the ‘females’ aren’t dating us Nice Guys, can’t possibly be *our* fault”. Still, at least this one is absurdly hilarious rather than just depressing!
@The Black Fedora:
Shouldn’t you be busy claiming that leftists are morally bankrupt, spineless cowards with no integrity?
You know, the kind of morally bankrupt, spineless person who wouild quote mine something and call out a specific subset of a statement in order to make a group look bad, flailing their guilt and shame around the room in an attempt to use “shaming language” to make someone feel shitty about their activities.
Of course you’d never do that, you superior male specimen of logic and rationality, so I don’t possibly know what I could be referencing.
Come the fuck on.
And how did PC attitudes influence Einstein and the War? TELL ME!
Step 3 and Step 5 are strange.
Viscaria has it utterly right. What other possible course of action is this person hinting anyone should be allowed to do, other than nod and smile at someone’s choice of partner?
Rage and fume? You’re already doing that! And we don’t like it, but we’re hardly going to tell you you can’t, just that it’s silly.
But here’s an idea. I’ll accept the proposition, I’ll say: “Okay, I’ve just noticed my female classmates are all throwing themselves at the most aggressive male member. They are not throwing themselves at him in some attempt at holding him back from murdering someone, although I bet at some point they will have to. No, they are”.
So what? It’s another coded little language trick. He doesn’t mean “aggressive”, because aggressive can be pretty fucking neutral. It could mean the most loud, out spoken and noticable person in the room. It could mean someone who was just competetitive and unwilling to let go. And sure, yeah, if you’re louder and more noticable than everyone else, you’ll get more attention. That’s basic fucking logic. It’s not a conspiracy, or evil, but no, no, what he means is that “aggressive” is really “sexual thug”, “sociopath”; “dark triad”; “women’s choice are terrible because they pick bad mates and they should pick me instead, because I’m much more charming. Can’t you tell how wonderful I am, beneath all this passive aggressive hatred and my inability to let go of the slightest petty slights?”
Gah. I’m guessing what the real preferred action of some MRAs at the thought of a man of colour and a white woman together would be, and it’s not a word I even want to type.
Possibly what he means is fathers should be controlling their daughters better and making sure they only date nice boys. Not that women should be making better choices, because of course women can’t be trusted to make the right decisions. So they should just be forced by their parents to date the right kind of boy from the right kind of family.
Also, I would really love to know what Men Should Tell their Wives About Sex. Will I never find out if I don’t get married?
@Kim – if the cover’s anything to go by, I’d say these guys should be saying “Don’t believe the advertising about that Tropical Paradise Orgy. It was a huge let-down.”
I’m guessing the reason nobody is taking his point about male suicide seriously is because he had six points bashing women for, among other things, having sex with who they want to and, getting divorces for reasons he doesn’t agree with. After this its pretty obvious he thinks women should be controlled by men and his last point comes across as “its. Womens fault that men kill themselves because they won’t conform to mens every whim.”. Also what’s with mras hating thugs shouldn’t they be happy that there are men out there that get to have sex as much as they want? Maybe we have been wrong all along and “thug” is a mra term for lesbian.
@Shiraz “So he’s lamenting that feminists are trying to make dudes into girly-men by insisting they raise their hands in class, but women go for the most agressive men (coded as “thugs”) anyway? Does he actually understand what he’s attempting to whine about?”
I think you’ll find doublethink is one of the identifying characteristics of misogynists.
I believe that the argument, if you could call it that, is that men commit suicide because women are allowed to have sex with the men of their choice and to file for divorce for reasons that he doesn’t approve of. Which is rather insulting to all of the men who attempt suicide for reasons rather more significant than “that woman who I think is hot looks like she’s going to leave with another man”.
@The Black Fedora:
Re: #6 – I suppose it was perfectly acceptable back in the late ’60s & ’70s when so many men dumped middle-aged wives it created a significant social & financial problem for the rest of society: “displaced homemakers”. The sorry fact of the matter is that neither gender has a monopoly on selfish, irresponsible assholes.
Re: #7 – I have a wild hunch that OuiCrudites hasn’t been following the stats on unemployment, homelessness, etc. the last several years if he believes many people are surprised when a person in dire straights, of either sex, commits suicide.
Oh vomit, Black Fedora. The thing is I might actually believe that you think you are righteously defending male victims of suicide, if it weren’t for the fact that you spent pages of the last thread disingenuously claiming that we were engaging in body-shaming by quoting the same, roundly criticized comment over and over and over. You’ve already shown that all you’re interested in doing is finding some little detail that you can pick at us with, regardless of whether we actually support what you’re claiming we support. So, good job. Way to use male suicides as a prop in your quest to bug us and then giggle to yourself.
Step 1: If a child is disrupting the class that child will be told to stop. If a teacher is bullying a child that is terrible but I do not believe it is something that only happens to boys. No one has ever said boys are inferior to girls. Sometimes girls out perform boys, sometimes boys out perform girls. If this fact makes you unhappy, too bad.
Step 2: Once a boy reaches puberty he is capable of rape and battery, just as he is capable of not doing those things. If the emphasis is on women to protect themselves from harm this is just a fact. Suggesting that ‘females’ can do no wrong sounds very much like pedestalling which is part of the patriarchy.
Step 3: It is unclear what is meant by ‘perfect gentleman’ and ‘masculine’. These things are not opposites. Is being a ‘perfect lady’ the opposite of ‘feminine’?
It is also unclear how one can be shamed for ‘happening to notice something’. If your vocal disapproval of other peoples relationships are bothering people, stop doing it. Women being allowed to make their own decisions about who they ‘throw themselves at’ is not the same as ‘telling females they can do no wrong’. This is pedestalling again.
Step 4: There are not ‘zillions of female only scholarships and hiring quotas’. You are incorrect. No one is suggesting women are helpless victims who can do no wrong. This is pedestalling again. No one assumes all men are rapists and woman oppressors, but it is necessary to be aware of the possibility regarding each individual.
Step 5: Welfare is not given out to people whose relationships OuiCrudities disagrees with. This does not happen. The idea of ‘manning up’ is part of the patriarchy.
Step 6: In a divorce the primary care giver is likely to receive custody. This is generally the mother. If the terms of the settlement are being broken that would be a matter for the courts. Regardless of who looks after the children on a day to day basis both parties are still financially responsible.
Step 7: Men needing to fulfil traditional roles is part of the patriarchy. I am unsure as to who is ‘acting surprised’ about suicide.
Is bothering people in comments sections solving the issues surrounding (male only) suicide?
If so, good job!
“Smile and nod while some females mate with the roughest thugs they can find.”
So it simply *destroys* men when women get to choose their partners, (or is it just when it’s partners that whiny dude on reddit doesn’t approve of)?
“Allow some wives to ruthlessly tear apart their families for non-dire reasons”.
And of course women shouldn’t be able to divorce; it’s practically like murder.
Also, this is what advocating for suicidal men looks like: “We should break down the financial and social barriers that prevent men from accessing mental health care. No man should feel that his pain is “unmasculine” and therefore shameful. We all need help. We all deserve help. And that help should be available to everyone regardless of their financial circumstances.” This? “If you don’t date me/sleep with me/take care of me/have my babies/abort your pregnancy/marry me/stay married to me I will kill myself?” That’s emotional blackmail. It is abuse, you filthy little worm.
Because truly loving fathers feel their children only deserve support as long as they are within the father’s immediate vicinity. If they are elsewhere, a loving father is totally okay with his children being destitute.
So you’re saying all men deserve help and support, but don’t deserve to control women? WHICH IS IT?!*
*Sarcasm mode
I could not resist sharing my mad lib result, some of which almost makes sense.
Step 1: Tell ducks that they are dry and smaller to the dogs in their bottle.
Step 2: Once a baby reaches asleep, assume that he is a cloudy table and firefly. Also assume his speedy ponds can do no lake.
Step 3: Tell swan that he must be a tall television and climb anything that makes him slow if he wants baskets to pet him. walk him when he happens to notice that bathrooms fly at his most maudlin socks. Tell the curtains they can do no window.
Step 4: Throw five thousand of creative-only superheros and games at yellow alligators. move it that she is a pock-marked sky that can do no territory. Assume the unclear hair is a leftist parasol stealer diving for comets.
Step 5: relax and stand while some mysteriouses follow with the brightest kike they can cleave, and give them diamond. dredge all snides for not “synergizing.”
Step 6: Allow some potatoes to quickly perform their pizzas for non-square reasons. Withhold sings from mountaineering starches. But of course, continue to pull nose.
Step 7: rotate and shrink explanations who fall on hills. Act cute when they hold a puppy to their head and fuck the donkey.
Surely if being unable to control women makes men unhappy then that means that women’s insistence on not being controlled is why men kill themselves. This is why feminism is evil.
I think we can all agree that feminism is evil but as the red haired feminist (among others) is aware, it is dangerous to hurt certain mens’ fee-fees. We DO need to focus on men who will happily threaten suicide as a power tool against others, just not the way the mrm would like us to – ie, to submit to those threats.
sorry I used a bad word in my madlib, so its being moderated. It asked for something racist. I didn’t fix it before posting.
@Marie, from Mad Lib point #3: “Tell the butts they can do no stool.”
Holy crap, this made me laugh!
Whoof, stench of socks. Didn’t we have someone else in here claiming that mocking people making stupid-ass declarations of male suicide was mocking the notion or victims of suicide?
Dang Black Fedora wants to stink up all our threads.
um, are you even reading the same thread as everyone else?
I can’t take credit, I was having my sister fill them out. Which makes it more amusing to me, since she didn’t know they were in the same sentence XD
Is it possible to wash a Fedora? If not I suppose he could Febreze it. He really should, since the cartoon stink lines wafting from his every comment are offensive to the general public.