
After yesterday’s horribleness, here’s a bit of MRA pontificating that’s mostly just absurd. In the Men’s Rights subreddit, our dear old friend OuiCrudites spells out the Seven Step Plan that is destroying men today. He doesn’t explain 1) who exactly is taking these steps, or 2) why exactly they want to destroy men, but, you know, I think we can just assume 1) the evil feminist gynomatriarchy/women in general and 2) EEEEEEVIL.
Interesting that two whole steps out of the seven here involve complaints about “females” dating thuggy alpha bad boys instead of decent, hard-working nice guys like those you might find posting thoughtful comments on gender relations in helpful list form on Reddit.
While the history of the word thug may be more varied, the way it is used on Reddit generally and in the MRM portions of Reddit specifically is definitely meant to call up images of black men. They refer to thug life and gang life pretty interchangeably. If you call them out on it, they’ll say it isn’t racist, but it’s racist in the “Southern strategy” dog whistle kind of way, where they use coded language to express their racism in more socially acceptable ways.
That is correct guinea pig girl. (insert appropriate sneer)
The congresscritters made this claim repeatedly after the Boston bombing.
Any and all citizens except they own selves of course.
@postman, Interesting interpretation. I was assuming he meant feminists were causing men to kill themselves.
Thanks Cloudiah.
Appropriate sneer?
Could be. I have no idea what he means and don’t want to find out.
You told me I could call you that if I used the proper something or other when I did. I couldn’t exactly remember so sneer was my best guess.
That or else I am channeling Alan Rickman. Dunno.
The MRM has a large overlap with the White Nationalists and those factions of the Right that are sympathetic to WNs but identify as “Libertarians” (where the only libertarian thing about them is their complaining about Marxism, and Cultural Marxism in particular). “Thug” in their vernacular definitely refers almost exclusively to Black men, though they will sometime have it refer to unionized working men if they’re particularly reactionary. It’s also sufficiently “non-racialized” that it gives them plausible deniability if called on it, or as a mean to reassure those parts of the MRM that are just default-racists as opposed to activist-racists.
Ah. I just got confused by the sneer. But yes I am fine being called guinea pig girl 😀
And I had no idea:
happened:/ So I was just getting more confused w/ the sneering and stuff. blah. I should sleep.
Step 3 is just fascinating to me, because I just undertook my yearly ritual of watching the Barnard 2010 commencement address in which Meryl Streep explains cogently and eloquently exactly how society forces women to warp their personalities to please men. (I advise watching this with appropriately feministy inspirational music and a box of tissues).
@Kittehs- yeah, “thug,” “ghetto,” etc. are pretty standard racist dog whistles for “black” in American society, even for “polite racists” (see: some people grandmas at holiday dinners, ugh)
@Kittehserf Well, I can’t help but think that they are thinking racially when they throw out “thugs”, especially since they’re throwing out “welfare”, too. I doubt they’re strangers to racism, after all, just because they hate non-men doesn’t mean they can’t hate non-whites, too. So yeah, it’s the “all women want bad boys” with a heaping dose of “black people suck”.
Time for another round of MRA Mad Libs! Who wants to play?
Step 1: Tell [plural noun] that they are [adjective] and [comparative adjective (i.e. –er)] to the [plural noun] in their [noun].
Step 2: Once a [noun] reaches [state of being], assume that he is a [adjective] [noun] and [compound noun]. Also assume his [adjective] [plural noun] can do no [noun].
Step 3: Tell [noun] that he must be a [adjective] [noun] and [verb] anything that makes him [adjective] if he wants [plural noun] to [verb] him. [Verb] him when he happens to notice that [plural noun] [verb] at his most [adjective] [plural noun]. Tell the [plural noun] they can do no [noun].
Step 4: Throw [number, preferably large] of [adjective]-only [plural noun] and [plural noun] at [adjective] [plural noun]. [Verb] [s/he or it] that [s/he or it] is a [adjective] [noun] that can do no [noun]. Assume the [adjective] [noun] is a [something –ist] [compound noun] [gerund (i.e. –ing)] for [plural noun].
Step 5: [Verb] and [verb] while some [adjective used as a plural noun] [verb] with the [superlative adjective (e.g. –est)] [racist buzzword] they can [verb], and give them [noun]. [Verb] all [adjective used as plural noun] for not “[buzzword in gerund form; e.g. trending].”
Step 6: Allow some [plural noun] to [adverb] [verb] their [plural noun] for non-[adjective] reasons. Withhold [plural verb] from [gerund] [plural noun]. But of course, continue to [verb] [noun].
Step 7: [Verb] and [verb] [plural noun] who fall on [plural noun]. Act [adjective] when they hold a [noun] to their head and [verb] the [noun].
That image of the magazine cover, hilarious.
Didn’t know there was one called “MALE.” Shit, “What to Tell Your Wife About SEX.” Seriously? Yes. You have to tell her all about it — YOUR version of it, of course, ’cause she doesn’t know a thing about it (at least that’s what’s implied to certain readers with very fragile egos and a Christopher Columbus complex).
I’m going to have my sister fill in those, for funsies XD
ep 1: Tell cats that they are lucky and funkier than to the cups in their TV.
Once a ceiling reaches sick, assume that he is a kidnapping homonculus and lightbulb. Also assume his painful doors can do no air.
Tell book that he must be a phallic lampshade and eat anything that makes him bright if he wants computer screens to punch him. Repair him when he happens to notice that bookshelves lick at his most quick tongues. Tell the butts they can do no stool.
Throw 400,000,012 of vulgar-only soda cans and teeth at big paintings. Type she that he is a ginormous wing that can do no venishan blinds. Assume the floopy CD is a toe-ist reclining chair rock climbing for garbage dumps.
Step 5: Explain and narrow while some wise sniff with the fanciest ghetto they can chillax, and give them keyboard. Prevent all sick for not “tramping.”
p 6: Allow some pictures to quickly poke their pillows for non-pretentious reasons. Withhold study from flying kangaroos. But of course, continue to watch fire.
Step 7: Scowl and ignore gums who fall on scars. Act painful when they hold a boob to their head and hide the babysitter.
I hope we did this right.
Ooh i want to play I want to play!
Step 1: Tell chairs that they are hard and harder to the penguins in their scented candle.
Step 2: Once a scented candle reaches misandry, assume that he is a hard chair and man boob. Also assume his scented candle can do no thug.
Step 3: Tell thug that he must be an ugly WHOREZ!!!!eleventy and trick anything that makes him fat if he wants cock carousels to ride him. Bloviate him when he happens to notice that chairs accuse false rape at his most scented candles. Tell the beta males they can do no MISANDRY.
Step 4: Throw ONE HUNDRED MILLION of incel-only penguins and manboobers at china dolls. Neg zie that zie is a radical radfem that can do no chair. Assume the scented candle is a misandrist milk technician riding for alpha cock carousels.
Step 5: Talk and talk while some young never shut up with the hardest zie creatures they can trick, and give them unlimited kitty pictures. Fight the feminist propaganda state all young for not “whining.”
Step 6: Allow some penguins to desperately scent their candles for non-ugly reasons. Withhold penguins from fucking penguins. But of course, continue to bloviate blogs.
Step 7: Neg and keno pickup artists who fall on legoes. Act scented when they hold a thug to their head and move to the opposite side of the Mississippi river.
… I think it makes more sense my way.
“Hide the babysitter” should be the new “And that’s real.” 😀
(all FITBs taken from previous sources of contention by trolls on manboobz)
These are making me giggle alarmingly.
Or, [plural noun] are [gerund] me [verb] [adverb].
Reblogged this on iheariseeilearn.
MRAs, sexists, racists remind me of this excerpt from an article on fat-shaming on Feministe:
“In ‘The Seven-Stage Hate Model: The Psychopathology of Hate,’ FBI behavioral analyst Jack Shaefer, Ph.D., provides some answers on why hatred is such a popular and self-reinforcing group activity. Shaefer dissects seven stages in the progress from hate speech to murderous violence:
Not all insecure people are haters, but all haters are insecure people.
Hate is the glue that binds haters to one another and to a common cause. By verbally debasing the object of their hate, haters enhance their self-image, as well as their group status.
… [T]he more often a person thinks about aggression, the greater the chance for aggressive behavior to occur….
Time cools the fire of hate, thus forcing the hater to look inward. To avoid introspection, haters use ever-increasing degrees of rhetoric and violence to maintain high levels of agitation. “
This works too, Cloudia: http://www.projectlabyrinth.com/MadLibs/MadLib.php?mid=66932370396
(Just copied and pasted your text into that, I thought it’d fill it for me. I wanted a computer-generated Mad Lib)
Step 1: Tell cats that they are short and faster to the hats in their dam.
Step 2: Once a human reaches dead, assume that he is a smart light and dog poop. Also assume his dark rabbits can do no vides.
Step 3: Tell earth that he must be a high drawer and run anything that makes him low if he wants shirts to hop him. Run him when he happens to notice that bullets bounce at his most silky crabs. Tell the refrigerators they can do no lamp.
Step 4: Throw 2134123580 of sloppy-only chairs and cameras at firm tigers. Slap it that she is a hot butt that can do no box. Assume the slippery cat is a communist video game tripping for glasses.
Step 5: Shoot and slap while some Squishies rap with the biggest illegal immigrant they can speak, and give them wimple. Drape all Cuties for not “paradigm-ing.”
Step 6: Allow some mice to sexily jump their beds for non-horrible reasons. Withhold spanks from banging kittens. But of course, continue to swing head.
Step 7: Dance and fly balls who fall on clocks. Act terribly when they hold a brownie to their head and bake the cookie.
Ooh, Cloudiah, I love madlibs. Thanks for the link to the madlib thingy, StarStorm! Here’s mine. Step 5 makes more sense than most mras.
Step 1: Tell wizards that they are squeaky and moldier to the swans in their brick.
Step 2: Once a sequins reaches zen, assume that he is a flighty grape and hair style. Also assume his humid sauces can do no dragonfly.
Step 3: Tell ashtray that he must be a slick bulb and squat anything that makes him dusty if he wants donuts to whisk him. Drink him when he happens to notice that beds wink at his most tepid leaves. Tell the toenails they can do no fire.
Step 4: Throw 310878 of microscopic-only pillows and journeys at plaid screens. Lust zie that zie is a shitty spit that can do no ice cream. Assume the blue lavender is a flautist truck bed spinning for stories.
Step 5: Flail and bounce while some blues twist with the spankiest getto they can flip, and give them possum. poke all whites for not “fracking.”
Step 6: Allow some sporks to rabidly drool their elevators for non-dank reasons. Withhold windows from sighting eggs. But of course, continue to fling mountain.
Step 7: Wash and bump whiskers who fall on rainbows. Act waxy when they hold a potato to their head and spin the crumb.