After yesterday’s horribleness, here’s a bit of MRA pontificating that’s mostly just absurd. In the Men’s Rights subreddit, our dear old friend OuiCrudites spells out the Seven Step Plan that is destroying men today. He doesn’t explain 1) who exactly is taking these steps, or 2) why exactly they want to destroy men, but, you know, I think we can just assume 1) the evil feminist gynomatriarchy/women in general and 2) EEEEEEVIL.
Interesting that two whole steps out of the seven here involve complaints about “females” dating thuggy alpha bad boys instead of decent, hard-working nice guys like those you might find posting thoughtful comments on gender relations in helpful list form on Reddit.
I want to know when the tell females they can do no wrong part of the plan starts because damn
that would be revolutionary!
Spinning seal! Infallible luring techniques.
And man-suit David’s epic MRA impersonation Reddit vendetta.
What’s kind of funny is that quite a few of those steps are being taken by the patriarchy and dudebros themselves.
You know that “all men are rapists” thing? Well, isn’t that connected to the notions of “if women dress cheaply they should *expect* to be sexually harassed,” and “men can’t help it?” Feminists hate rapists. Anti-feminists assume that this means feminists hate all men. Therefore, anti-feminists think all men are rapists.
And who makes the most usage of the word “mangina?”
[TW – rape]
I think the loophole is that they don’t think it’s rape if the woman was dressed like a/b/c. The more charitable ones think it’s not rape-rape. Or from TyphonBlue’s wisdom: if the man who is raping did not consent to the woman not consenting, he is raped because he did not consent to non-consent sex.
A feminist sitting on her ass eating bon bons and feeding off a man’s hard earned dirty socks.
That ferret is the last word in laid-back! 😀
It is the abuser justification for everything. You forced me to force you by refusing me.
Yes, the old “Don’t make me do this” – when it doesn’t matter what the victim does, or doesn’t do, because the abuser will abuse them and blame them anyway.
Man, I wish they would stop using “thug” and say what they really mean. Candyasses.
I can do no wrong? That’s news to me.
So wait, is he saying that it’s some huge conspiracy that women don’t like him? Once again, MRAs are so non-oppressed, they have to make up something ridiculous that oppresses them.
On the other hand, how about a joke?
How many MRAs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None. MRAs can’t change anything.
HannibaltheVictor13 Rocks! I would have problably linked to one of his videos commenting on this blog, if hadn’t done so.
Mra’s say that feminism is destroying men because mra’s definition of “being a man” is being a violent, rapey asshole. Therefore to them, since feminists are against this, feminists must be against men.
Is thug used specifically to mean a man of colour in the US? Is it something the MRM came up with or more general? I’d never heard it with that connotation before reading Manboobz.
My workplace just posted a big sign recently with names and photos of all the employees that they gave scholarships to this year. I could have sworn many of them were males. I must be blinded by the damn gynocracy once again.
They were probably fake photos and names put up by teh ebil
catswimmin, but the MRM will not be fooled!… and you have nine cats! ::dies of envy::
Sorry, what you thought you saw is just part of the feminist conspiracy. If you do research on the male names who were awarded scholarships, you’ll find that they’re all people who never existed or are long deceased. Having a certain amount of male scholarship “recipients” does help keep other men in the dark and docile to make them suitable for Operation Spermjackathon.
Actually all influential men in politics, business, the media, academia, etc. are holograms placed there by feminists to destroy men. Next time you meet a male CEO of a Fortune 500 company, pay careful attention when you shake his hand, and you’ll realize that there’s nothing there. This is because he’s a hologram. This is how feminism works.
What is this I don’t even
This stinks like a huge, rotten pile of projection. I’m in a bit of a hurry, so I’ll just point out a personal experience regarding number 1: When my little sister was small(er, she’s still my baby sister, dammit!), she used to wish she was a boy because she believed all the crap about men being superior to women. I’m so glad she’s better now, though I still see some traces of that harmful belief in her. So yeah.
cough cough cough HACK
damn, I was enjoying that sammich, too
Welcome 😀
I think so. (I live in the US but my socializing with other people is pretty random so hard to tell…)
It was street thugs and union thugs back in the day. At this point all citizens are assumed to be either a thug or a potential terrorist in the US. YMMV.
All citizens?? O_o
::blushes:: I just realized I’m still posting as Zombie Marie…wrong thread lol.
So his plan results to men killing women? Great plan, imaginary feminazi overlords!
This shit doesn’t make any sense even internally.