After yesterday’s horribleness, here’s a bit of MRA pontificating that’s mostly just absurd. In the Men’s Rights subreddit, our dear old friend OuiCrudites spells out the Seven Step Plan that is destroying men today. He doesn’t explain 1) who exactly is taking these steps, or 2) why exactly they want to destroy men, but, you know, I think we can just assume 1) the evil feminist gynomatriarchy/women in general and 2) EEEEEEVIL.
Interesting that two whole steps out of the seven here involve complaints about “females” dating thuggy alpha bad boys instead of decent, hard-working nice guys like those you might find posting thoughtful comments on gender relations in helpful list form on Reddit.
It’s worse than that, because even when you’re paying, you’re not safe.
… I’m now thinking of the Pirahna brothers and the Plan, the Other Plan and the Other Other Plan.
He is suddenly the nearest source of meat.
… This is how most of story ideas have been ending lately. It has to stop at some point.
At the risk of being off-topic-y, when did fedoras get associated with MRAs and their ilk? It makes me very sad. I like fedoras. I own a fedora. Many of the people I find exceedingly attractive are even more so in a fedora.
/end random fedora love.
Quoted for Fucking Truth!
I keep asking that question. I don’t own a fedora but my beloved has a couple and it pisses. me. off. no. end to see gorgeous headwear (and ditto about them making attractive people even more so) being appropriated by those losers and associated with them. What next – one can’t wear a particular style of glasses or jeans or boots because misogynistic losers happen to as well?
(I know nobody’s saying “you can’t wear them” but the whole fedora = PUA thing comes across that way to me.)
I live in a jungle (modern name: rainforest). Occasionally my bf gets sick. I’ve never felt fear because of it. I don’t expect him to protect me from wild animals even when he’s well. I did ask me to help shoo a large python off the road in front of our house so it didn’t get run over.
But Kim, our jungles don’t count! There are no tigers!
Anyway there’s a sure-fire tiger distractor for when one’s Manly Man is such a failure as to get sick. Just carry a large cardboard box on your expedition. We saw video evidence yesterday that tigers looooove playing in cardboard boxes.
Seconded onto forever.
@Radical Parrot
XD It is terrible.
Hat Man posted, “I do not believe in the patriarchy myth…” but then goes on to express his worldview — which is all about supporting patriarchy. Later on, he claims the patriarchy is hard on men, not aware that “patriarchy hurts men too” is a feminist slogan.
“Actually I do not think it is only the political left who has a hatred of weakness in men. I think it is innate to women.”
Projection gets in the way of clear thinking, yes. Self-hate is uttererly terribel and sad.
Historically, men have defined manhood. In some cases, those definitions have toxic consequences.
“Basically.. being in the jungle with a man who gets sick is pretty scary for a woman. She is in need of protection and her fear turns to anger- directed at the man who has just become sick.”
Men should never get sick is a feminist thing? No. Huh-uh. He knows it too. He’s describing machoism. That bit about men being put on the earth to protect women is a sexist social construct, so dudebro doesn’t have to worry about sacrificing himself for someone in the name of manhood. There, problem solved. Though somehow I think he knows this too, and the jungle scenario is really about hating chicks who dig guys who can do lots of push-ups or whatever the hell it is “Nice Guys” claim.
“This is one reason for the lack of suicide prevention services for men in the UK. The health service is very largely run by women and many of them have an unspoken rage at men who get sick.
It is an evolutionary thing really. This is not to say it cannot be dealt with.”
I’ll just ignore the suicide prevention comment since it’s utter horsehit. The “evolutionary thing really.” I can’t ignore. I mean, if it’s just biology that makes women adore strong men — and he believes this wholeheartedly, then why the rage? Why not be at peace and hire the occassional sex worker if nature is simply carrying along according to the mandates of his belief system. But what if it’s not true? What? People don’t like hooking up with assholes? Whaaaaaa? No! That’s not it! Evolution! Biology! I believe it dictates the actions of everyone — but it pisses me off too! The system is fixed, so I’m in the clear…
Oh, I just remembered I was going to say this when it came up, but the last troll using male suicide to play GOTCHA was Joe attempting to say I don’t actually care about the men I know who’ve committed suicide.
And if you see this Joe, you can continue kindly fucking off.
I could be wrong, but I think the association of “nice guys” PUAs and fedoras came about because of dating sites where they post pics of themselves looking kewel, or trying to. Then that whole thing of “nice guys of OK Cupid” pretty much cemented it.
I love hats, all sorts of hats, and I think it a shame that fedoras have acquired a bad association.
I don’t read the fedora thing as a criticism of the hat, but of the guys who think wearing one is cool enough to make up for their horrible personalities.
The annoying thing is when “fedora-wearing” gets turned into shorthand as if wearing the style made you an asshat. They’re not related.
Speaking of hats, Someone pinched my brand new cable-knit cap again this morning. He’s as bad as a cat, I swear.
If you’re going to wear an old-style hat, I’d much prefer a flatcap to a fedora.
I like the butcher-boy or baker-boy (same thing) style caps. Flat ones don’t work for me and I’ve never seen himself wear one. Flat caps can look really good on some people, just not us. 😀
Kitteh — you probably shouldn’t have said that. I mean, unless the goal was to see him in one.
As for the fedora hate, I blame hipsters. Or rather, the assumption that fedora = hipster and hipster = asshole.
Kitteh, I am so sorry that jerks have appropriated fedoras. Here, have an inflatable dog:
OMG inflatable chiahuahua! That is the funniest!
Argenti – LOL you’re probably right. He’s very good at doing Feline Perversity. Not surprising, given how many of ’em are there, using their mind control.
… somehow I can see him looking good in a flat cap. Especially a patchwork check one (she said, knowing he doesn’t like patterned hats or caps).
Welcome! And package!
Hi Detached! Everybody, scroll up, Detached had good shit to say.
Kitteh, I can sympathize with liking a fashion item that has an unfair association with a certain subculture or behavior, but at some point you just have to accept that the association is going to continue to exist and everyone’s not actually talking about you or Louis.
Don’t worry, katz, I don’t think they are – but it’s a good chance to remind folk that lots of people wear fedoras and get a bit pissed off with the constant association. It even found its way onto Feministe a while back, and not from me, believe it or not!
Plus, hat discussion in general = good. 🙂
@Argenti Aertheri
Ah, thanks. I’m glad that I let that out. I really have found these guys to be laughable, but it’s so important prevent their toxic views from reaching people. I’m also glad that sites like this give me a place to really see what I got away from, so I guess I have to thank Man Boobz too.
@Fibinachi–HAHAHAH! That was so delicious I had to save it & add it to a folder of humorous filk.
Fibinachi writes so much delicious stuff.