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Evil Seven Step Plan to Destroy Men uncovered by Men’s Rights Redditor

This is Step Eight
Step 8: Release the Monkeys

After yesterday’s horribleness, here’s a bit of MRA pontificating that’s mostly just absurd. In the Men’s Rights subreddit, our dear old friend OuiCrudites spells out the Seven Step Plan that is destroying men today. He doesn’t explain 1) who exactly is taking these steps, or 2) why exactly they want to destroy men, but, you know, I think we can just assume 1) the evil feminist gynomatriarchy/women in general and 2) EEEEEEVIL.

Step 1: Tell boys that they are disruptive and inferior to the girls in their classes.  Step 2: Once boy reaches puberty, assume that he is a potential rapist and woman batterer. Also assume his female contemporaries can do no wrong.  Step 3: Tell pubescent male that he must be a perfect gentleman and repress anything that makes him masculine if he wants females to like him. Shame him when he happens to notice that females throw themselves at his most aggressive male classmates. Tell the females they can do no wrong.  Step 4: Throw zillions of female-only scholarships and hiring quotas at young adult females. Tell her that she is a helpless victim that can do no wrong. Assume the young adult man is a rapist woman oppressor looking for victims.  Step 5: Smile and nod while some females mate with the roughest thugs they can find, and give them welfare. Browbeat all males for not "manning up."  Step 6: Allow some wives to ruthlessly tear apart their families for non-dire reasons. Withhold children from loving fathers. But of course, continue to demand child support.  Step 7: Ignore and shame men who fall on hard times. Act surprised when they hold a gun to their head and pull the trigger.

Interesting that two whole steps out of the seven here involve complaints about “females” dating thuggy alpha bad boys instead of decent, hard-working nice guys like those you might find posting thoughtful comments on gender relations in helpful list form on Reddit.

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11 years ago

The Nice Guy® narrative strikes again.

11 years ago

Well, it’s just that being on welfare is such a guaranteed path to riches and fulfillment. That’s really why we go for the thugs; it’s just a means to get the untold wealth that Big Daddy Government tosses at single mothers. Those couches we lie on, while eating bon bons and watching the soaps? Stuffed with tax dollars stolen from hard-working Nice Guys.

[cackle, cackle]

11 years ago

Only time I’ve heard the word crudites was as the name of an alleged entree at a crappy hotel in Tours … they were piles of shredded carrot, beetroot and I forget what other vegetables. Feckin’ inedible. So this twit’s name reads as Yes Raw Shredded Vegetables to me, which seems somehow apt.

Why couldn’t he expose the seven-point plan the Furrinati have for world domination? It’d be much more fun to read about.

11 years ago

Is there a link to this? I can’t seem to find it.

11 years ago

I just saw a local example of MRA evangelistic outreach in my local paper. Check out the ignorant comments here: Reading comprehension is not big among MRAs, nor obeying the law, civility, or for that matter, common sense.

11 years ago

This was linked on the AMR reddit, and I have to say I like all of this guy’s videos.

“Healthyaddict and the Great MRA Non Advocacy Elevator”

11 years ago

My comment disappeared and I got scooped by the kitteh on the furrinati! Damn it.

Maude LL
11 years ago

My display of angry feminist training is still worth it, though, so even though my hilarious joke is now impossible, there:

11 years ago

Maude LL – we were attuned to the hivemind! 😀

Maude LL
11 years ago

Hehe… more conspiracies!

I am seriously starting to suspect that againstmensrights is actually comprised entirely of manboobz’s readers… they all think and argue just like him.
[–]OuiCrudites -2 points 2 days ago
It is probably all him, signing under hundreds of different accounts.
[–]oneiorosgrip -2 points 2 days ago
You know, it’s sad, but that’s not a far-fetched idea, considering the content and sidebar links there.

11 years ago

Also, sorry to be spamming videos but he also takes on Warren Farrel and even mentions your deconstruction!

11 years ago

So he’s lamenting that feminists are trying to make dudes into girly-men by insisting they raise their hands in class, but women go for the most agressive men (coded as “thugs”) anyway? Does he actually understand what he’s attempting to whine about?

“Tell females they can do no wrong.”

Yes, I couldn’t get enough of this sentiment as a child. *headslap*

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Gotta love that unmoored conspiracy theorist mindset. The whole world is feminist governed and hates men, but the only person who could possibly be posting at r/againstmensrights is David Futrelle.

11 years ago

Ahahaha, if only they knew the truth! Because David is really a bunch of cats in a suit, it is very easy for them to split up and take over the internets.

I fear that having divulged this, the furrinati will probably destroy m

11 years ago

I think he misspelled step 7. It’s supposed to be spelled “Whine about the bitches because they’ve done me wrong.”

OH wait, never mind, it’s step 7 for the evil feminazis. Man, that all looks like too much work.

11 years ago

And, remember how some MRAs were defending Josh Powell? More has come out about that marriage:

Maude LL
11 years ago

The cats should be careful in the David suit, because Paul Elam is made of bees.
Mh, but the hive is made of honey, amirite, ladies? *wink-wink, special zoologist handshake*

11 years ago

StarStorm – hi, are you new, or posting under a different name? 🙂

11 years ago

Nah, I’m just a lurker.

11 years ago

I’m a female. I’m 38 years old. Nobody has ever, ever told me I can do no wrong. Not one person, once, ever.

Feminism has failed me.

Except no.

11 years ago

How To Recognise a Zoologist Mason!

11 years ago

StarStorm – welcome anyway, in case I haven’t said it before. 🙂

Have you had your Official Welcome Package yet?

Maude LL
11 years ago

kitteh – yeah, it might look like all the zo..masons on that video are men, but that is due to the gynocracy controlling their brain.

And man-suit David’s epic MRA impersonation Reddit vendetta.

11 years ago

Nope, but thank you!

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