After yesterday’s horribleness, here’s a bit of MRA pontificating that’s mostly just absurd. In the Men’s Rights subreddit, our dear old friend OuiCrudites spells out the Seven Step Plan that is destroying men today. He doesn’t explain 1) who exactly is taking these steps, or 2) why exactly they want to destroy men, but, you know, I think we can just assume 1) the evil feminist gynomatriarchy/women in general and 2) EEEEEEVIL.
Interesting that two whole steps out of the seven here involve complaints about “females” dating thuggy alpha bad boys instead of decent, hard-working nice guys like those you might find posting thoughtful comments on gender relations in helpful list form on Reddit.
Blacky: If you think the solutions offered are faulty in some way- then say so.
They have been, but as with your last instantiation, you aren’t listening.
Blacky: Then why is suicide funny?
It’s not. The idea that the list is actually about suicide, isn’t funny either.
It’s laughable.
There is a difference, look it up.
And now I must get dressed and go to work. I’ll miss lots of fun, if you chew the hat to pieces, and leave none for me, I’ll understand.
“Basically.. being in the jungle with a man who gets sick is pretty scary for a woman. She is in need of protection and her fear turns to anger- directed at the man who has just become sick.”
Umm…last time I looked the general consensus was that we were savannah dwellers rather than jungle dwellers during most of our evolution, & were a social species even then. Also, that modern peoples who live in conditions similar to those of our distant ancestors typically live in communities–isolated individuals, or couples, tend to wind up dead fairly quickly, so both members of couple in the jungle would have excellent cause to be scared, & if the woman was their unwillingly, say, he’d kidnapped her from her tribe or had to accompany a husband thrown out of the tribe, she’d likely be fairly furious with him *before* he got sick–actually, his getting sick might mean she could return to her tribe, so could be she’d be more glad than angry.
Seems to me that MRAs don’t have the average Boy Scout’s understanding of the reality of wilderness survival, let alone an archaeologist’s or anthropologist’s.
Blacky: I’ve found your problem. I believe
Not think, not have evidence to support, “believe”.
My little sister used to believe there was a monster in the hall closet. Every night we had to make sure the closet door was shut, so it couldn’t get out and eat someone up in the night.
You believe women expect things. That facts (as with my sister and the closet) are immaterial this belief. You have a feeling.
The problem is that your feeling is wrong, and you have tried to engage the world as if the world should be in accord with your feelings.
Unlike my sister, you are not four years old (she’d older now, the closet has lost its monster). Your disconnect from the actual world has real implications, and effects. The effect is that you look like a moron.
Blacky: Basically.. being in the jungle with a man who gets sick is pretty scary for a woman. She is in need of protection and her fear turns to anger- directed at the man who has just become sick.
Whut? She (as any decent person does) helps him, tends to him. Tries to make him well. If for no other reason than being alone in the jungle is worse.
Unfortunately feminism has created an authoritarian culture by which everyone needs to know that you are a cis/bi/bdsm/catlover or whatever.
This is none of their business. Get a lavender partner and
tell them to go to hellmake them think you are straight, and involved (rather than just be alone, and not care what they think).Gods, but you are thick.
Blacky: I had some respect for you for a while. Y
I find this hard to believe.
Then again, I find it hard to believe that Ugh gives a damn for your respect, given that what you believe is wrong, and the people whom you support (and give your respect to) are vile.
and now I’m out the door.
Now there I agree wholeheartedly. Doad looks incredibly good in a fez but doesn’t believe it. He says I look incredibly good in a flapper hat but I don’t believe it. We have a headgear stalemate.
A fez! Cool! Don’t see many (or any) fezzes around here. Quite a few variations on flapper hats (d’you mean cloche hats for that?) Tried that look myself but it doesn’t really work for me, I need a wider hat.
Oh, it struck me last night just after your gentle hint (true!) that the way to frame the fedora busines is “Not even wearing a fedora can improve these creeps; it’s just an illustration of the term ‘about as much use as a hatful of arseholes’.” Lovely hat does not improve douchecanoe wearer.
Which would be true regardless of the style, garment, whatever. They could be dressed as [insert name of favourite person here] and it would neither improve them nor reflect on the innocent clothing. 😛
Very true. (I, for one, also think fedoras are nice looking and that it’s too bad that they often get worn by obnoxious people.)
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I believe the problem here is quite obvious. Your premise is faulty. Try testing it out – ask the women here if they expect men to be protectors and providers. Here, I will answer first… no, I do not. OMG, a black swan. Whatcouldthismean
If this really is how you view the world, I feel very sorry for you. My stepdad is being treated for lymphoma. My mum does not think he’s weak – she thinks the man she loves is sick, and it’s scary. I didn’t think he was weak either, when I moved in temporarily while he was hospitalized. On the contrary, I thnk he’s tough as nails – he’s fighting it with everything he’s got (and even if he wasn’t, for whatever reason, I still wouldn’t think he was weak.) Maybe you just don’t understand how to care about other people?
*headdesk* Citation, seriously. Assfax, y u no make sense?
Overcoming shyness, no problem. Blaming an entire gender for your own personal problems? Telling women how they feel, act, etc without ever actually, yanno, asking any? Refusing to accept evidence that contradicts your craptastical assertions? Problem. Get out of the MRA bubble and actually listen to what other people are telling you.
If not, well then kindly go have a thumbtack enema.
“Maybe you just don’t understand how to care about other people?”
DING DING DING we have a winner!