creepy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny narcissism playing the victim PUA rape rape culture rhymes with roosh victim blaming

Dating guru Alex Matlock: Sex with women who fear you and push you away might not be much fun

Protip: This does not mean “yes.”

So “dating” guru Roosh has a post up on his Return of Kings blog by another self-professed dating guru, Alex Matlock, who rates various types of “bad sex” according to the type of female partner who’s involved in them, including such charmingly named types as “The one that tries too much (aka The Disaster)” and “The one that doesn’t move (aka The Starfish or The Doll).”

I expected a good deal of standard-issue manosphere misogyny in Matlock’s list, but I honestly couldn’t make it past his description of what he regards as the second-worst type of female sex partner: “The one that’s scared (aka The Virgin).” Because what he’s describing doesn’t sound so much like “bad sex” as “date rape.”

[TRIGGER WARNING for what follows; emphasis mine.]

This girl doesn’t necessarily have to be a virgin because she can still act the part many years after she’s popped that priceless cherry. She will usually look at you with fear in her eyes as if she has no idea about what’s going to happen. She gently pushes you away as if she’s not ready for the event and when it does happen she continues to act like it’s the first time. She usually sits in some extremely awkward positions that make you give up and just go missionary. This girl will eventually bust your nut but she’ll surely leave you with a sense of disappointment and/or guilt.

Uh, Mr. Matlock, I’m hoping for everyone’s sake that this is a hypothetical “humorous” scenario you’ve come up with for the sake of this article and not something you’ve been a part of in the actual real world on a regular basis, because, unless you’ve left out that portion of the hypothetical events in which the woman in question clearly and unequivocally consents to having sex with your hypothetical protagonist here, what you’ve just described as “bad sex” (for the hypothetical dude) is actually a description of, well, rape from the point of view of the rapist.

In which case that twinge of guilt your hypothetical protagonist hypothetically feels is probably just the tiny part of his hypothetical self that’s still human reacting to the fact that he JUST (hypothetically) FUCKING RAPED SOMEONE.

MRAs and PUAs and manospherean assholes generally like to pretend that consent is some weird and mysterious thing, but it’s really not. Here’s a hint: if a women looks at you with fear in her eyes and pushes you away all while sitting in a position that makes sex difficult …. all that means NO.

The fact that Matlock — despite those twinges of guilt — still doesn’t regard this as the worst kind of “bad sex” (for the guy) but merely the second-worst adds a certain level of absurdity to the horror.

Given Roosh’s publication of this piece by Matlock, and the fact that he himself has already confessed to committing what would be considered date rape by American standards by having sex with at woman too inebriated to give consent, perhaps it’s time to stop referring to Roosh as a dating guru and to start referring to him as a date rape guru.

I don’t really have anything else to say.

Here, as brain bleach, are some cats with smaller versions of themselves:


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11 years ago

@Radical Parrot,

All the hugs you want. 🙁

11 years ago

And this is Kittiwantsavatars, I normally post under Marie (what I should be doing right now I hope) but for some reason got the wrong username and I so didn’t notice until Alex called me by it. ::blushes::

Ultimately, she just didn’t want to accept that a book she enjoyed used rape as a romantic element. It was better to her to say that victims of the sort of rape mentioned earlier aren’t actually victims.

Ugh. >:/ You’re right, it’s totally selfish.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

Par for the motherfucking course. Asshole MRA has no defense for the shit being spewed by his ilk, so he derails the comment thread with nonsense to avoid the discussion.

11 years ago

I hope you’re feeling better now, Radical Parrot. =[

11 years ago

At this point I honestly don’t know why someone doesn’t just kick the absolute fucking shit out of Doosh B? -smash that big ugly fucking nose right down to size.

Also, I realize body shaming may not be the answer, but has anyone not noticed that Doosh B is EXTREMELY UGLY! Seriously people, why don’t we say what is obvious? Doosh’s level of physical attractiveness, to use his own failed-ugly-loser lexicon, is at very best about a 3. So Doosh B, if you read this please understand, you are BUTT UGLY! Your nose is huge, your hair and man fur (holy mega body hair) are course and wiry (just the way Shakespeare describes in “Nothing Like the Sun”), you have a fucking uni-brow, your face is unsymmetrical, one of your eyes is actually noticeably lower than the other, your huge mouth is crooked, and so are your teeth.

Do you get it Doosh B? The vast majority of women and men would never widely accept you as being attractive – in fact just being average is even out of the question for you…face it my butt-ugly-heinz 57-looking-monkey man-shit stain you are HIDEOUSLY FUCKING UGLY!
I can only imagine how fugly your parents must be.

So Doosh, enjoy living life as a 3 (on your best day). By the way, it’s obvious that the beard is a last ditch effort to attempt to hide your disgusting, deformed face. Not working buddy…not working at all… And good on the women of Toronto for shutting your gruesome, deformed, fugly ass right the fuck out!

11 years ago

Honestly, it does not matter what Roosh looks like, he advocated rape in the past and implicitly by posting this garbage nightmare of rape apology. That alone makes him horrifying, not his looks, which are completely ordinary.

11 years ago

Also, I realize body shaming may not be the answer, but [body shaming galore]

You don’t appear to have realized any such thing. Frankly, if the first thing you want to criticize about a blatant rape advocate is how you don’t find them attractive, your priorities are fucked.

11 years ago

RE: Kittehserf

I just thought I’d tell you, I’ve been doing another writeathon in honor of our temporary return to appropriately housed humanity, and I just made a prompt that is in part a continuation of ‘Cat’s Eye View!’

I love my writeathon prompters. They always give me the best stuff.

11 years ago

RE: Jackie

You’re a jerk. Knock it off.

11 years ago

Also, if he were indeed super handsome, then what? Would that make rape advocacy something to be desired? No, it would still be horrifying and gross.
Roosh, and his low rent wannabe Roosh contributor, are both horrifying, not for their looks, but for their advocacy of raping people.

11 years ago

Jackie, you kind of majorly missed the point. The fact that mras constantly use a rating of attractiveness as a line to the level of respect a woman should receive is why we can’t ever fall into that hole.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

And men with lazy eyes should be spat on, right?

(Yes I’m extra cynical today, I blame insomnia and way too little sleep)

Radical Parrot
11 years ago

Thanks, everyone. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: You people are awesome. I’m fine now, if a bit drunk (I seem to be drunk a lot these days, ain’t I?). Here’s my contribution to the brain bleach of adorable. It might have been shown before, but I don’t care; it reminds me of the only two pets I ever had, a small kitten and an African pygmy hedgehog. I only wish they had had the chance to get to know each other. They would have been the best of friends.

I also love the Toy Story cover song.

11 years ago

Re : Snore’s comment

I was under the impression that the add content has nothing to do with the owner of the blog in question and that their content was tailored to the habits of the user. Do you remember that MRA who came in here trolling a while ago and complained about all the ads for porn sites? I think we have the same syndrome here.

11 years ago

Gosh, that rapist isn’t handsome at all…behold my awesome sense of priorities!

Jackie, you’re an idiot.

Bob Goblin
Bob Goblin
11 years ago

“The experience of being raped will probably scar me for life, but at least he looked like Ryan Gosling, so I decided not to report him.”

Said no rape victim ever.

11 years ago

What… the…. I just… I mean… I…

Ooooh, cute kitties and a hedgehog. Yay.

11 years ago

Yep, bob got it in one. 🙂 I always fight against sexual harassment unless the guy is cute or rich (says fantasy MRA woman).

11 years ago

His whole Rape and Manipulation for Dummies schtick would be totally OK if not for his hideous Caliban-like visage! Because there’s nothing wrong with being a horrible person as long as you have a pretty nose.

11 years ago

RE: Bob Goblin

Pretty much. Though it bothers how many people seem to think that this is actually how it works. Like if you’re pretty enough or rich enough, you can’t be a rapist.

11 years ago

@Jackie: Yeah, while I definitely understand how angry-making these assholes can be, calling them ugly is stooping to their level of immaturity.

I think Roosh and his ilk are the scum of the Earth, but there are much better things to call him out on than his (and his parents?) looks.

Also, saying they should be “smashed in the nose” or have the shit kicked out of them, even in jest, is not okay. Violent rhetoric is their thing, not ours.

And in any case, who needs punching? I’d much rather see all the puas, mras, mgtows, rape apologists and assorted manosphere jackasses shipped off to an island cut off from the rest of the world. They’d have enough food, water, clothing, etc. to last a lifetime, but no internet, no way of getting off the island and they’d have to spend the rest of their lives stuck living with other whiny, bitter manosphere dudes. Cruel and unusual punishment, I know.

11 years ago

brain bleachcomment image&jq=100

11 years ago

brain bleach (take two)