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The Men’s Rights Subreddit finds a new woman to love! (Because she hates lesbian feminists.)

Mysterious lady, the Men’s Rights subreddit wants to buy you a drink.

The Men’s Rights subreddit has a new favorite lady! The one in the pictures above, if you haven’t guessed. Her name is Sonia Verstappen, and until recently she was a sex worker in Brussels; she’s also an activist for the legalization of sex work. The stills above are apparently from a documentary called Sex Workers and Proud.

The Men’s Rights Redditors who love her don’t actually know any of this. They just love her because she’s a women who apparently thinks hysterical, man-destroying American lesbians have taken over feminism.

This little set of screenshots has been posted to the Men’s Rights subreddit several times before, and I’m pretty sure it’s always gotten a positive response, but never quite as positive as it’s gotten this time: as I write this, it’s been sitting comfortably in the #1 spot on the subreddit’s main page for some time, and has garnered more than twelve hundred net upvotes. The headline? “Wise words.”

[EDITED TO ADD: I stand corrected: On one previous occasion three months ago, the same collection of screenshots recieved more than 1900 upvotes and generated more than 500 comments, making it the 18th most popular post of all time in the Men’s Rights subreddit. Men’s Rights Redditors can’t get enough of this lady they don’t know anything about!]

The main debate going on amongst the regulars is whether or not the man-hating feminists in question are really lesbians or not. No, really. The regulars have all sorts of interesting theories on the subject. And by “interesting,” I mean “ignorant and homophobic and generally just … well, read it.


I mean, even setting aside Idiopathic77’s rather limited understanding of the mechanics of lesbian sex (and sex in general, come to think of it), that’s just … weird.  I guess this sort of discussion is what happens when you learn about feminism entirely from the Men’s Rights subreddit and YouTube trolls. It’s a bit like learning about Jewish people entirely from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and this clip from Curb Your Enthusiasm.

But where exactly is Whisper here running across all these “lesbian separatists” and heterosexual-women-turned-lesbian-for-political-reasons?

I mean, there was once upon a time in that wild and wacky era called “the seventies” a thing called “political lesbianism” that was based on the idea of lesbianism as a choice, but it got pushed to the fringes fairly quickly, because, you know, sexuality doesn’t really work that way.

Has Whisper developed some sort of time machine? Or do women just declare themselves lesbians when he starts talking to them because it’s a quicker way to get rid of him than giving him a fake phone number? That could also explain those 20% of Florida women who apparently gave  Idiopathic77 the impression that they were lesbians of the phony, man-hating sort.


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11 years ago


Sorry, didnt mean to speak for everyone else here. I don’t think it works all the time either, just trying to point out that the succeses are successful for reasons other than what they’re claiming. For instance, I responded to that bad boy crap. Not because “SCIENCE!!!” But because I had little self worth and was intensely uncomfortable with men who treated me with respect. It took a lot of introspection, work and self talk for me to finally break that pattern and now I’m married to a beta chump feminist!*

*actually he’s a former marine. But he identifies as a feminist and, you know, respects women and all, which naturally de-alphasizes his status. /sarcasm

11 years ago

“Mark Minter, why come here waving your dingaling in front of all us cat ladies?”

That reminds me of the story Magpie (iirc) told about zir brother doing it doggy-style and getting slashed in the jiggly bits by the cat …

As for Minty’s new inflatable girlfriend … cool story, bro.

(Or might he have saved up for one of those plushies?)

11 years ago


Ow. Ow. @cat story.

11 years ago

To the extent that it does “work” it does so by teaching predatory men how to effectively identify the women who it will be easiest to prey upon. Lovely people, aren’t they?

11 years ago

I suppose that it was only a matter of time before a PUA whined that rape wasn’t the best sex he’d ever had. The level of self-delusion is truly remarkable.

11 years ago

(Rape with him as rapist, of course.)

11 years ago

Lovely indeed. I’ll never forget the season finale of “the pickup artist” when the final “challenge” was to pick up an exotic dancer. Hubby and I watched in disbelief and were appalled that the final test was to exploit an exotic dancer while she’s working and has to endure “pickups” all the time! Also strip clubs are notorious cess pools of sexual violence and assault.

11 years ago

That’s such a perfect illustration of everything that’s wrong with the PUA mindset. Officially Hot Women are the ultimate boss that must be defeated in order to succeed in your sex quest! So go hit on them in a venue where they are required as a condition of their employment not to laugh in your face and tell you to fuck off.

Radical Parrot
11 years ago

@Mintyfresh, the success rate you pulled from Rectum Daily does not mean squat, the PUA artist stuff is still creepy as fuck. I know a PUA. His relationships are always doomed to fail because, surprise surprise, seeing half of the population as prey to be hunted does not a good boyfriend make. And not to generalize, but his girlfriends don’t seem to like themselves very much.

Thankfully, at least my friends are awesome. Whenever we’re in a bar and an annoying PUA tries to force himself into the conversation, our little group ignores him completely. Just like trolls in meatspace, either he leaves, or he sheds his fake confidence and starts pestering us for attention. And I find both options extremely funny. No, I don’t have much patience for these types, why do you ask?

@Marie: I know, right? And they’re not half as uncomfortable if you make sure to cut out a piece of silk and sew it inside on the sensitive areas… I mean, uh… what? Nobody was talking about pink glitter leather underwear here.

11 years ago

Also strip clubs are notorious cess pools of sexual violence and assault.

It really depends on the establishment. I know some strippers who would put someone in the hospital if a customer tried to get cute.

11 years ago

@radical parrot

Huh. If for some reason I ever want to spend time making my own pink glitter leather underwear I shall keep that in mind.

I may be continuing the off topic-ness, but way more interesting than minty. Doesn’t matter though, since my sowing skills are preettttyyy horrible.

11 years ago

Hey, even if the people discussing sewing are OT, at least they have to courtesy to be succinct. Every comment Minty makes is crying out for a teacher with a red pen.

Radical Parrot
11 years ago

Ah, pick up artist artist. Redundant kitty is redundant.

11 years ago

re: sewing Just to clarify, I wasn’t dissing the sparkly underwear thing (I did like the idea) I just don’t have the patience or knowledge to sow anything at the moment.

11 years ago

wait have I been spelling sewing wrong this whole time?

11 years ago

I thought you were planting a garden in your underdrawers.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

…pretend it was intentional, I thought it was!

And I think there may be squat pulled from Rectum Daily, or at least, he may have to squat to gleen his “data”.

That sounded funnier in my head…

Kitteh — re: that cat — owwwwww!

11 years ago

“It really depends on the establishment. I know some strippers who would put someone in the hospital if a customer tried to get cute.”

Yes, there is some variation, but statistically sexual violence and assault are the most common in strip clubs. Just the venue itself flies in the face of gender equality (which i believe to be the source of violence against women) To be clear, I’m not coming from a shaming or moralizing place in my discussion of strip clubs and/or exotic dancers.

Our local nonprofit sexual assault prevention/intervention center offered to do a free training, and the owner refused. Pretty sick considering the sheer number of reports coming outta that place.

11 years ago

The densest areas for finding gay men is (as I recall; from about a decade ago) West Hollywood. I know that when I worked there, as opposed to SF, or near Greenwich Village, I saw more gay men.

What gets lost (and makes it hard to scale) is relative density. SF (as a city) probably has a higher percentage of gay men (and women) than LA. But LA is also something like 15 times the population (same for New York). So in the right parts of town, the odds are probably better in LA/NY.

But the overall attitude is better in SF (though the parts of NY I’ve been in are pretty friendly too).

11 years ago

Now if the finale of that pick-up artist show had been in a strip club where the dancer he targeted put him in hospital … that’s a show I’d watch.

@thebewilderness – “I thought you were planting a garden in your underdrawers.”

Puts a whole new slant on the idea of floral underwear, doesn’t it?

11 years ago

Minter: … what I said to do was true and worked. Fucking amazing huh?

If that happened, I am amazed.

11 years ago

Puts a whole new slant on the idea of floral underwear, doesn’t it?


11 years ago

The densest areas for finding gay men is (as I recall; from about a decade ago) West Hollywood.

Really? Here in the Bay Area we have the Castro. Is it even denser than that place?

11 years ago

I just saw something the other day that said South Florida had a higher gay population that SF. People were surprised.

11 years ago

Thanks for the kind words and congratulations, everyone! I am so psyched, you have no idea.

Also, not even joking, the room has three tiny closets, a weird window seat kinda deal, and a secret chamber behind a panel in the wall in which to hide in case of zombie apocalypse. AWESOMMMMME!

Now if only my former housemates would move the rest of the junk out so I can inhabit it.