a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence atlas shrugged crackpottery evil sexy ladies evil women grandiosity I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats only men pay taxes apparently oppressed men patriarchy playing the victim PUA pussy pass reactionary bullshit the spearhead your time will come

Misogyny as Activism: The Spearhead “On the Urgent Necessity of Criticizing Women.”

It's all Carole Lombard's fault.
It’s all Carole Lombard’s fault.

There are many, many, many reasons why the Men’s Rights movement is not now, and I suspect never will be, ready for prime time. One of these reasons is that even when MRAs are doing their best to wax eloquent, in the fanciest language they can muster, about the urgent need for men to save civilization from the degradations of feminism and cultural Marxism and whatever by saying even more bad things about women, they just can’t  keep themselves from using phrases like “pussy pass.”

Case in point, this little mini-manifesto, taken from a recent post by “BC Dad” on The Spearhead with the almost Maoist title “On The Urgent Necessity of Criticizing Women.”  (As usual, I have edited out some of the redundancies because, holy crap, these guys are long-winded.) Take it away, Daddy-o:

Accurate, pointed and realistic public criticism of female behavior is thus long overdue; co-operation with the pussy pass, cultural Marxism and the politically correct goal of equal outcomes renders the female of our species free to continue and escalate her destructive, irrational and abusive behavior without hindrance.

Well, even aside from “pussy pass,” THAT was quite an exhausting sentence now, wasn’t it. Let’s catch our breath for a moment before continuing.

Rather than obligating women to raise their intellectual, ethical and behavioral standards, society has chosen instead to embrace, with all the religious fervor of an Inquisition, a false image of reality – shiny happy victims holding hands with government – which in the long term can benefit no one. This allegiance  to the false idols of feminism has led directly, since the 1970’s in particular, to the loss of basic human rights and freedoms … a loss which impacts men most profoundly.

Are you sitting down? Good. Because Dad here is about to use the phrase “evolutionary value of the pussy pass.” No, really:

Looking past the obvious evolutionary value of the pussy pass, there is little purpose in cooperating with and maintaining the fraud, and to do so will lead inexorably, in this era of virtually omnipotent governance and bureaucracy (the ‘new patriarchy,’ created, just like the old one, for women at their own behest), to the ever-escalating abuse of men and children, up to and including the potential for societal collapse.

Yes, he did just say that the “old patriarchy” was set up by women and for the benefit of women. And that there’s a new woman-centric-patriarchy that’s been set up in the same way. Apparently on The Spearhead, these delusions are so widely shared that BC Dad feels comfortable referring to them in a parenthetical aside, assuming that none of his readers will stop short and say,”woah, daddy-o, what the hell are you talking about there? I mean, I hate the ladies too but I’m pretty sure they’re not the ones making sure all the popes are dudes.”

This path will undoubtedly see the regression of society into a quasi-Victorian state, one in which the bulk of men are so heavily constrained and alienated that they lose all desire to participate in the social venture. Signs of such a zeitgeist can be seen in many countries already.

Absolutely. Take a look at this photolithograph of some quasi-Victorian ruffians in contemporary, er, Switzerland, clearly alienated from society and taking refuge in silly hats and walking sticks and the growing of oversized sideburns.


BC Dad continues:

As well, if the escalation of destructive female behavior continues, blowback from young men in particular will be increasingly prevalent, whereby outright disdain for females becomes both a descriptor of and a motivator for the new generation of men: there are numerous blogs out there which speak clearly to this possibility, as many people are aware.

And now we come to the predictable “you ladies better watch out before you get what’s coming to you” portion of the manifesto.

The obvious contempt towards women displayed by certain commentators would seem to be well-earned, and it does not bode well for females.

Humanity will undoubtedly survive, though with much unnecessary suffering, but it is incumbent upon rational men (and women) to speak truth, to expose the great gender lie. In addition to refusing compliance with a false reality, this most definitely includes pointing the accusatory fingers of reason and culpability directly at women, a task which can no longer be shirked.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure the accusatory fingers of blaminess have been pointed directly at women pretty much since cave dudes figured out how to point their fingers in the first place.

Naturally, the Spearhead’s commenters lapped this all up happily — and took the argument a few steps further.

“IMO, ensuring the extinction of this warped and rotting society is THE most mature and responsible action today’s western male can take,” GT66 argued.

TFH, for his part, seemed to suggest that some sort of authoritarian “solution” was the inevitable next step:

Extreme feminism is inseparable from democracy.

Women use the right to vote to warp entire societies to make everything secondary to the whims of women, and to divert all resources to women and all costs to men and children.

Democracy ends as a result, one way or the other.

Ulick McGee, meanwhile, delivered up a manifesto of his own, which included such highlights as:

The most basic problem is the sexual free market. Male Demand for casual sex is unlimited and women control Supply. ….

We can’t beat the current pro-female, anti-male system through logical argument or political action, just like Communists could not get the “exploited” worker to rise up in the West. Thirsty Simps will never stop pedestalings sluts. The Elites won’t stop the party. Young women won’t start lusting over nice guys. Human Nature in the absence of nuclear incentives to the contrary will continue the current trend of Dykeland Uber Alles.

There’s a bunch more to Mr. McGee’s manifesto. Most of it makes even less sense than that.

Darryl X, not to be outdone in the manifestoing department, delivered up a 29-point program, which included the following news updates from Planet MRA:


1/29 States, family courts and their officers, representatives of the Divorce Industry, feminists and others encourage mothers and other women to make false allegations of domestic violence, rape and child abuse against men and then divorce them …

17/29 Because of child support and Title IX and other developments, men have no incentive to pursue and are precluded from educations and the ratio of men to women at university presently approximates 2:3 …

21/29 Women get paid more and consume approximately 85% of resources as concluded by many marketing and government studies and men are sent to die in endless wars to satisfy that excessive consumption

22/29 The government wants women fighting in combat because it knows they can be more easily manipulated than men to kill their own citizens and even men in their own ranks (just look at how good the government has been at destroying families and fathers and children by paying mothers, other women and feminists to do it) …

24/29 The feminist police state metastasizes, men are without incentive to work and are actually punished for it, women don’t work despite excessive entitlements, our infrastructure falls apart, and the economy collapses

25/29 Our government doesn’t just fail to compensate men for their labor but actively punishes them while it doesn’t just fail to punish women for egregious criminal behavior but actively rewards them

26/29 Any economic recovery is nothing but the involuntary sacrifice of the lives of men and the transfer of their wealth to women and feminists in exchange for absolute power and control which corrupts absolutely …

28/29 Women have always been the most privileged population in the US

29/29 Feminism is a hate movement which can be stopped only by force

Huh. So I guess some Spearheaders have a little trouble telling the difference between “criticizing” women and “threatening” them.


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11 years ago


I remember an anxious moment, ready to step forward with words of comfort and reassurance when a visiting toddler on our front verandah dropped a stick of chalk which promptly broke into several pieces. No need.

She delightedly exclaimed, “More!”

This reminds me of the kid I babysit. I baked a frozen pizza and cut it in half (it was small) two slices for each of us. He then said he wanted four slices, and told me to cut his slices in half so he’d have more. Kids are weird.

11 years ago

Since a cat has been mentioned, this is totally not off topic.

11 years ago


women not fighting wars = bad
women fighting in wars = also bad

Yes, well, that’s because women = bad. Obviously.


The only real issue I saw you take with the article is the word “Pussy Pass”

You might want to work on your reading comprehension, then. OTOH, your middling literacy and/or tendency toward confirmation bias go a long way to explaining why you think there’s anything of value in the MRM.

@Horseshit I love how everything you don’t agree with is obviously a lie. Even if your “facts” were correct, what’s with the assumption that people are lying rather than, say, simply misinformed? Hell, why would feminists bother to gather on a feminist-oriented blog and share lies with each other?

11 years ago

This reminds me of the kid I babysit. I baked a frozen pizza and cut it in half (it was small) two slices for each of us. He then said he wanted four slices, and told me to cut his slices in half so he’d have more. Kids are weird.

Preoperational children again! They don’t yet understand concepts like the conservation of matter, so they have no sense that, if you break something into two pieces, you still have the same total amount. To them, if you have two pieces of pizza, that’s more than one. Period.

11 years ago

Speaking of the “pussy pass” noted terrorist* Kiera Wilmot has been set free by the authorities.

*Actually, model student Kiera Wilmot.

11 years ago

My dad gave me one dollar bill
‘Cause I’m his smartest son,
And I swapped it for two shiny quarters
‘Cause two is more than one!

And then I took the quarters
And traded them to Lou
For three dimes — I guess he didn’t know
That three is more than two!

Just then, along came old blind Bates
And just ’cause he can’t see
He gave me four nickels for my three dimes,
And four is more than three!

And then I took the nickels to Hiram Coombs
Down at the seed-feed store,
And the fool gave me five pennies for them,
And five is more than four!

And then I went and showed my dad,
And he got red in the cheeks
And closed his eyes and shook his head —
Too proud of me to speak!

(“Smart” by Shel Silverstein)

11 years ago

What is it with butthead cats today? Right now, Miss Lilly has decided that all twenty pounds of her needs to be behind me on the couch with her ass on my shoulder.

Now Biscuit wants in on the action. It’s too hot for this.

11 years ago

Well where else would you ‘spect her to put her butt? What an unreasonable mummy.

11 years ago

I know, how dare I not want her on me.

Biscuit’s latest thing is picking what can of food he wants from the box. I’ll have to see if I can’t get it on video.

11 years ago

D’aaaaawwwwwwwwww! He is practising his cute!

11 years ago


Can I leave this here? This guy’s whole wordpress site is not dissimilar to an MRA hate-site.
Can we please contact the hosts of wordpress and get it shut down? People have for much less.

Wow, what a slut-shaming asshole. =S

11 years ago

I don’t like the chances of getting WordPress to do anything. They ignored requests to shut down GGG’s site.

11 years ago

Always worth trying again.

11 years ago

I loved the “universal anecdotal” line. That would be the myth. Right?

11 years ago

That dude can kiss my tattooed ass. I’m sure the blog name “Notes From My Boner” was already taken.

11 years ago

That article is so moronic. Just look at the “that’s a bad haircut you can’t lose” caption and the claim that it being a temporary tattoo makes no difference – fucking duh, undoing your point makes no difference, eh?

Plus all that shit about being “marked by a man” – oooh, we don’t see women as property at all, do we? Or men as dogs pissing on trees?

What. a. loser. And of course, has to think that everyone is as big a loser, as insecure, and as misogynistic as they are.

11 years ago

I bet bonerwhiner would freak at the idea of a woman in her seventies getting a tattoo. (Yay Mum.) Or the idea that a tattoo is for one’s own pleasure, not some random dude’s. But of course the idea that anything any woman does ever is not about a random dude’s pleasure is enough to make this sort of idiot’s pointy little head explode.

11 years ago

One of my tattoo artists was a woman, whatever would he make of that?

I’m thinking about going to another woman to get my next piece, she does some sweet work.

11 years ago

Those are very nice! I’m afraid I was marked by a man, the illustrious Joe Reno. There are shamefully few female tattoo artists out there!

11 years ago

Loveliest tattoo I’ve seen was a black and white floral upper-arm sleeve. It was very clean, just outlines, and rather Art Nouveau – a bit like this but finer. It looked so good I went up and complimented the owner, something I’m not in the habit of doing!

11 years ago

The grandsons each have two tattoos, one of them has more than two.
One of a Calvin and Hobbes scene. Each has a different one.
One of a primula in remembrance of their great grandma who passed away in 2010.
The only advice I ever gave them was to be sure to choose something that would not embarrass them in ten or fifteen years, but don’t over think it because they can be removed.

11 years ago

Yeah I have one small tattoo and a guy I dated’s friend told me he would never date me just because of that.

Argenti – hope you survived the story, i’m nearby, it was thundery last night

cloudiah – thank you!

11 years ago

So, the tattoo thing was apparently so offensive to so many folks that the author has walked it back all the way to the city dump:

I’d like to take this time to apologize to all of those insulted by gruff mannerisms and rudeness on my part. I lashed out harshly to comments and people, at times harsher than I originally intended. This blog has turned into many things I didn’t originally want and has gotten continually worse. It became a focal point for my negative experiences in life in which I took a pen as a weapon to all the things I saw as wrong with the world, housing all of my initial reactions, and sometimes, overreactions. I allowed myself to flirt with extreme opinions I don’t honor in my day to day life and took liberties in my humor which come from an extreme disdain for politically correct culture and the public muzzle placed on many ideas and opinions. There were many times I walked the line between satire and extremism and honestly didn’t know or care which mode I was in. In my work I’ve managed to insult gays, women, liberal christians, atheists, and many more and for that I apologize. Effective in 20 hours, this entire blog is done, over and gone. I apologize to those I insulted and ask forgiveness for the harsh opinions expressed. I am a single man and my opinions are my own. For those that will miss me, I’m sorry.

11 years ago

@freemage holy crap, I almost got whiplash from that sudden tone change

11 years ago

Yeah I have one small tattoo and a guy I dated’s friend told me he would never date me just because of that.

*lol* He should move to Stockholm. Tattoos are so common here, he’d probably have a hard time finding a date at all.

I’ve got my arms tattooed with a vulture, a snake, a star, two rabbits, crossed wheat stalks, a cat and an angel dog, all in black silhouette.

It was funny when I worked in “the home service”, nursing old people… One old lady exclamed “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO YOURSELF!” to a colleague of mine when she bent over to pick something from a low shelf and her t-shirt slipped up and revealed a “tribal” tattoo on her lower back. I pointed out to the lady that she’d already seen my arms a lot in summer time and didn’t seem to mind. The lady responded “But your tattoos ARE something. HER tattoo… it’s just a DOODLE!”.