a voice for men are these guys 12 years old? awesome infighting MRA paul elam

A Voice for Men/MRA London infighting gets even sillier: Paul Elam makes his uninformed stand


So, that tempest in a teacup involving MRA London,  A Voice for Men’s British satellite group, that I wrote about last night? Well, it’s gotten even sillier.

The tl;dr is that MRA London has split up, with accusations and counter-accusations flying. AVFM staffer Andy Thomas has appointed himself CEO of the group after apparently tossing out most of its members. (Or “accepting their resignations,” or something; who knows?) As far as I can tell, this means that the group may now be down to literally two people.

Now AVFM’s Maximum Leader Paul Elam has posted a very long statement on the subject, saying very little indeed. The gist of it? He really doesn’t know what happened in the “very British coup” or who was right, but he’s sticking with Thomas because he knows the dude better than the dudes who are no longer part of the group. No, really, that’s his explanation.

Not only that, but Elam admits flatly that doesn’t really even care who was right, at least not enough to bother to try to figure out the basic facts of the case:

I am not in the least interested in trying to ascertain who was more or less at fault in MRA London’s internal conflicts. It is not that I am indifferent to right and wrong in this case, but simply as a pragmatic matter I cannot and won’t try to wade through several weeks/months of infighting, insinuation and accusations between people in conflict 8,000 miles from here and even pretend that I can come up with an informed judgment.

Really? Because most political organizations, when faced with issues like this, like to at least pretend to gather the facts before making their decisions.

Elam also alludes vaguely to

other factors, having to do with the best interests of AVFM and the MHRM, that lend more support to our decision to maintain the historical relationship we have had with Andy Thomas of MRA London. I am not at liberty to discuss them, but they are compelling.

Oh, so there were some SUPER SEEEKRET reasons too! Having to do with the “best interests” of the world historical force that is the Men’s Human Rights Human Movement of Men (But Not Those Dudes We Just Threw Under The Bus for Super SEEEKRET Reasons).

Come to think of it, no one has actually explained straightforwardly the non-super seekret reasons either. Ah well.

Elam also makes clear that any dissent to this decision will be confined to the comments of this one thread.


PS In my haste to write this post I neglected to include my regular reminder that AVFM, while claiming to be a “human rights” group, continues to post a literal call to firebomb courthouses and police stations in its activism section.

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11 years ago

because the idea that anything said about the president could actually cause harm to his reputation, even if false, is pretty much null and void.

Someone should tell Newt Gingrich that he’s been wasting his time these past 20 years.

David is apparently now the BBC. Or the Times, I’m not sure.

Can we petition him to cast Benedict Cumberbatch for Twelve?

Yes, yes, my plans are so close to fruition. Once Moffatt is the only thing on the BBC, then

Oh wait I said that in my out-loud voice.

Little Blue Dress
11 years ago

What does “MHRM” stand for??? It’s not in the glossary.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

It’s the Men’s Human Rights Movement. They threw “Human” into MRM because they were getting too much mockage.

It only serves to highlight how little into actual Human Rights they are.

Nicholas Kapur
11 years ago

Little Blue Dress: It’s Men’s Human Rights Movement.

In other words, it’s the term they use when it occasionally occurs to them that berating feminists for ostensibly supporting equality while naming their movement for only one gender is completely hypocritical when your own movement is called Men’s Rights.

It also has the secondary function of making them feel like their scope and effect is bigger than it actually is, which — as we have seen in recent days — is pretty much necessary to keep even themselves from forgetting that their “movement” exists.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Falconer — nawh, he initiated me as a Royal Asassin after last summer’s glossary troll “incident”. I haz magic powers now! *cackles*

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Little Blue Dress — you’ll need a welcome package, or you’ll never understand Tom “female penguins are whores” Martin (that, and other wonders, are explained within).

11 years ago

Oh man, are they explained within.

Sometimes I can’t believe these guys exist.

11 years ago

I notice Joe didn’t mention that the hero of the day in Britain was a woman, who got off the bus to reason with the attackers, and kept them from attacking anyone else until the constables arrived.

11 years ago

Pecunium – or the other women who stood and knelt by the victim to see if he was alive and (according to one report) tried to comfort him as he died.

11 years ago

kitteh: The reports I saw were that she (a Scout leader) looked to the victim; while the assailants were still there), determined he was dead, and then started to interact with them; knife and gun still in their hands.

11 years ago

I imagine there will be a few conflicting reports for a while. At the same time as the one I read about the group, there were claims the man had been decapitated, or nearly so. But the Scout leader’s role in talking to one of the murderers is clear.

I wonder if MRAs will go on ignoring her courage or try to twist the whole story to make it women’s fault? The other murderer saying he was sorry it was witnessed by women and children would doubtless be enough for some of these types to grab hold of.

11 years ago

I also heard that it was the same woman (Ingrid Loyau-Kennett) who played both roles. She first checked on the victim, and then confronted the attackers. Her reasoning? “I thought it was better having them aimed on one person like me rather than everybody there, children were starting to leave school as well,” she told the Telegraph.


11 years ago

She’s a hero. No question. Brava!


Thanks, Kitteh. I saw Andy Thomas posting elsewhere as ‘MRAL’, but all I know about the troll of the same name here comes from reading the 2012 troll of the year post and a few old threads.
I’ll admit I was sort of hoping that the whole London dust up was due to disagreements about spending all the group’s time and effort on elaborate sockpuppetry.

11 years ago

“I’ll admit I was sort of hoping that the whole London dust up was due to disagreements about spending all the group’s time and effort on elaborate sockpuppetry.”

That would have been perfect! What a meeting that would have been to listen to. 😀 😀 😀

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

But 90% of the meeting would’ve been one dude talking to himself about bras in the laundry and morning heights (and, of course, lecturing at length about how misandry is a word! See, even spell check is misandrist!)

11 years ago

😀 This is begging for a script, isn’t it?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

But how? Pierre walking in on a guy alternating between talking to himself and lecturing? I mean, on one hand yes, in the other it’ll come off as the abstent minded professor and meh, I prefer that.

Lol, my Latin and Greek myth prof had to be at least 70, and spent half the class, easy on massive tangents. I’d love to put him and pecunium in a room, “but I digress” would be the phrase of the hour (Jesus Christ, you’d have to record that for full learning value, that was the last thing that prof needed, someone to go back and forth with who knew the material!)

And now I digress!

11 years ago

I wasn’t really thinking of it as a Pierre script, ‘cos nothing would bring him to an MRM meeting. I guess he could be a waiter if they held it somewhere public, but I can’t see those twits coughing up the money to hold it at a cafe or pub where they’d actually have to pay for drinks. I was thinking more of a script just with the idiot crew themselves.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Hmm…Pierre forgot his lunch in the conference room they’re using?

I’m bored, this has no relevance to anything outside my head.

11 years ago

Maybe Poutine decided to go exploring in the building and Pierre’s trying to find her … 🙂

11 years ago

I wanted to write a script about JudgyBitch (or which feMRA kept going on about her son?) where she tells Pierre he reminds her of her son and starts listing all the ways he looks like her son and the descriptions get more and more sexual and then she’s grabbing his knee and putting her arm around him and shit. Couldn’t think of a way to end it, though.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pierre backing away slowly running away? Lol, do Mr. Al as a recurring character in like, different hats or something — that script, at a bus stop or similar, Pierre calls her creepy, Mr. Al yells about creep shaming, Pierre decides to just walk.

11 years ago

That’s a great idea, katz! I think it was driversuz who had the imaginary son (imaginary as in, not remotely like the way she described him). The bus stop sounds like just the place, and Mr Al in various unconvincing disguises would be perfect.


Radical Parrot
11 years ago

These guys clearly think of themselves as natural-born leaders or something, since douchemuffins generally believe the entitled crap about great leaders never doubting their decisions. They probably go to sleep imagining themselves as leaders of a mammoth-hunting war party or something.

“REAL MEN don’t make informed decisions! All great decisions come from a vague feeling in the gut! But silly females could not understand that, since they’re so emotional and shit, and not rational like us REAL MEN! Gut feelings are totally rational, but only if they come from a REAL MAN’s gut!”

Besides, the trollborn here have already shown that being required to back up your claims and prove that you have thought things through is misandry. Then again, anything that requires self-serving crybabies to actually do anything is misandry. Speaking of which…

@Countering Feminist Horseshit: Are you going to start countering feminist horseshit anytime soon, or are you going to keep on sprouting uninformed opinions and proving that anti-feminists are a bunch of preadolescent boys crying cooties?

On a lighter note, I just saw my new neighbors, and they have the most adorable pet bunny. It’s unbelievably fluffy.