a voice for men FemRAs friend zone friend zoning misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam rape rape culture reddit terrorism TyphonBlue whaaaaa?

TyphonBlue: “Aside from the minor … physical effects of abortion surgery, how is forced abortion different for men or women?”

Men suffer from all those stupid lady afflictions too.
Men suffer from all those stupid lady afflictions too.

You may recall that post a couple of days back in which I talked about Dean Esmay of A Voice for Men — the alleged “Men’s Human Rights” site that hosts an open call to firebomb courthouses and police stations in its “activism” section — suggesting that unnamed Man Boobz “minions” might stoop to impersonating female MRAs in an attempt to make the Men’s Rights movement look bad.

As I pointed out at the time, it is the official policy of Man Boobz that the Men’s Rights movement does not need any help making itself look bad, and will not get any from me or my, er, minions. All quotations from MRAs on this site, regardless of gender, are 100% real and not made up by my minions or by me.

Anyway, as if to prove once again that MRAs don’t need any help making fools of themselves, the FeMRA videoblogger known as TyphonBlue — a “senior editor” at AVFM, whatever that means — made some comments over on Reddit recently that I doubt will assist the Men’s Rights movement in its rather half-hearted attempts to improve its poor image.

The trouble began when Ms. Blue — real name, Asha James — proclaimed that there was no such thing as a radical MRA, and someone in the Men’s Rights subreddit challenged her on this assertion, bringing up, among other things, our anti-friendzoning friend from the other day:


But it was TyphonBlue’s response that really took the discussion to the next level of WTFery:

Open mouth, insert foot. Insert other foot. Then shove Paul Elam’s foot in there as well.

An amazing performance there from TyphonBlue, Authentic Female MRA.

(Thanks to the AgainstMensRights subreddit for pointing me to her quotes.)

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11 years ago

I’ll second the t-shirt. It’s adorably hideous.

11 years ago

I shall third the t-shirt!

11 years ago

I call the question. Let’s proceed immediately to a vote.

11 years ago


that’s an adorable T-shirt!

11 years ago

Yay for kitty t-shirts! I’d totally wear one if I could.

11 years ago

OMG that tee shirt!

It’s like a total sugar overload.


11 years ago

It’s like a total sugar overload.

indeed. I vote yes.

11 years ago


It takes an ex-MRA to fit that description. The ones who’ve realised what a fucked-up hatefest of misogyny, racism, homophobia and trans*phobia it really is.

And the ones who stop being incredibly disingenuous. (I’m looking at you, Joe and TS!)

11 years ago

Ha, is it possible to be an MRA without being totally disingenuous? Somehow I doubt it, unless they’re totally stupid (though there seems to be a fair bit of overlap there…)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Re: ex-MRAs, we’ve at least one around, and yes, they can be reformable. Seems the same as ex-fundy though, little by little the “wtf are you talking about?!” adds to “I cannot believe you are saying this” until you start going “ok, I cannot be associated with this, these people are just plain WRONG” *is a reformed fundy*

11 years ago

are there former MRAs here? That’s interesting… I like to have hope…

11 years ago

You were a fundy, Argenti? Somehow I managed to miss that!

11 years ago

I’m not a former MRA, but I certainly was a former anti-feminist because of my religious background. My beliefs weren’t nearly as hateful as those of MRAs (perhaps partially because I’ve been highly contemptuous of rape culture ever since the age of 12), although I did believe that the patriarchy is good for women, that custody cases are skewed in favor of women, and that most women who complain about sexism are just overly sensitive.

11 years ago

Back in the day, which in internet is just a few years ago, on feminist blogs I used to see sic used when the mansplainer thought they might have misspelled a word but couldn’t be assed to check. So it was kinda hit and miss.

11 years ago

I remember reading this piece by a former MRA a while ago. I thought it was pretty revealing.

11 years ago

That was a very refreshing thing to read (Seeing the Feminist Light). I think I’ve been overexposing myself to too much MRA stuff in the past few days to the point where I’m probably getting the distorted sense more people think that way than really do, and that piece really gives me hope.

11 years ago


TyphonBlue supports procreation by rape and abortion by force. She’s very mentally ill. Her and JTO will be perfect for each other… Should I be worried a schizophrenic has taken up trolling with a sociopath? I’m not into stigmatization of mental illness but this does worry me a bit because no one within the group sees fit to bring attention to their delusions.

I have a schizophrenia-related disorder. I’m not a misogynist. I write rational posts. Just saying.

Seriously, this post wouldn’t be any stupider if you said “TyphonBlue supports procreation by rape and abortion by force. No white person would be this evil, clearly she must be black. Not that I’m a racist or anything.”

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Tangentially, can I interest anyone in some seroquel with a side of velociraptor? (Finishing Jurassic Park II and debating if the sleeping pill will kick in or if I have time for III, because velociraptors [and the pterodactyl at the end of III may be my favorite movie sequence ever])

11 years ago

Pretty sure that “hates self and all other women, writes incoherent babble about how women can rise above cattle status by learning to give the perfect blow job” is not in the diagnostic criteria the DSM uses for schizophrenia…

In other words – we already had this conversation, so can it unless you want everyone to smack you down for your insistence on pulling psych diagnoses from your rectum.

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

I can’t imagine how much women like this must hate themselves.

This whole idea of a friend zone being illegal as breaching some sort of verbal contract… umm.. where are all these women running around telling these friend zoned men that they will specifically sleep with them if they are nice and hang out with them? Since when do verbal contracts become binding when someone just makes an assumption of an agreement? I can not.

@Tulgey Logger eeeeee @ that reddit rape thing. But at least the first comment on there is someone telling the rest of the MRAs to stop having sex with drunk women, even IF it’s for completely selfish and sensationalized reasons, gotta get that message out somehow.

11 years ago

I’m a little new to this blog and I don’t really want to read a bunch of reddit comments, can someone explain what typhonblue means by male “forced abortion”? Is this when a woman carrying a child fathered by him is forced to abort by outside pressure (against the will of both mother and father)? Is it when a guy wants to get a woman pregnant, but she is on birth control? Or when a woman who is pregnant and gets an abortion without his knowledge or consent?

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