You may recall that post a couple of days back in which I talked about Dean Esmay of A Voice for Men — the alleged “Men’s Human Rights” site that hosts an open call to firebomb courthouses and police stations in its “activism” section — suggesting that unnamed Man Boobz “minions” might stoop to impersonating female MRAs in an attempt to make the Men’s Rights movement look bad.
As I pointed out at the time, it is the official policy of Man Boobz that the Men’s Rights movement does not need any help making itself look bad, and will not get any from me or my, er, minions. All quotations from MRAs on this site, regardless of gender, are 100% real and not made up by my minions or by me.
Anyway, as if to prove once again that MRAs don’t need any help making fools of themselves, the FeMRA videoblogger known as TyphonBlue — a “senior editor” at AVFM, whatever that means — made some comments over on Reddit recently that I doubt will assist the Men’s Rights movement in its rather half-hearted attempts to improve its poor image.
The trouble began when Ms. Blue — real name, Asha James — proclaimed that there was no such thing as a radical MRA, and someone in the Men’s Rights subreddit challenged her on this assertion, bringing up, among other things, our anti-friendzoning friend from the other day:
But it was TyphonBlue’s response that really took the discussion to the next level of WTFery:
Open mouth, insert foot. Insert other foot. Then shove Paul Elam’s foot in there as well.
An amazing performance there from TyphonBlue, Authentic Female MRA.
(Thanks to the AgainstMensRights subreddit for pointing me to her quotes.)
Ah, yes. There are few things that make me cringe more than reading an MRA article with the words “solipsism” or “narcissism” being used to describe women. It’s even worse when they use tons of Latin phrases for no reason (like a priori). Eugh.
There’s probably a whole “MRAspeak to English” dictionary waiting to be compiled. The subtitle would of course be, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
@Kittenhserf: English speaking MRMs destroy English… strange. MRMs in my country destory our language too. Do you think it’s prerequisite in the movement? Get your native language and smash it with no mercy? Forget about the comas! Comas are definitely misandric.
@Aaliya: I have that in my language too, but when it’s a foreign one, I get a little more self-conscious I guess 🙂 You all would probably get that I’m not a native speaker after a while.
Aaaah!! Do yours use “sic” a lot? Ours loooooove to use “sic” in the most inappropriate sentences! It is hysterical.
Here we go.
It’s true! Grammar is misandry! Spelling is misandry! Doesn’t matter what language they’re
usingmangling, evidently.“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
I want to make a little sign with that and use it every time I need it.
Like this
Cuuuute! Did you draw that suspicious looking panda?
“Aaaah!! Do yours use ‘sic’ a lot? Ours loooooove to use ‘sic’ in the most inappropriate sentences! It is hysterical.”
Thankfully, I have yet to see that. That must be so cringe-worthy to read. X_X
And while I can only speak from my perspective, I can see a few signs of you not being a non-native speaker. But they are so minor and insignificant that only the most snobbish and grammar-obsessed people would actually be bothered. Besides, you probably don’t really care about those assholes anyway. That said, trying to be more fluent is always a good thing; I’m just saying that almost no one is going to find your English “bad” in any way. I mean, I had to actually look closely to see if your English proficiency was indicative of you being a non-native speaker. Most people don’t even try to pay attention to that.
Anyway, I hope I didn’t make you feel more self-conscious – I’m just saying that almost no one is going to give you a hard time for being as proficient in English as you currently are. =]
Argenti, I’m really sorry to hear that. I know how much your fish mean to you.
LOL Genma XD
Ranma 1/2 was great when I watched it. I just wish that it was less MRA-ish (seriously, I can count at least three MRA tropes that can be found throughout Ranma 1/2). X_X I wish there was more anime that wasn’t heavily MRA-ish.
@Kittehserf: I wish!!
@Aaliyah: hahahah you didn’t, don’t worry! =D I am actually flattered. ^_^
The “sic” thing is hilarious. In one MRM forum one member asked another what “sic” meant and another replied: “It is used when a part of the text you are quoting is missing or you just don’t want to write that part”.
Can you imagine a text written by someone (basically the whole group there) who believes that? Simply delightful, I would say.
Yep, Aaliyah, I was such a Ranma 1/2 fan back in the day… now, it is difficult. But that happened to a lot of things I used to enjoy, to be honest.
Thankfully I found other things to replace them =D
That would make me want to mess with them just for a laugh.
“Sic” – a common misspelling of the word used to describe the sensation most people feel when MRAs talk about sex.
Argenti, sorry to hear about plec.
The “sic” thing is hilarious. In one MRM forum one member asked another what “sic” meant and another replied: “It is used when a part of the text you are quoting is missing or you just don’t want to write that part”.
Ah, no, it’s to indicate the error in the quote was in the original quote. Man, they don’t language.
Argenti – sorry about your plec. 8( Loosing a beloved fish is always difficult.
There’s also the illustrated edition of the dictionary, for Inigo fans.
“Ah, no, it’s to indicate the error in the quote was in the original quote. Man, they don’t language.”
Imagine if we wrote sic every time it was needed when quoting MRA comments. The mind boggles.
Thank you…he was my baby, my big cranky baby, but my baby all the same. Thanks…
Oh, I didn’t see that. Sorry about your fish, Argenti. It is always sad to lose a beloved one. 🙁
At the very least I can look back and laugh at my 16-year-old self arguing about how some particular part of the manga/anime “PROVES THAT AKANE AND RANMA ARE MEANT FOR EACH OTHER!” I was quite a fangirl back then. XD
But not only is it MRA-ish, but it’s also probably the most transphobic anime I’ve ever watched. So as a trans* girl I have yet another reason to be uncomfortable with it. I mean, FFS, “cross-dresser” is pretty much the most common insult in that series/manga IIRC.
There are quite a few animes out there that aren’t weird and bigoted, though. They are in the extreme minority, but at least they exist. ^_^
I wanted to go to one of their forums to catch an example, but they are so depressing. I really admire David and some of you who actually read those things. I don’t have the stomach for that…
I can relate. Sometimes I want to show my brother examples of terrible MRAs, but that means that I have to go back to websites like Angry Harry’s website, which I totally don’t want to do. (And I suggest you don’t go to Angry Harry’s website unless you want to feel pure rage in your heart.)
But not only is it MRA-ish, but it’s also probably the most transphobic anime I’ve ever watched. So as a trans* girl I have yet another reason to be uncomfortable with it. I mean, FFS, “cross-dresser” is pretty much the most common insult in that series/manga IIRC.
Weirdly, one friend of mine who is a trans man loved Ranma 1/2 because it highlighted some of the ways being a girl could be cool (like it being more socially acceptable to eat ice cream with lots of toppings) and I think it helped his dysmorphia at the time… or something. I’ll have to ask him. ’cause of him I’m used to thinking of the show as trans* friendly, so thanks for the heads up.
I was a BIG Ranma fan. Rumiko Takahashi’s fan, actually. Maison Ikkoku was my favorite manga.
If you have some examples, please do share. =D Nowadays many of them make me uncomfortable, actually…. xD but the same happened with American sitcoms and other things I liked a lot.