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TyphonBlue: “Aside from the minor … physical effects of abortion surgery, how is forced abortion different for men or women?”

Men suffer from all those stupid lady afflictions too.
Men suffer from all those stupid lady afflictions too.

You may recall that post a couple of days back in which I talked about Dean Esmay of A Voice for Men — the alleged “Men’s Human Rights” site that hosts an open call to firebomb courthouses and police stations in its “activism” section — suggesting that unnamed Man Boobz “minions” might stoop to impersonating female MRAs in an attempt to make the Men’s Rights movement look bad.

As I pointed out at the time, it is the official policy of Man Boobz that the Men’s Rights movement does not need any help making itself look bad, and will not get any from me or my, er, minions. All quotations from MRAs on this site, regardless of gender, are 100% real and not made up by my minions or by me.

Anyway, as if to prove once again that MRAs don’t need any help making fools of themselves, the FeMRA videoblogger known as TyphonBlue — a “senior editor” at AVFM, whatever that means — made some comments over on Reddit recently that I doubt will assist the Men’s Rights movement in its rather half-hearted attempts to improve its poor image.

The trouble began when Ms. Blue — real name, Asha James — proclaimed that there was no such thing as a radical MRA, and someone in the Men’s Rights subreddit challenged her on this assertion, bringing up, among other things, our anti-friendzoning friend from the other day:


But it was TyphonBlue’s response that really took the discussion to the next level of WTFery:

Open mouth, insert foot. Insert other foot. Then shove Paul Elam’s foot in there as well.

An amazing performance there from TyphonBlue, Authentic Female MRA.

(Thanks to the AgainstMensRights subreddit for pointing me to her quotes.)

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11 years ago

Thirding about not being a jerk. Grief is grief and if anyone said you shouldn’t feel that way … well, who could mourn ever, because there is always something dreadful happening in the world.

11 years ago

Argenti: Everyone here is sad, since I just told them of the Velvet, and the loss of the Plec. :/

11 years ago

They send hugs and sympathies.

11 years ago

Argenti, I know how awful it is to deal with the death of a pet. I’m sorry to hear about it, and I’m seconding Cloudiah.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

*accepts ALL THE HUGS* thanks guys. Just, thank you.

11 years ago

Sorry about the Plec, Argenti.

Biscuit sends runty orange kitten snuggles.

11 years ago

What do you all think about a situation in which a woman and a man have a long term relationship, she gets pregnant, gets an abortion without consulting their partner?

I have a situation like this in my close circle and the guy was devastated. Not so much because of the loss of the potential child, but because his partner didn’t share this with him.

(sorry for my English :P)

11 years ago

a happy face? oO it was not supposed to be a smiley… nevermind… .__.

11 years ago

*consulting her partner.


11 years ago

Had they ever talked about having children, pineapplecookies?

11 years ago

It’s hard to know what to say, pineapplecookies. I’m sorry your friend was hurt. I’m not clear on the details — were they actively dating at the time and she didn’t tell him she was pregnant? — but regardless of the specifics of the situation, she was under no obligation to consult with him about her medical decisions.

11 years ago

What do you all think about a situation in which a woman and a man have a long term relationship, she gets pregnant, gets an abortion without consulting their partner?

I would still be accepting of her decision, although I’d certainly feel bad for the guy.

11 years ago

Pretty much what Aaliyah said. It suggests other issues in the relationship to me. Worst case that comes to my mind is that she feared he’d pressure her to continue the pregnancy if she told him.

11 years ago

they were together for 5 years and living together for about 3. they talked about children, but decided it was too soon. she never told him she got pregnant and he found out because she became very different after the abortion, quiet, stopped going out and he noticed and got worried.

what made him very sad, rather than “upset”, was that he felt she didn’t trust him to tell him something big like that. he said he would support her in whatever way. she was sinking in sadness and he didn’t even know what was going on until she finally told him. but it was almost a year after the fact. he took care of her during the depressive period.

they stayed together for a bit, but I believe the thought that she might not trust him, shook the couple.

we, the group, don’t talk about this ever. but I get myself wondering about that a lot when abortion gets in the talk. I really have no idea what to think. I felt bad for both, to be honest. I don’t like pointing fingers, because each situation is a situation and I was never in one like this.

11 years ago

Worst case that comes to my mind is that she feared he’d pressure her to continue the pregnancy if she told him.

yep… I think about that as well. But he is just so not the possessive kind of guy…. we never know in a couple’s intimacy tough.

11 years ago

That is sad. I guess it meant there wasn’t the level of trust or closeness there. Never going to be an easy way to find that out. 🙁

11 years ago

It seems to me that it might have been less of an abortion-related issue and more of a trust-related issue. Had she made some other big decision that was her own to make, but that you would typically discuss with a partner, it suspect it would have affected him the same way. Moving to a different city, for example, or dropping out of school, or any of a million things.

11 years ago

it suspect = I suspect. Anyway, my sympathies to your friend.

11 years ago

That’s what I was thinking, Viscaria, but you put it better.

11 years ago

thank you 🙂 we are not as close now as we used to be since he moved to another city.

the only thing I can say about him which I believe is nice is that he never said anything mean about her, only good things and only the closest friends knew. I believe he was hurt, but did not demonize her or anything like that.

and I believe Viscaria is right. it seems a lot more a trust issue. I don’t think society is very “intimate” (for the lack of a better word) with the abortion thematic in a mature level yet.

11 years ago

it is so hard to talk about something like this in a language which is not your mother language 🙂

11 years ago

I wouldn’t have known English wasn’t your first language, pineapplecookies! I didn’t know what you meant when you apologised for your English upthread.

11 years ago


Thank you, I’m flattered ^^
I do consider myself quite fluent, but many times words escape me. Forums/comments are more agile than a text so there’s not so much time to think about the best way to form a cohesive sentence that can express what I want to say…. it’s good exercise, I tell you!

11 years ago

I can’t even imagine being as fluent in another language as you are in English!

And if you ever think “Argh, I can’t find that word!*” console yourself with the way the native speakers of English in the MRM mangle it. I swear they hate the language almost as much as they hate women. :/

*something I do often. It’s called CRS – can’t remember shit.

11 years ago

I do consider myself quite fluent, but many times words escape me.

As a native English speaker, I have that problem all the time. I worry a lot about the connotations of the words I’m using, and oftentimes I can’t even find the right words. It happens to everyone, even people to who are very used to English, so it’s definitely not indicative of any lack of fluency. Just my 2 cents.