a voice for men FemRAs friend zone friend zoning misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam rape rape culture reddit terrorism TyphonBlue whaaaaa?

TyphonBlue: “Aside from the minor … physical effects of abortion surgery, how is forced abortion different for men or women?”

Men suffer from all those stupid lady afflictions too.
Men suffer from all those stupid lady afflictions too.

You may recall that post a couple of days back in which I talked about Dean Esmay of A Voice for Men — the alleged “Men’s Human Rights” site that hosts an open call to firebomb courthouses and police stations in its “activism” section — suggesting that unnamed Man Boobz “minions” might stoop to impersonating female MRAs in an attempt to make the Men’s Rights movement look bad.

As I pointed out at the time, it is the official policy of Man Boobz that the Men’s Rights movement does not need any help making itself look bad, and will not get any from me or my, er, minions. All quotations from MRAs on this site, regardless of gender, are 100% real and not made up by my minions or by me.

Anyway, as if to prove once again that MRAs don’t need any help making fools of themselves, the FeMRA videoblogger known as TyphonBlue — a “senior editor” at AVFM, whatever that means — made some comments over on Reddit recently that I doubt will assist the Men’s Rights movement in its rather half-hearted attempts to improve its poor image.

The trouble began when Ms. Blue — real name, Asha James — proclaimed that there was no such thing as a radical MRA, and someone in the Men’s Rights subreddit challenged her on this assertion, bringing up, among other things, our anti-friendzoning friend from the other day:


But it was TyphonBlue’s response that really took the discussion to the next level of WTFery:

Open mouth, insert foot. Insert other foot. Then shove Paul Elam’s foot in there as well.

An amazing performance there from TyphonBlue, Authentic Female MRA.

(Thanks to the AgainstMensRights subreddit for pointing me to her quotes.)

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11 years ago

I can’t even watch that footage, so I can only imagine how overwhelming it must be for you, thebionicmommy.

11 years ago

Wow, how incredibly destructive those storm cells are! I’m presuming its pretty flat country there? Would most buildings have shelters?

11 years ago

@cloudiah, I’m making myself watch it. I figure if they are the ones going through the suffering this time, the least I can do is watch it and know what they’re going through.


They updated and said the elementary school did not have storm shelters, so the kids were in the hallways, and not in a basement but in the first floor. I know what Joplin High’s halls looked like in 2011, so it’s sickening to think about what those students went through. There is no brain bleach in the world that can help after hearing that.

11 years ago

Yoyo, I don’t know how many people would have shelters in Oklahoma. I hope they did, but shelters are also extremely expensive. I would buy one for my family, but they cost $5,000, so it’s usually rich people that have shelters and everyone else takes their chances.

11 years ago

If you want a bit of a laugh about the inverse of “friend-zoning”, I present Arrive for the satiric post, stay to roll your eyes at the angry menz in the comments

11 years ago

That’s awful bionicmum, I suppose I’m not surprised. The bloody Anne randians would say that is as it should be. I hope you and your fellow bionics stay safe. Xx

11 years ago

Jesus Christ, this woman is a complete piece of shit… A lethal combination of stupid and horrible.

Off topic, kinda, but one of my teachers I found out is very into evo-psych… I feel bad because I liked her, but now she just is really dumb to me.
Basically she thinks that women can’t do math, and men can’t to english, because caveman stuff. Today we were talking about vegetarianism, and one girl said she was a vegetarian. Well then my teacher started talking about how men literally could not survive on a vegetarian diet, but only women could, because “back in the cavemen days, men would hunt for meat”. And no she wasn’t being sarcastic.
Later, we talked about famous rappers, like Tupac and Biggie Smalls. We asked if she liked Eminem, and she got kind of pissed and said “No, no. That guy is such an idiot” (She is a fan of Biggie, so she wasn’t bashing Eminem for being shallow or whatever). We asked her why, and she said “I hate anyone who doesn’t know their own color”…
(She is white btw).
I also know she’s took birth control pills for a while, and apparently they made her sick or something, so she thinks they’re super unhealthy and unnatural.

Another girl in my class did a project on Male vs Female brains… and it was all just “women are super duper emotional and good at language, cuz babies teachin” and “men are super duper mathematical and emotionally stunted and competitive, cuz cavemen”. She only had one source, and it was a book by… something that looks like “Brendon Lennon” from far away. Basically I couldn’t see it on the powerpoint clearly, and she flipped the slide before I could squint and read it clearer.

I really wish schools would teach a bit of human evolution, so that we wouldn’t have people thinking The Flintstones is accurate anthropology.

11 years ago

“He did not consent to rape, therefore his consent was withdrawn the moment hers was–if she failed to clearly inform him of a fact that would change his consent to the sex act, then she was raping him”

/me tilts head

/turns tablet upside down

/holds it in front of a mirror

Wow. This manages to be horribly sexist AND make no damn sense. Does that combo unlock some kind of achievement in MRA land?

11 years ago


Half of children are boys, by the way. Where is their compassion for all the boys abandoned by deadbeat dads in this paper abortion idea?

‘Course in their world, kids aren’t people either, just property >.<

And remember, half of those children are boys, so they can change the slogan “Compassion for men and boys” to be “Compassion for the tiny number of white, cis, heterosexual men who agree with all of the MRA talking points”.

It’d be more accurate that way…


I’ve actually seen them parody calls for compassion for abandoned kids by saying “WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDRENZ” hur hur hur.

…>:( Is their no issue they can try to act like non-hateful human beings on?

with trigger warnings I didn’t manage to copy/paste He did not consent to rape, therefore his consent was withdrawn the moment hers was–if she failed to clearly inform him of a fact that would change his consent to the sex act, then she was raping him

There is simply nothing she won’t twist to blame a woman. What a piece of shit she is.

Fuck. God she is nasty. ‘he did not consent to rape-‘ RAPE DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY! ugh. May she be sealed in a vat of karmic legos for all eternity.


Typhonbluck reminds me of the horrible comments from (I suspect MRAs) that angelina jollies breast cancer problem was due to having too many abortions!

Luckily I managed to miss that brand of asshat so far. Still saw plenty of others though.

re: tornados

Watching the news right now; looks like much of Moore, OK has been flattened by the gigantic tornado. Property damage immense, no reports so far on injuries.

🙁 I hope everyone’s okay.

11 years ago


oday we were talking about vegetarianism, and one girl said she was a vegetarian. Well then my teacher started talking about how men literally could not survive on a vegetarian diet, but only women could, because “back in the cavemen days, men would hunt for meat”.

O_o But…didn’t people share? A diet of only meat or only veggies wouldn’t be good. And surely she’s got to know that male vegans can exist.

We asked her why, and she said “I hate anyone who doesn’t know their own color”…

I’m like 99% sure that is racist, but have no idea who the rappers are, so can’t even tell wtf it means…

11 years ago

Marie: It is racist. Rap, you see, is, “black” music, and Eminem is a white dude (we won’t go into Rock and Roll, or Blues, or the interesting questions of Jazz [ and it’s possible deep roots in Irish/Scottish music, with it’s complex patterns of rythm and variation; as well as the limited range of whistles and bagpipes] and how those are, “everyone’s music” now).

Racist, and essentialist, and stupid.

11 years ago


Thanks for explanation. Just didn’t know much about it, but it still seemed super suspicious-making.

11 years ago

Biggie Smalls = Black rapper.
Eminem = White rapper.

11 years ago

Ugh, the friendzone post and the guys going “what do you mean this is satire, that’s impossible” on it. Reading stuff like that makes me so grateful that I will never have to be in my teens or early-mid twenties again. All of the guys sound like they have very limited experience with relationships but a strong conviction that they are wise in the ways of love, which is a deadly combination.

/me tilts head

I’m seeing the velociraptors from Jurassic Park when I read that, but maybe that’s just because TyphonBlue brings out my inner urge to make with the teeth and claws.

11 years ago

What if a man was friendzoned by a pregnant woman, and he developed a sympathetic pregnancy from hanging around pretending to be her friend all the time? And then she got an abortion, causing him to lose his imaginary baby? And his lawsuit against the women for breach of invisible sex contract + forced invisible abortion was thrown out of court, and instead he had to serve on the jury for a rape trial?

That would be the most oppressed human in history.

11 years ago

A woman being raped is in fact raping the man doing it?

Okay, my head just exploded. I’d better mop it up.

… but I can’t! The kittens have destroyed the toilet paper!

11 years ago


Oh my god, that link…those fucking comments. I can’t. I can’t join reddit. My boyfriend uses it for pretty innocuous stuff, and that’s cool, but I have other venues for that. Reading the comments on reddit when a rape victim is involved makes me ragey enough; I can only imagine what getting involved would be like. Seriously, one fucking person on that thread tried to say that the survivor was just regretting cheating, and then brought up zir roommate who was raped, apparently to demonstrate what “real” rape was, don’t you know. What part of “I asked him to stop. He didn’t” do they not understand?!? What, because he fucking waited till she was in tears and only then stopped it was okay? So if a rapist’s victim isn’t crying, it’s okay to continue after “stop”? How about the part where she said she wasn’t into it from the start? I know when I have sex, I want my partner to be into it, but the word “Stop” is pretty goddam unambiguous. The guy’s a rapist, and he deserved to have “his life ruined”. These rape-apologizing scum can step on legos every step they take for the rest of their lives.

11 years ago

I like that the MRA London things is argued by one person as, “A probably feminist gaslighting”.

I can’t make sense of it, but it sounds bad.

11 years ago

I’m seeing the velociraptors from Jurassic Park when I read that, but maybe that’s just because TyphonBlue brings out my inner urge to make with the teeth and claws.

I fancy the idea of an MRAdar that turns one into a velociraptor in their presence. VELOCIRAPTOR SLASH rather than HULK SMASH.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Cassandra — thank you, that’s what today needs, a Jurassic Park marathon…my 55g has a combination of ich and velvet and it’s been 100% fatal so far…I lost plec last night and I cannot deal with this shit right now. Dinosaurs sound like a really good idea. (And I feel like a jerk being all “my poor fish” in light of the tornados, so don’t mind me)

11 years ago

Plec’s gone? Oh gods, Argenti, I’m so sorry! All the internet hugs if you want them!


11 years ago

Sorry about plec, Argenti. It’s not being a jerk to care about your fish; it’s not like you’re only capable of caring about one thing at a time.

11 years ago


Sorry about your plec 🙁 Jedi hugs if wanted.

And seconding what Cloudiah said.

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