You may recall that post a couple of days back in which I talked about Dean Esmay of A Voice for Men — the alleged “Men’s Human Rights” site that hosts an open call to firebomb courthouses and police stations in its “activism” section — suggesting that unnamed Man Boobz “minions” might stoop to impersonating female MRAs in an attempt to make the Men’s Rights movement look bad.
As I pointed out at the time, it is the official policy of Man Boobz that the Men’s Rights movement does not need any help making itself look bad, and will not get any from me or my, er, minions. All quotations from MRAs on this site, regardless of gender, are 100% real and not made up by my minions or by me.
Anyway, as if to prove once again that MRAs don’t need any help making fools of themselves, the FeMRA videoblogger known as TyphonBlue — a “senior editor” at AVFM, whatever that means — made some comments over on Reddit recently that I doubt will assist the Men’s Rights movement in its rather half-hearted attempts to improve its poor image.
The trouble began when Ms. Blue — real name, Asha James — proclaimed that there was no such thing as a radical MRA, and someone in the Men’s Rights subreddit challenged her on this assertion, bringing up, among other things, our anti-friendzoning friend from the other day:
But it was TyphonBlue’s response that really took the discussion to the next level of WTFery:
Open mouth, insert foot. Insert other foot. Then shove Paul Elam’s foot in there as well.
An amazing performance there from TyphonBlue, Authentic Female MRA.
(Thanks to the AgainstMensRights subreddit for pointing me to her quotes.)
Oh right, I didn’t get that it was referring to his rape thing.
So… if due process for murder were being eroded (which it is), and/or unfair convictions were being obtained; as a matter of structural routing which it is we are to believe no one would think “acquit everyone, even if you think they are guilty, until it gets fixed” wouldn’t be, “radical”?
This is why we don’t have to “False flag” them. Their true colors are obvious.
I dunno, that website seems pretty racist to me. I don’t know this case in particular, but your link gives me about the impression I get when I read an article about the elite homosexual agenda controlling the White House.
I was just going to point out that TyphonBlue keeps digging herself deeper in the thread, but I see Maude LL has already done that.
Is she just being “edgy” or is this what she actually believes? And if she really believes it (because USA Today + mice = SCIENCE), does she also believe that forcing a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy for 9 months and then go through childbirth is just a small price to pay to prevent men’s hormones from fluctuating?
1) Cis men don’t undergo abortion
2) That they sought psychological counseling doesn’t mean that they sought it because of their own “abortion.”
MRAs might as well be called as stupid as young earth creationists.
Are they men or are they mice!? Apparently, they aren’t quite sure!
Okay, seriously though, I have the perfect solution to this problem. Male mice get a say in whether female mice they’ve mated with can have abortions. Male humans can shut up about it.
Hey, I hope all manboobzers in the central US are okay. Damn tornadoes. Scary.
Typhonblue also said
So it’s a “sacrifice” for men that women have bodily autonomy. Is this a sacrifice for anyone else who knows a pregnant person that makes a decision they don’t like? If a young woman gets an abortion against her parents’ wishes, does that mean they made a sacrifice?
Typhonblue really is the champion of taking everything about women and other people with uteruses, and making it to be about cis men.
Yeah, that thread is kind of a goldmine (I need to remember how to quote properly… something like [quote] my quote [quote]? Isn’t there a / somewhere? Can’t remember. 🙂
Check this one out: this is OsirisFox, right after mentioning that women use teh vagina to control men:
“We’re getting to the point where both partners will need to sign a pre coitus binding “agreement” before they have sex. Sounds like a joke, but that’s where this reality is heading. That kind of takes out all the fun of it though, but that it seems is the only way people might have to protect themselves eventually.
That is feminism. Removing all color from life and making it uniform and compliant. I really do love that saying that Feminism is socialism in panties, and thus easier for people to accept.”
It’s not fair! Now “mocking misogyny” only consists of copy/pasting!
She also implies that women only have bodily autonomy because men “grant” it to them. (Presumably she is only thinking about cis men/women here.)
Ninja’d by thebionicmommy!
Ugh, the Genarlow Wilson case. It was Steubenville. Guy rapes an unconscious 17 year old girl, and the same night, has consensual oral sex with an underage girl. The prosecution can’t get a conviction for the rape of the unconscious girl, because obviously she was asking for it, being all unconscious and shit. So they get a conviction for the underage girl. And the media ONLY REPORTS ON THE BLOW JOB.
@cloudiah, so far so good here. I’m keeping an eye on things, have my text alerts set up, and have my NOAA weather radio on. Last night a twister formed but it went about 30 miles NE of Joplin, and here we only got a severe storm that made us briefly lose power. I will keep my fingers crossed that we will be lucky again tonight.
If your area has a torcon index of 5 or higher, keep your heads up. Have your safe spot picked and stocked with your emergency survival gear. Before the storm hits, put on work boots, too, so that you don’t have to walk barefoot on debris afterwards.
storm tips from MEMA
@Maude LL
Read a bit closer.
Site motto: Unapologetic, Uncompromising, and Unbowed in defense of Black women and girls.
@ Chie Satonaka
Oh, I did not know the names of the guys who didn’t get convicted. Bleah.
Still, the “elite black conspiracy” part of that website is kind of repulsive too.
@Maude LL
I understand the anger about the Wilson case. The media completely focused on the statutory rape and not the second rape that he committed that night. And he even goes on Oprah, where they continue to push the false narrative about what he did! It’s pretty infuriating.
So now several years later we’ve had several other high profile rape cases with similar circumstances — Steubenville, and this other case in Connecticut (I think?). And we’re still having this debate about whether it even is rape to “have sex” with a person who is unconscious/blacked out.
@ Nepenthe
“Site motto: Unapologetic, Uncompromising, and Unbowed in defense of Black women and girls.”
They might want to add: “except for Black women journalists”.
Regardless, the Steubenville case is a prime example of rape culture. I just think that this particular article is pretty terrible.
I wasn’t aware of the tornadoes in central US. I hope everyone there is safe.
“Socialism in panties?” Wow. I really, really hope that doesn’t become a popular phrase among MRAs.
Also, I just looked at r/mr again, and the suggested reading list, in addition to listing Warren Farrell’s famous book, also lists The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker and two books by Christina Hoff Sommers.
Maybe I’m being harsh, but even if the MRM weren’t horribly bigoted and problematic, the fact that a major hotspot for MRAs lists books by Pinker and Hoff Sommers as recommended reading material would still be a good enough reason to ridicule the movement. Seriously, those two authors are obsessed with straw men and informal fallacies.
@ Chie
I’m not always familiar with American cases (I’m in Canada), and definitely not with the Wilson thing.
But yeah, it’s pretty sad how the narrative of these cases revolves around the poor rapist (they don’t call them rapists) who now have their lives ruined because the victim dared to speak out.
Damn, even in the Castro case, some douches have found ways to blame the women for getting kidnapped in their teens.
Hm, seems like my last comment got eaten by my faulty internet. Take it again:
1. I agree that the following situation would be really shitty for a man: He has sex with a woman, she becomes pregnant by accident, he realizes on hearing this that he totally wants the baby, the woman decides to abort. Yeah, that would be shitty. The woman must STILL be allowed to decide, because any other system is WORSE. Someone has to make the ultimate decision at the end of the day, and “someone else” is clearly worse than “the pregnant woman”.
2. The breech of promise thing… it’s all over again this phenomenon Cliff has often complained about in zir blog. MRA:s write stupid shit like “the female equivalent of a man with lots of money is a woman with lots of beauty”. No it’s not! The female equivalent of a man with lots of money is a woman with lots of money!
Likewise, the female equivalent of a man who promises to marry someone and then breaks that promise is clearly not a woman who “friendzones” a man but a WOMAN who promises to marry someone and then breaks that promise.
Lol, acting like abortion is a single procedure. My word, is she dumb. The various procedures used to terminate pregnancies at different times have different physical effects and I’ll let you in on a secret: I’ll take having a tooth pulled over an early vacuum aspiration (that’s an easy one) any damn day. The procedure is more bearable as is the recovery for me. I can handle pain. Cramping and nausea I’m less good with.
But thank goodness we’re only talking about mice here anyways. Phew. I was worried for a moment.
The whole idea of calling an abortion that a pregnant person voluntarily gets a “forced abortion” simply because someone else was emotionally invested in the pregnancy tells you everything about MRAs.
Whenever Typhon Blue comes up, I like to mention her greatest hit—at least, in terms of ridiculosity—so behold the article in which she argues that learning how to please penises raises women above the level of livestock:
@Maude LL
<blockquote>Stuff somebody else said</blockquote>
Even if it was the government’s job to outlaw “friendzoning” as a breech of promise, that would mean people wouldn’t have the right to change their minds about sex and relationships. It would also make it illegal to break up with someone or get a divorce.
Scenario: Straight man and straight woman becomes friends. Both want a romantic relationship but haven’t made a move yet. They spend time together, the man falls more in love with her, but she realizes that he isn’t her type after all. If “friendzoning” was a breech of contract, then she wouldn’t be allowed to change her mind.
And I don’t care why she decided not to have the relationship. If she feels like it would get in the way of her personal plans, that’s fine. If she doesn’t like something trivial about him, that’s fine, too. She doesn’t owe an explanation to anybody to not have sex or enter a relationship.
This also works in reverse, for poly relationships, and LGBT partners as well.
Holy shit, how did you escape the blockquote monster? =O