A Voice for Men’s plans for world domination seem to have hit a little snag. Earlier today, the so-called “Men’s Human Rights” site — which posts an open call to firebomb courthouses and police stations in its “Activism” section — posted a most unusual article titled “A Very British Coup,” which detailed — in a highly one-sided manner — some rather nasty infighting in AFVM’s apparently quite tiny British satellite organization MRA London.
According to newly self-installed MRA London Maximum Leader Andy Thomas, earlier this month,
a bizarre coup was attempted within the MRA London. While I was travelling and out of regular contact, a certain member of the group announced to the world that he had been ejected from MRA London by me personally, and put out a widespread appeal to have me “deposed”, “overthrown”, or whatever. He also made a series of even more bizarre allegations against me and several others.
But for various unspecified reasons this “reverse coup” failed, according to Thomas, “ending in farce and bitter recrimination.” Now the alleged coup-plotters are no longer with the group, and Thomas has declared himself the Chief Executive Officer of the group, such as it is.
This news seemed to come as a shock to most of the AVFM faithful, some of whom were faintly horrified to find Thomas airing this sort of dirty laundry in public where people like you and me can see it. One reader was so baffled by it all they concluded it might be “feminist gaslighting.” (When in doubt, blame the feminists.)
Others more familiar with the situation blasted Thomas’ account of the affair as self-serving nonsense. Richard Ford, one of the expelled/resigned/whatever members, wrote sarcastically, in a comment on AVFM that has miraculously not yet been deleted:
Andy has not chosen to speak to me directly about whatever is bothering him and I am unable to discover the reasons from any other member as it seems that every one of us (with the exception of Erin [Pizzey] and possibly one other) has been expelled at the same time! I honestly know no more about this than what I read here.
I wish Andy well with his new bonzai version of MRA London. The membership will simply have to start again with a new name. Much time will be wasted but we will get there in the end.
For the record. Andy has no power to expel anyone from a group that he so recently joined. Despite this I believe it best to go our separate ways.
AVFM’s own Maximum Leader, Paul Elam, has promised a further explanation tomorrow. Stay tuned, as this has the potential to get very messy indeed.
“feminist gaslighting,” eh?
Inigo Montoya would like a word with you, MRA.
MRA on MRA crime!
Crrrr… David – cancel comrade Andy Thomas’ mission..crrrrrr… they figured the gaslighting infiltration out… crrrr…. [illuminati handshake]… 10-4.
What’s the appropriate response?
Fight! Fight! Behind the bikesheds. Come on, hurry up! Now!
David Futrelle
So these hate mongers are fighting amongst themselves? Good. Hopefully they’ll harm their chances of getting anything they want in the political arena.
Maude LL
You wrote, “MRA on MRA crime!”
That’s a good one. Ed Brayton over at Dispatches from the Culture War uses the term, “Wingnut on Wingnut crime” whenever rightwing fanatics fight amongst themselves.
If there’s a schism in the MRA movement and no one’s there to see it…
MRA, wingnut… It’s like cognac and brandy isn’t it? (an MRA is a wingnut, but a wingnut is not necessarily an MRA)
Maude LL,
You Wrote.
“MRA, wingnut… It’s like cognac and brandy isn’t it? (an MRA is a wingnut, but a wingnut is not necessarily an MRA)”
Off course
They really are like a bunch of little boys squabbling up in their treehouse.
“I wish Andy well with his new bonzai version of MRA London. ”
::snicker:: “Bonzai”? Are they making miniature samurai now?
That might be another one for the dictionary.
MRAs vs MRAs tearing each other apart.
Whoever loses, we win.
You know how MRAs are constantly saying that feminists believe that “women are perfect, men are evil?” Yeah, that’s projection, and here is the perfect illustration of it. They believe that men are perfect and women are evil. They are also so narcissistic that they think feminists would even bother trying to infiltrate and discredit them — sweeties, you discredit yourselves every time you open your mouths.
Pissing contest gone to shit. Hahahahaha, Can’t wait to see Grand Poobah Paulie’s spin.
Can’t wait to see the rest of this scarp-fight.
Off topic; holy shit this Rebecca Watson vs Lindsay Ronald thing has blown up big time.
I just went to the comment section of LR’s response post, and it is riddled with MRAs :/
You know, if these guys worked on actual Men’s Rights stuff this probably wouldn’t happen. But I honestly can’t say I’ve ever seen AVfM try to raise money for male victims of DV…or get our educational system to see about helping boys more…or using donations to create safehouses for men…or even teaming up with Just Detention International to help end prison rape.
It seems like all they want to do is rag on feminists/women, and blame them for everything. If each of them actually donated $10 to a good cause, or volunteered one night a week at a soup kitchen, etc…maybe then they’d see the change they keep complaining never happens. (Instead of arbitrarily kicking various other members out of an alrealdy small and splintered group.)
Reblogged this on iheariseeilearn.
The guradian has had a stream of ridiculous articles about ‘teh poor poor menz’ with the comments section filled with moron trolls. I didn’t even know they had the time to fight amongst themselves when there are so many straw feminists to defeat.
Seeing Warren ‘yay incest’ Farrell quotes in the guardian comments section is unnerving.
cloudiah – I can’t imagine Elam even organising one of those Men’s Sheds groups. If he did get off his arse to do it, imagine how soon any non-misogynist guys would disappear when they heard him … if anyone turned up in the first place.
Wow that article in the Guardian is ridiculous. Who is this Jack O’Sullivan clown? BBC dude…seems to just spew mra talking points?? Seems kind of disturbing.
He says misandry = misogyny, and this gem
I’m off to work somewhat regualr hours again, but jees louise
My favourite part:
We just need to stop being so negative and get rid of our slogans(?!) and also stop reporting crimes committed by men as it makes other men feel bad. In fact the whole article seems to be ‘men should never feel bad ever’.
I like this comment
I particularly liked this bit:
Just check the Internet, you guys, that most hostile environment for men. It’s all “pecs or GTFO” and “there are no boys on the Internet” and “men can’t play games” and rape threats for anybody who suggests that maybe we should change any of the above.
Men have LITERALLY no way of communicating their needs and desires. FACT.
Stay tuned, as this has the potential to get very messy indeed.
Actually my vote is on “incredibly stupid”.