A Voice for Men’s plans for world domination seem to have hit a little snag. Earlier today, the so-called “Men’s Human Rights” site — which posts an open call to firebomb courthouses and police stations in its “Activism” section — posted a most unusual article titled “A Very British Coup,” which detailed — in a highly one-sided manner — some rather nasty infighting in AFVM’s apparently quite tiny British satellite organization MRA London.
According to newly self-installed MRA London Maximum Leader Andy Thomas, earlier this month,
a bizarre coup was attempted within the MRA London. While I was travelling and out of regular contact, a certain member of the group announced to the world that he had been ejected from MRA London by me personally, and put out a widespread appeal to have me “deposed”, “overthrown”, or whatever. He also made a series of even more bizarre allegations against me and several others.
But for various unspecified reasons this “reverse coup” failed, according to Thomas, “ending in farce and bitter recrimination.” Now the alleged coup-plotters are no longer with the group, and Thomas has declared himself the Chief Executive Officer of the group, such as it is.
This news seemed to come as a shock to most of the AVFM faithful, some of whom were faintly horrified to find Thomas airing this sort of dirty laundry in public where people like you and me can see it. One reader was so baffled by it all they concluded it might be “feminist gaslighting.” (When in doubt, blame the feminists.)
Others more familiar with the situation blasted Thomas’ account of the affair as self-serving nonsense. Richard Ford, one of the expelled/resigned/whatever members, wrote sarcastically, in a comment on AVFM that has miraculously not yet been deleted:
Andy has not chosen to speak to me directly about whatever is bothering him and I am unable to discover the reasons from any other member as it seems that every one of us (with the exception of Erin [Pizzey] and possibly one other) has been expelled at the same time! I honestly know no more about this than what I read here.
I wish Andy well with his new bonzai version of MRA London. The membership will simply have to start again with a new name. Much time will be wasted but we will get there in the end.
For the record. Andy has no power to expel anyone from a group that he so recently joined. Despite this I believe it best to go our separate ways.
AVFM’s own Maximum Leader, Paul Elam, has promised a further explanation tomorrow. Stay tuned, as this has the potential to get very messy indeed.
Shaming men for crying versus alleged “male shaming.” Explain the difference, okay, you’re perspective is confusing as fuck.
Ok, how in the fuck is “tears” (as in those things that your eyes produce, particularly when crying) homophobic? I can almost twist logic enough to get how someone really, really swept away by manosphere “logic” could call a comment on crying man “male shaming”. But um, yep, men cry, women cry, other members of the human species cry, if we include general tear production, quite a large variety of mammals are capable of such. How is “well these guys are upset to the point for crying” “male shaming”? Or, fuck, homophobic?!
Y U no make sense?!
Epically ninja’ed (’twas having an EA squee)
Once again a disingenuous MRA dipshit who ignores context.
No, I think the correct term you’re looking for is “asshole shaming”.
But for plenty of real-life examples of men using homophobic jokes and insults against other men, please refer to the men’s rights movement, where any man who disagrees with them is promptly referred to as a “mangina”, a “pussy”, is accused of being like a woman (being like a woman is apparently an insult to them), along with being called various well known and hateful homophobic slurs.
Don’t forget “faggot!” That’s another slur I’ve seen MRAs use.
Anyway, saying that there are “tears” among these people is just a way of saying that the situation is emotionally charged. How that’s not obvious to “okay” I have no idea.
If the usage of the word “tears” here was problematic, by that reasoning it would also be male shaming or homophobic to refer to allude to people’s extreme effort as “blood, sweat, and tears.”
Only gay men cry?
Men crying is shameful?
Pretty sure that’s just in the head of whoever is taking offense.
“The amygdala is the centre of “The Three F’s: fighting, fleeing and sexual reproduction.”
Tangentially, i believe they’re beginning to make it four Fs, adding “freeze” as something that people often do on as basic a level as fight, flight, and fornicate. It seems to be a mammalian-brain response, which would put it in the amygdala.
I thought it already was four — fleeing, fighting, fucking/fornicating, feeding (mind, I’m watching the Jurassic Park where a T-Rex feeds on California). Adding freezing makes perfect sense, but I though feeding was already in there.
Yanno I read “tears” as in the “there’ll be tears before bedtime” sort of thing – little kids throwing a tanty. Which is the point with this lot, and it’s hard to miss given the Rockwell pic David used for the follow-up to this post.
MRAs, proving they’re even more stupid than we thought, 24/7.
Did they mean to say bonsai or banzai? They seem like the type who were stupid enough not to realize that bonsai kitten was a joke back in the day (http://bonsaikitten.com/bkintro.php), but banzai works quite well in it’s secondary meaning, ie. a spirited but ultimately doomed last charge.
Actually the more I think about it the more MRAs charging into internet battle yelling “banzai!” while people look on and shake their heads sadly amuses me.
That’s why I asked if they were making miniature samurai now …
Mmmfmm mfmm fmmm mmfm MMMMFFFF
That’s one hell of a porno movie description.
“That’s one hell of a porno movie description.”
It’s like Tiny Toon Adventures, except they’ll kick your ass, and then prune your foliage.
Love it! 😀
Actually I can never think of samurai now without seeing these two.
Lovers quarrel most likely.
“Bonsai” is the battle cry of Agathean Bush-I-Do warriors.
(Thread Discworld-ed!)