alpha males antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? beta males douchebaggery evil fat fatties gullibility lying liars men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA only men pay taxes apparently playing the victim PUA red pill reddit shit that never happened

Alpha Dogging it with the Red Pill Subreddit


So I spent a little time reading through The Red Pill subreddit yesterday and if there’s one thing that Red Pill Redditors aren’t, it’s fucking betas. No fucking way. They’re like the total fucking opposite of betas. And by that I mean they are ALPHA DOGS 4 LIFE.

Case in point: The totally rad insults they use to put the bitches in their place, as collected together in the recent thread “What Is The Most Cutting Insult You Have Said To A Woman Infield?” I mean, even the fact that they HAVE such a thread is totally ALPHA DOG but just listen to this ALPHA DOG shit they totally really say to women in real life totally for real:

That’s right! Emphasis totally his! In your face, old bitch!

I mean, that’s up there with Oscar Wilde’s famous line “shut up, bitch, I’m like Oscar Wilde and shit.”

Oh, but wait here’s another one:


Get it? Because she was dressed like WONDER WOMAN, but WONDER BREAD is a kind of FOOD. And if you were to eat a comically large amount of food — say, an entire factory’s worth of it — you would probably get very very FAT.

So by saying this he was implying that she was FAT.

So funny! And ALPHA as FUCK, if you’ll excuse my use of sentence enhancers for a moment. NOT THAT I NEED TO ASK YOUR PERMISSION TO SENTENCE ENHANCE. HOO-AH! DO YOU EVEN LIFT?

Hell, the Red Pillers are so ALPHA AS FUCK that some of them literally face down terrorists during their day job in law enforcement, then fuck their female partners that very night, then go to the RedPill subreddit to ask the assembled ALPHA AS FUCK Redditors for some romantic advice just in case they’re acting maybe a little too much like a beta with oneitis, even after that whole staring down terrorists thing.


You might need to read that whole thread to see just how totally ALPHA AS FUCK it is. And obviously there’s no chance whatsoever that DoneWithBeta is making any of it up, I mean, who would do that, just go on the internet and make things up? That is so totally not alpha, why would anyone associated with the Red Pill subreddit do such a thing?

Oh, wait, it turns out that the post might just have been a little bit of an internet joke, and that DoneWithBeta’s story might just have been borrowed a teensy bit from the 2010 action comedy MacGruber. Apparently, none of the regulars in the Red Pill subreddit are beta enough to actually go to movies, because none of them noticed. But, hey, they did give the guy some totally ALPHA DOG ADVICE, which would have worked out awesome if the story had been real and the Red Pill mods hadn’t pussied out and deleted the thread (which is still there to read, even if it’s not visible on the subreddit any more).

Also there was a whole other fake relationship advice thread based on the plot of Othello that the Red Pillers thought was totes real but that’s because ALPHA DOGS DON’T READ SHAKESPEARE.

Need I remind you that FEMINISM IS DOOMED and that we’re going to RIDE THIS BITCH TO THE BOTTOM?


Yippie-ki-yay, sentence-enhancers!

Thanks to all those sniveling beta manginas and bitches in the Blue Pill subreddit for pointing me to some of this amazing ALPHA DOG shit.

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Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

proudfootz — re: other countries census data — for my attempts at genealogy, I have only a few words on that data — it sucks. Like, Lithuania’s just doesn’t seem to exist, idk if it was destroyed in the post-USSR data purge or what, but all I could find where records kept by rabbis, useful if researching Jewish populations/relatives, not so much if not. Italy…*head explodes*. Best guess would be to try outgoing ships from Ellis island, but that’s only one port and I’ve never checked their outgoing data.

So I mean, maybe, but sorting through all those countries, and how much of their population change via migration doesn’t involve the US…headache land. Unless we kept good records of people leaving, I’d say it’s a lost cause. That 3 million he cites is going to have to suffice.

As for 1930 vs 1940 — (first, pity the fool who tries reading my spreadsheets or code, gods I suck at documentation) — there’s a much smaller gap between 1930’s data and 1940’s, so I’d assume 1940’s shows the difference in population more than 1930 does. That is:

1920: 105,710,620
1930: 122,775,046
1940: 131,699,275

1930 = 1920 + ~17 million
1940 = 1930 + ~9 million

Part of it, I imagine, is that the depth of it wasn’t really known until further into it. (Plus, birth control was basically “don’t have sex” and people don’t stop fucking until things get bad.)

In any case, 4-6 million jives well enough with my admittedly rough math (I’m a statistics person, not a demographics person)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ah, might not be relevant, but another thought. 1940 was the first year they did the census in April instead of June — they’d been missing people who were on holiday. So I’d expect the 1940 data to be even higher considering more people would be home. Except migrant workers probably wouldn’t be well counted.

I’m just remembering trying to work out who my father’s mother’s mother’s (the woman mentioned below) parents where because she was listed with people she didn’t share a name with in 1930, and married in 1940. Finding her mother was a major headache.

They were all counted though, just in households that made tracing the relations hard. So probably not relevant.

11 years ago

The 1930 Census might be more affected, but only if migration preceded the real start of the depression (which was 1931-32).

The thing is, he’s not actually using the census data he says he’s referring to; he’s using the Statistical Abtract, which is a trailing indicator, and much more subject to problems of granularity. It’s not taken from direct surveys, but from abstractions of secondary data sets.

So all in all, I have grave reservations about his methodology; further colored by doubts about his motives.

11 years ago

Thanks for all the input.

It looks (to me) like the area is fraught with difficulties.Perhaps there’s a book in this somewhere – or at least a thesis paper!

I suspect that there were indeed some premature deaths attributable to the economic crisis, but assigning a number to that is going to be a real problem as the measurable data is scanty.

Looking at emigration from the US is a good idea. If there are extant records we could get a rough idea of immigrants returning home.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pecunium — all math aside, I’m seeing 10 million if you add approx. 5 million extra deaths to 5 million “missing” births. So yeah, ~5 million.

And surely some is lack of healthcare, riskier jobs (you’ve seen Daleks in Manhattan right? That problem) and yes, starvation. Not even just “starved to death” but “malnutrition related illness” and “comprimised immune system”.

11 years ago

I love it when men who come over to my house start telling me everything was done by a man cause I personally did tons of reno’s and construction 😀 It’s like “men laid every brick, tiled everything and constructed everything.” Then I was like… “Uh… Chinese railway workers built the house, the reno’s and grounds including brick work tiling and landscaping I did but I don’t like plumbing so I hired someone to do that.” I’ve had 2 men in real life say that to me. One was a work associate. The other was a young man who was over for dinner. I don’t know why people think this is such a witty thing to say.

11 years ago

Oh, goodness: that Othello thread? There’s really not too much to it, and I was kinda getting bored, about to stop, but then chiefroaringpeacock says [wait, let me repeat for emphasis: chiefroaringpeacock]:

There’s a peacock wandering around east-central Oak Ridge. We can hear it calling in the dusk. It’s not a roar. It’s more like a giant, high-pitched crow, actually.

11 years ago

For a long time, I understand, the USSR denied that the Holodomor actually happened. I’m glad to see that they’re acknowledging it, even if I’m late to that particular party.

But yeah, nothing motivates a guy to strive for as much accuracy as possible like “Yeah? Screw you too, buddy!”

11 years ago

I’ve been right next to a peacock when it called and it’s more like an ear-piercing wail.

Completely OT, Maddie had a Fright this morning. Her favourite pink plastic bag had a cord sticking out from under it. Major threat! Investigate with extreme caution!

11 years ago

There’s a peacock wandering around east-central Oak Ridge. We can hear it calling in the dusk. It’s not a roar. It’s more like a giant, high-pitched crow, actually.

Falconer: My Dad lives in Oak Ridge… East Central seems a decent approximation.

I used to have a peacock which was hot for one of our geese. Gods but I wanted to shoot him. Spent all day walking about, making that stupid, shrieking, wail. The ganders were almost as upset as the goose he was chasing. Pretty, in an arrogant way. We finally trapped him, and took him a few miles away to the LA Arboretum.

11 years ago

@Pecunium: Oak Ridge goes way out west, farther than I tend to think, all the way out to Roane County. I tend to think of New York Avenue as the “middle” of the city, and Illinois Avenue as the western bound, but that’s way inaccurate.

The peacock hangs out around New York Avenue. I’ve seen him stalking the parking lot of the Oak Ridge Schools Administration Building in the gloaming, looking for something. He wasn’t so loud back in March, but he’s been calling pretty much since April. Sadly, all the peahens have friendzoned him.

(NB: I think the closest peahens are in the Knoxville Zoo, but I expect Mr. Lonely Hearts is or was someone’s exotic pet so there might be a hen around somewhere.)

11 years ago

Hunh… My dad is near the turnpike and Illinois.

11 years ago

Friendzoned Peacock is my next band name.

I think MRAs have found their next target demographic.

11 years ago

Proving that not even being an alpha peacock is enough for those bitches peahens!

FEMINAZI PEAHENS, destroying delicate peacock’s lives since 2013!

11 years ago


not that a PRA would know the difference

11 years ago

@pecunium: I take it your dad won’t have to move for the giant Kroger’s? It’s going in North of the Turnpike and East of Illinois.

11 years ago

No, he’s not right there, he’s a bit over to the west.

11 years ago

I don’t know why I tell you these things like you’re a stranger to the area. Sorry.

11 years ago

S’ok. It’s not like there are vast swathes of people who spend time in/around Oak Ridge. I don’t know if I’ll be able to make time to head down this summer. I’d like to…

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