I was a little saddened to read recently that A Voice for Men — the self-proclaimed “Men’s Human Rights” site that has posted an open call to firebomb government buildings in its “activism” section — will no longer be writing about little old me.
Yes, it’s true. In a recent post announcing that he would no longer be writing or caring about journalist Arthur Goldwag, who famously took on the misogyny of the Men’s Rights movement in a piece for the Southern Poverty Law Center, AVFM’s head douchebag Paul Elam also noted that he would no longer be writing or caring about me either.
“In the early days of this site, we used to write a fair amount about David Futrelle,” Elam wrote. “He was a nice, soft target; pudgy actually.”
But now, apparently, AVFM has gotten much too important to bother with soft, pudgy nobodies like me or Goldwag or the SPLC.
We don’t mention David anymore except as a passing joke. He is just another low-end blogger with a small audience of neurotic women who talk more about cats in his comments than what he writes. It is as close to physical intimacy as the guy will ever get.
It’s a little strange how much time Elam, a fiftysomething straight man, spends thinking about my sex life, but I suppose it will be a bit of a relief not to have to read so many of these fantasies of his in the pages of AVFM. Not to mention Elam’s bizarre conspiracy theories about me — like this one. (I wonder why Elam never came forward with the proof of those allegations like he promised he would? Hmm.)
So I was a little surprised when, only one day after Elam bid me that not-very-fond farewell, AVFM’s “managing editor” Dean Esmay decided to set forth yet another conspiracy theory about me and my alleged army of evil minions.
In the midst of a long, weird, barely coherent tirade directed at a writer for Vice magazine who’d approached AVFM with some questions for its stable of female MRAs, Esmay accused my evil minions (in advance) of writing to the Viceman pretending to be female MRAs in an attempt to make female MRAs look bad:
[M]aybe … one of David Futrelle’s minions will show up in your inbox and say “yeah I’m a female MRA and I support taking rights away from women and I hate women too because we women suck, put women who have abortions in prison praise jesus blargh!” and so on and so forth, because that’s just what a whole lot of people who oppose compassion and fundamental human rights for boys and men do: pretend to be MRAs or to be quoting MRAs just to make us look bad. We’ve seen it in action more than once. At least one asshole we know of pretty much does it as a full-time gig.
Dude, I hate to break it to you, but none of my “minions” needs to pretend to be a female MRA in order to make female MRAs look bad. Female MRAs like JudgyBitch and GirlWritesWhat and TyphonBlue are already doing an exemplary job of that already. I mean, seriously, did you read JudgyBitch’s thing about pedophilia the other day? I mean, wow.
Of course male MRAs are also doing a fantastic job making themselves look terrible as well, from Warren Farrell on down to that dude who thinks “friend zoning” should be punishable by law (and the dozens of Men’s Rights Redditors who upvoted him).
But, really, no single website has done more to make the Men’s Rights movement look terrible than A Voice for Men.
Seriously, fellas (and FeMRAs), take a bow. We here at Man Boobz couldn’t do it without you. I couldn’t make up the shit you spew if I tried. (And, for the record, I don’t try.)
ATTENTION-WAY AN-MAY OOBZ-BAY INIONS-MAY: I-way am-way alling-cay off-way our-way evious-day an-play o-tay impersonate-way emale-fay As-mRAY. Ean-day Esmay-way as-hay igured-fay it-way out-way. Ease-play eturn-ray o-tay alsely-fay accusing-way apless-hay etas-bay until-way urther-fay otice-nay. And-way on’t-day orget-fay o-tay eed-fay e-thay ats-cay.
No, we’re not all kitties. I’m actually a ferret wearing a kitty costume. To prove it, here’s a video of me and my feminists friends when we found out Dean Esmay unveiled our seekrit plan.
And I’m a bee. A misandbee!
You know, it’s funny, but I actually find myself desperately trying to find grounds for respecting the MRAs.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happily in the feminist camp, but a friend of mine is very much in the “patriarchy means ALL MEN ARE TO BLAAAAAME!” camp, and I’m basically trying to not just set fire to him with my mind because of his redeeming features. No, really, it’s possible to be an MRA and somehow not be 100% dickweasel. I promise this is true.
So… yeah… there are no grounds for respecting them, are there? Where it isn’t perfectly logical arguments that just happen, by coincidence, to be grounded on fallacies and nonsense, or pure-blooded non-sequiturs, it’s just conspiracy theorist, spittle-filled ranting, isn’t it? Damn. Tinfoil hats on standby, I guess.
Okay, between the bucket-o-ferrets and “misandbee”, I need to spit proof my computer.
I love all of you.
They are having way too much fun with the bouncy bouncy. I bet they are a hoot in snow.
I dunno, you guys. How much is Vice paying? If it’s enough there might be plenty of people willing to pretend to be FeMRAs! The feminist gravy train isn’t paying out the way it used to any more due to all this MRA “activism”, you know.
Once again I think we’re back to the fact that MRAs assume everyone else is as incompetent as they are. Vice has editors, yes? Who’re perfectly capable of noticing the names of prominent FeMRAs and soliciting contributions from them specifically? And just ignoring anyone who doesn’t seem to be a known name?
…Nah. I mean, every media company runs like AVFM, right?
Oh, speaking of things that no editor should have allowed to have been published, check out this masterpiece of incoherent insinuation:
@CassandraSays Well, you know… “hive mind” and “teh matriarchy” and all that. When you spend all your time arguing with the voices in your head and “doing battle” with straw people, you get a bit lazy and disconnected with the rest of the world, and begin to assume that all the world is like your (by which I mean, of course, their) monthly meeting of the ignorant tightass club.
All the lulz.
Congrats on not being written about by AVfM anymore, David! 🙂
Oh, yeah? Where is this possible? SHOW ME.
People should have to pass a basic psychiatric exam before they can use the internet. It would solve so many problems.
No, WonderWoman, they shouldn’t. Perhaps you should dial the ableism down a notch before getting on the internet.
Yeah at first I was confused by the “s. It is as close to physical intimacy as the guy will ever get.” and its similarity to what the MRA neckbeards consider feminist shaming tactics, but Elam is different isn’t he. Don’t I remember from some past post on this worthy blog that he at some point called someone a “beta” and was berated for doing so by his whiny commentariat? Doesn’t Elam also consistently brag about all the sex he had/has? Not very MGTOW, I dare say.
@hellkell perhaps you should stick to the actual topic I’m discussing which is the CRAZYPANTS MRAs. I’m talking about a specific BRAND of crazy that is obviously harmful to all other people around them. But thanks for standing by to tell me what an “ableist” I am. 0.o I just got a welcome packet two days ago, damn. Last night someone thought for a minute I was “slut shaming” when I wasn’t doing that either. I really like you guys in general and the posts and comments thread, but I’m not going to play this walking on eggshells all the time because people can’t read context game.
Ah hahahaha, doesn’t everyone here get it? Elam is giving up! He’s afraid to engage with David any more! He’s never scored a single point and he’s leaving the field!
I can read your context just fine, WW. But being an asshole MRA doesn’t mean they’re crazy.
Fuck you.
“It is as close to physical intimacy as the guy will ever get.” — I have to say I’m always a bit amused when people who have about as much understanding of adult relationships as somewhat backward 2-year-olds sound off about intimacy of any kind. It’s pretty obvious that Elam & his admirers are incapable of having any real intimacy with anyone, not just women.
For the record, I know it’s tough when you’re in a new space and get called out. But instead of getting defensive, take a minute to think about why that might be.
Or you can always double-down and fly the flag of “I’m not PC, and I refuse to walk on eggshells FREEZE PEACH!” and see how that works. Choices.
No thank you, I don’t want to fuck you.
To everyone else, including those I enjoyed a lovely conversation with last night, I’m going back to lurking. I’m not interested in engaging with a community in which I get jumped on and “chastised” two days in a row for everybody’s hair-trigger list of “oh noes, don’t say that!” Not really sure what the whole anti-free-speech is about but I’d rather keep all my thoughts and opinions to myself than have to censor every damn thing I say for fear someone is going to take it out of context and then “school me” on it.
It’s really incredibly rude to treat everybody who makes a comment like a small child if they don’t toe the line in what you consider “acceptable speech”.
Oh, too late… after getting “called out” twice by people who want to censor exactly how I phrase things for their own personal quirks of self-righteousness, I’m just… opting out of this little group altogether. Don’t need it. I’ll spare you the horrors of my company as well. Everybody wins.
Don’t let the door hit your sore ass on the way out.
she is a whoremra not Femra.
WW, I think the point is that several of us are neurologically a-typical, but manage to not be assholes, so branding anyone with an a-typical brain as an asshole isn’t very nice.
Glad to see you’re off their radar again, David! Hee!
Ont-day all-cay it-ay off-day! 😀