![Ladies! Look only at the picture of this sexy, sexy Alpha duck and do not read the post below.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/scroogeinmoney.jpg?resize=580%2C326&ssl=1)
Hey fellas! While we’re talking about the evils of the Friend Zone and possible legal sanctions against the women who so often and so maliciously put us there — and while the women are distracted by that picture of Scrooge McDuck above — I’d like to warn you of another kind of Friend Zone you need to be wary of: the “Repair Friend” Zone.
I learned of this danger from none other than Warren Farrell himself, in the pages of his book Women Can’t Hear What Men Don’t Say (which amazingly does not have the subtitle “But It’s Not Like Angry Dudes On The Internet Are Going to Shut Up Any Time Soon”).
Here’s how old Warren explains it, perhaps exaggerating the innocence of the wily female Repair-Friend Zoners:
Single moms who rely on male friends for repairs — “he’s just a repair friend” — are often unaware that the man really isn’t sacrificing his Sunday afternoon in exchange for a Sunday night dinner. The truth is, if he’s making that type of sacrifice, it’s usually because he’s interested in her.
That’s right, ladies! Men never actually want to be just friends with you. Never. And when they act friendly, it’s just because they want to [insert weird creepy Warren Farrellesque euphemism for sex here]. Only instead of making a move on you they’d rather make a move on your car, and just sort of hope you’ll get the hint.
I’ve seen many single moms who have men who they claim are “just friends” work on their cars, do repairs, help them move. They think nothing of it. (Which says it all.) When she starts dating someone seriously, the “repair friend” feels hurt and her new boyfriend feels suspicious. And Mom feels caught between a rock and a hard place, so to speak.
Is Farrell making some sort of awkward boner joke here?
Anyway, for Farrell, this is somehow all the fault of women, and feminism, or misandry, or something.
This attitude rests on a deeper foundation. Just as women who are poor turn to the government as a substitute husband (in the form of welfare and AFDC payments), so women without husbands often unconsciously turn to substitute husbands, such as dads, “repair friends,”and male neighbors.
So, fellas, be careful out there. One moment you’ll be chatting casually over the fence with the former Mrs. Jones, and the next thing you know you’ll be in her basement buried deep in her washing machine trying to fix, I dunno, whatever is inside of washing machines that might need fixing, I’m not really very mechanical.
Come to think of it a female friend of mine had me change a light bulb the other day that she couldn’t reach. Granted, I don’t want to have sex with her, and also she’s fixed my bike on several occasions and sometimes brings me cake, but, still, I think I may have just been Light Bulb Friend Zoned.
Actually wasn’t teehee one of OmNom’s tells?
::scratches head::
I can’t remember! I wasn’t here most of the time OmNom was around. Maybe I’m thinking of Steele and his “tsk tsk”.
They do all blur into one big stodge of fish droppings after a while.
“They do all blur into one big stodge of fish droppings after a while.”
Fish floatings?
Argenti’s the one to ask about that! I think it’s muck-on-the-bottom-of-the-tank with bottom-feeder fish. And pretty gross, by what zie’s said! 😀
That is total bullshit that women are responsible for what me ndo to them. The effing abuser lobby can take that canard and stick it where the moon don’t shine.
Um…plec’s shit does sometimes float, so either way works?
It ends up in my filter, which is mostly biological “filtration”, as in, bacteria breaks down the poop. And turns it into clumps on slimy brown, rank, well, shit. Comes off the filter pads in sheets too. So think paper pulp, but brown, slimy, disgustingly smelly, and made of shit.
They’re the end product of fish shit.
Fish shit is definitely the descriptor of choice for MRAs.
Speaking of shit, I’d love to know what was going on here last night. Possum shit everywhere – not just in the park (though there was more than usual) but all over the path outside work, which is nowhere near said park. Was it Everybody Crap night or something?
Dead fish and sock puppets stink after three days.
@Argenti Aertheri _Budmin — are all feminists inherently misandrist?
No Feminist aren’t inherently misandrist but they have a tendency to play up male strength & down play male vulnerability. Feminist don’t owe men shit so I just don’t talk about them.
Stop assuming that I condone sexual blackmail.
Stop trying to paint me with the MRA broad brush. If anything, I’m a MGTOW holding on to a copy of Atlas Shrugs for dear life.
Have you ever seen a man sitting on a street corner for 5 hours waiting for his baby’s mama to take him back? Y’all ladies just don’t know what it feels like to see or be a broken man. I will never be that guy. I will never ask anything from a woman other then that she use her rational mind. I will never be served with a restraining order. I will never EVER sleep with another woman whose sole desire isn’t to make me happy.
What seems to upset most of you, is that if I see a female parasite, I’ll say she’s a parasite.
Good Lady, if I might intrude?
I hope you will not think me rude
But from your stroller I construed
That of great wealth you’re not imbued
Now hear my plan, my work of art
A plan in which you have a part
And since I’m certain you are smart
My master plan I’ll now impart
For social bounty you apply
It is quite easy if you try
But I can see it in your eye
But then what part do I supply?
Well that is simple I must say
It really borders on cliché
For the part that I must play
Is that your husband I’ll portray
And by so doing I will share
In all the bounty that you snare
It’s my reward for being there
I think you’ll find that it is fair
But wait, I see you start to fret
As if you harbor some regret
Of having my acquaintance met
Perhaps you think I am a threat?
I am a stranger, that is true
But you can trust me through and through
No untowardness would ensue
When I enact this plan with you
For even though we’d share a home
And often you would be alone
With someone that is most unknown
I do not see why you should groan
Wait, why do you leave my sight?
I do not understand your plight
What is the reason for this slight
Do not deprive me of my right!
Alone again, the bitch has fled
I should have know she was ill-bred
Why do I fill them with such dread
I can’t fathom what’s in their head
Oh well, once more the search renewed
I’m sure the next one will conclude
That my great plan is rather shrewd
…Good Lady, if I might intrude?
That’s probably for the best.
“Have you ever seen a man sitting on a street corner for 5 hours waiting for his baby’s mama to take him back? ”
So budmin loiters in the street for five hours watching some dude and reads his mind to know why he’s also loitering?
Once again: cool story, bro.
“I will never EVER sleep with another woman whose sole desire isn’t to make me happy. ”
And is your sole desire to make her happy?
Or are you allowed to have desires that include, I dunno, pursuing hobbies of interest to you but not her; or having friends of your own; or getting a job you like?
Y’see, you didn’t specify that “sole desire” meant in bed. Even if you had, do you mean she’s not allowed to desire her own sexual pleasure? Can she assume that’s all you want (ie. to please her) or is it all about you there as well as everywhere else?
Typical MRA, it’s all about you, isn’t it? No give, all take.
All this transactional – I fix tap washer, you give me sex – stuff came home to me in a flash in a conversation at home. These guys don’t understand, because they’re lazy.
The conversation was one of those in the style of, can you please feed the cat/ take out the rubbish/ hang the washing while I get the meal/ clean the bathroom/ vacuum the living room. Oh OK, I’ll just finish cleaning out the car/ putting away the shopping first. Every single item listed being interchangeable with every other item listed.
These guys have lived in families or shared houses where they see such requests as demands – because they don’t see it as their job to do any. of. it. unless they personally _want_ to do it.
So they think of it as a transaction with a pay off – a clean kitchen, dried washing, cupboards replenished – after grudgingly paying by doing some other domestic task that some demanding person imposed on them. Whereas the rest of the world sees it for what it is. A proposal for sharing out household tasks that are everybody’s responsibility. You can easily respond by saying No, I’ll do the bathroom if you vacuum the bedroom because [reasons/preferences].
When you start out this way, you really don’t get it that most people just do things because they’re necessary, not because they’ve made a massive physical effort and emotional commitment to wiping down the kitchen benchtops. Most men just do stuff they can do because it’s there to be done. Bragging rights or a couple of beers are a bonus.
Despite repeated attempts at programming woman-bot to have no interests other than owner, woman-bot remains stubbornly person-like. Woman-bot is clearly broken. Replacement or refund requested.
mildlymagnificent – it says a lot about their mental age, doesn’t it? Main difference from a kid is that instead of expecting a chocolate bar or pocket money for doing necessary chores, they expect sex. And of course there’s the fact that most kids grow out of that stage and become … adults! :O
Cassandra – can’t you just see trollboy as the proud owner of this creeptastic thing?
A.) start going your own way.
B.) get better reading material.
C.) It’s Atlas Shrugged. If you’re going to have a bible (no matter how ill-thought out and poorly written), make sure you know what it’s called.
@Myoo, That was lovely. 😀
As far as sex toys + creepy nothing will ever top the discovery that there are child-size sex dolls that work just like Real Dolls available in Japan. Sorry, nope, no amount of gluing a magazine cut-out to the face of a blow-up doll can top that in terms of the sheer ick factor.
Budmin… if you’re going your own way, then please…. finish the GO part of that.
No. Nonononono. I can’t even.
Gah, child sex dolls? Yup, that’s top of the disgusting factor.
I hadn’t known about them up till now. What’s that saying about ignorance being bliss?
Still, the home-made sex doll seems about bogbrain’s level.
Why would you permit your skin to contact such a nonsenserag? Seriously? And, more importantly, why would you hold onto said nonsenserag, then assert that women owe men something? A book that asserts “fuck you, I’ve got mine!” A book that asserts that nobody owes anyone anything at any level. You’re holding onto it for dear life. And you think you are owed something by women? Feh?
Thanks, and thank heavens for online rhyming dictionaries.