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Men’s Rights Redditor: Watch out ladies, or we’ll make Friend Zoning illegal!


So the Men’s Rightsers over on Reddit are getting worked up over the evils of women “friend zoning” men, and one especially angry fellow by the name of andreipmbcn has a warning for the ladies: if they don’t watch themselves, the men’s rights movement might just rise up and make friend zoning illegal:


What this means is not exactly clear to me. Would women actually be required to have sex with all men who are aggressively “nice” towards them? Who knows. But judging from the dozens of upvotes andre’s comment got, Reddit MRAs like the sound of it.

(Thanks to Cloudiah for pointing me to this lovely comment.)

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10 years ago

I’ve honestly never found a man more (or less) attractive after finding out that lots of other women are interested in him. I mean, the current fuss over Benedict Cumberbatch? I remain as confused as ever as to what other women see in him.

And yet every single pissy dude who goes on a rant about women not wanting to date him seems to be convinced that we decide who to date on the basis of who other women want to date, which always makes me wonder who Woman Zero was who got the ball rolling in the first place and why she, unlike all other women, is apparently able to decide she thinks a man is hot without outside prompting.

10 years ago

This thread will only die if self involved man-children realize how ridiculous and fucked up all their wailing and gnashing over the imaginary “friend zone” is. They need to realize you’re never owed or rewarded with dates with other humans.

In other words, this thread will never die.

10 years ago

Death, taxes, and male sexual entitlement will apparently always be with us.

10 years ago

Dear Echo,

If your definition of friendship is a magic route to panties via kindness coins, then thou art a knave and an awful friend.

If thou dost believe that the law indeed giveth women the priviledge of causing more physical harm to fellows of the manly sort, then thou hast not read much in the way of books of law.

I would remain eminently disinclined to acquiesce to any relationship of any sort with thou, even if ye declared your desire and love had the power of a thousand suns, the beauty of all the unicorns, and the devotion of all the Wargies of Morgoth.

Because you obviously know not the meaning of love or friendship.

Just being up front with you. Bro.

10 years ago

By the women want men that are dating other women logic, women would be in a constant state of unrequited love with their friend’s partners. Because if women are influenced by other women, the women in our social circles should be the most influential of all, right? Wouldn’t female friends be constantly swapping husbands?

It also means that as soon as a lesbian or bi woman scores her first date with another woman, she’ll start falling in love or lust with herself.

10 years ago

So, um, you expect to be able to strike back physically at women who have rejected you? And you’re complaining about double standards?

10 years ago

Wait, wouldn’t lesbians have to fall for the male partners of their friends too under this logic? Because the wimmins have no actual sexual preferences, you see, we just get horny at the thought of stealing someone else’s man.

10 years ago

My guess is that women should just be honest from the get-go, more straight forward. They are already protected from physical retribution by law and society’s double standards, and can strike men without any reason with impunity.

The fuck are you talking about?

If women are honest from the get-go, men can still get abusive, or at least more aggressive. They don’t want to hear the truth. I tried to tell a friend that I wouldn’t date him. What did he do? Get other people to pester me on his behalf. Nope, nope, NOPE. Still not interested. In fact, that tactic was virtually guaranteed to make me not want to even talk to him anymore.

And if women hit, even if they fight back against a guy who hit them first, they can be criminally charged. Yes, that’s right, I can get charged for assault even if I’m only fighting in self-defence.

The wrong is strong with you, grasshopper.

10 years ago

Then one time, a girl decides to take an interest in me, she asks me to go out with her, and I admit, i wasn’t sure what to make of it. However, I decided ‘Let’s see where this goes.’. Sure, it was one date, there was no sex wanted or had.

The next day, after I had figured things wouldn’t work out between me and the girl i went out with and told her as nice as I could, the same girls I had been rejected by suddenly took an interest in me. Nothing about me changed when I went on that date, as far as I knew. They basically went ‘Oh, someone dated him, so he must have something good.’

Cool story, bro. #thingsthatneverhappened

10 years ago

As if any of those girls who suddenly took an interest in him knew he’d been on that date. Because women are psychic or something? Fuck.

10 years ago

There’s a mailing list, you see. We all check it daily to see the current trend reports in whose cock other women are after, and make our dating decision accordingly.

10 years ago

Oh, that’s right. I need to check my spam folder more frequently.

10 years ago

Today in the Feminist Cocks We Crave report, Benedict Cumberbatch is trending. Why, I still have no idea. Maybe I need to read it again a few times and let the hive mind wash over me.

10 years ago

The only cock I’m craving right now is this one:

10 years ago

I think the wargis of Morgoth should be kept around. I’m sure we have room, though probably not too close to the unicorn stables.

10 years ago

Yep. There’s room down the hall from the War Capybaras, I think. Maybe we should add another wing to the stable…

10 years ago


This may surprise you to hear, given that you seem to think that women can assault men with impunity, but women in fact are often victims of domestic and sexual violence. Often by men who they are aquainted with, as these men are the ones who are actually in contact with them and have the opportunity to abuse them. Even women who have not been abused are normally very aware of the possibility of being victimized by a man and then consquently blamed for allowing that man any sort of interaction with her, due to a culture that emphasizes a woman’s need to ‘not get themselves raped’.

Women will often attempt to pick up clues about someone’s possible threat level by looking at their interactions with others, and by communicating with other women to gauge the situation. So by going out on a date with one woman and having her emerged unscathed, you did not technically increase your desirability, you just gave other women better odds that going on a date with you will not lead to them being assaulted.

Of course, given the rest of the entitled rhetoric that you just spewed on this site, along with the fact that you will not believe me about the threat assessment that women routinely perform, I’d say that the women who initially rejected you were in the right of it to start with. But that’s none of my business.

10 years ago

The power to say no, thank you, without being punished with violence? Yes.

10 years ago

He says he would like to know up front if a woman is interested, possibly before the women herself knows. But I bet he also does the “why won’t she just give me a chaaaaance?” whine wanting women to get to know him before saying they’re not interested.

You not measuring up is not the fault of the women who gave you a chance dude. Or do you expect them to pity-fuck you as well as benefit-of-the-doubt-date you?

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I mean, the current fuss over Benedict Cumberbatch? I remain as confused as ever as to what other women see in him.

Same here. Sure, entertaining actor from the little I’ve seen, but attractive? Anything but.

Mr K was anything but a romantic hit back in the day. What matters is his appeal to ME, not anyone else. I don’t even know if the same fuss is made about dating here as it seems to be in the US, never having done it, but “man who’s been on multiple dates/had multiple relationships” doesn’t actually strike me as a recommendation even if I knew about it.

10 years ago

If there is any truth to the trope that women want men other women want, then it is explained entirely by attitude/behaviour changes in the man, not a female grapevine.

If going on dates makes you more confident, if actually talking to women makes you better at relating to them, if being in a relationship makes you stop creeping on other women, then yes, that probably does make you more attractive. It’s weird how these guys want to throw all their agency out the window and pretend that it’s women controlling everything, and they are a helpless leaf on the wind.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Kim – and yet teh menz are the ones who should be ruling the world because they are so logicky and superior. Go figure.

10 years ago

And, Necro Troll seems to have left the building. Or, did the Wargies eat him? I do hope that they left some for their Orcs (I hate feeding the Orcs).

Meanwhile, who’s gonna clean up this thread? Never mind, I’ll get my shovel.

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