a woman is always to blame alpha males antifeminism gender policing ladies against women literal nazis misogyny PUA reactionary bullshit reddit straw feminists

On Reddit, a woman explains to other women why men hate them

Wonder Woman: Always alienating decent men with her blatant careerism.
Wonder Woman: Forever alienating decent men with her blatant careerism.

NOTE: I’ve closed comments on this post because it keeps attracting crankish comments from misogynists who agree with the misogynists I quote in the post.

Hey ladies! Have you ever wondered why so many men hate you? Well, you’re in luck, because on Reddit, another lady just like you has an answer. It’s because you suck. No, really. Men hate women because women are terrible. And not very ladylike, to boot.

Let’s join FleetingWish as she explains “Why Do Men “Hate” Us?” in Part 2 of her Who-knows-how-many-parts opus “Attracting Alphas,” which she has helpfully posted in the fPUAs subreddit, a forum apparently devoted to teaching “females” how to more effectively get picked up by alleged Alpha males.

FleetingWish starts off by distinguishing “misogyny” — in scare quotes — from bad things like racism:

[W]e cannot to fall into the common trap of lumping “misogynist” in the same category of “racist” and “homophobic”. The reason is they occur for entirely different reasons. Racist and homophobic people occur largely from lack of exposure. It’s easy to have misconceived notions of certain groups of people when you haven’t met any.

Obviously! For who in history were less racist than America’s antebellum slaveowners, white people who lived in close quarters with large numbers of black people and sometimes even fathered children with them via an ancient non-racist practice known as “raping your slaves.”

But this is not the case for women; men have met many, many women in their lives. Any “misogyny” that they may have developed (or lack thereof) has been created by their exposure to women, and those women have only confirmed their biases.

Huh. So if you retain your hate for a group of people even when you have had considerable contact with these people, this means your hate was justified? By this logic, then, slaveowners were justified in their racism, and Nazi concentration camp guards were justified in their antisemitism.

[O]n to the reason men “hate” us. There are countless complaints to be found, but they all seem to lead to the same core. They don’t see what value women can provide for them (outside of sex).

And how exactly is this the fault of the women, rather than a reflection of the rather limited imagination of the men in question?

When I first understood this, I felt disappointed and sad, because I want to feel that my presence makes a difference, and not that 50% of the population would be better off without me.

You didn’t ask: What the fuck is wrong with these guys who think that that the value of women can be reduced to what they provide men sexually?

But I wanted to find the truth behind the anger, so I asked myself two questions; “What are women providing for men in today’s society?” and “What should women be providing them?” (Or alternatively “What is it that women could provide that would make men see their worth?”)

Why would you assume there was “truth behind the anger” rather than, say, a stunted personality and a giant sense of entitlement? Why are women obligated to “provide” anything for men, apart from the basic human decency all people are generally expected to show one another?

I answered my first question by observing the world around me. We have a society where women are encouraged to behave like men. We are encouraged to be competitive, career driven, even to be brash and arrogant in order to get what we want.

None of these things are inherently male traits.

Also, we are told again and again, that not only should men not expect anything of us (not even common decency), but that we should leave any one who places any demands (or requests) on us.

Huh? I think Ms. Wish may be having imaginary conversations with those old villains the Straw Feminists.

The trouble with the first mentality is by acting like men, we run the risk of being second place to actual men. If a man wants to have a relationship of some kind with someone who behaves masculine, why would he seek a woman? … If he wants to seek out a woman, it’s because he’s seeking someone who behaves like a woman, and personifies feminine behavior.

Says you.  Even setting aside all those who fall outside of, or otherwise confound, the traditional gender binary, there are plenty of straight cis men who have no problem with straight cis women whom you’d no doubt define as excessively “masculine.” Indeed, recent research suggests that men aren’t as intimidated by successful, high-earning women as the old stereotypes suggest. A recent report from the Brookings Institution noted that marriage rates amongst the top-earning women have been rising while those of lower lower-earning women have declined.

And why do you even care if other women act in a way that you’ve defined as “masculine?” If you want to act in a way you think is appropriately “feminine,” it’s your life, go for it. Let other people define “masculinity” and “femininity,” and their relationships with these concepts, how they want.

The trouble with the second mentality is that by not taking into consideration what men want from us, it takes away our ability to listen to their needs. Because men have needs, they have feelings, they have wants, and they have desires. And those needs are important, they are important for their basic happiness and fulfillment in life.

Uh, yeah. Women have needs, too. I’m pretty sure most successful long-term relationships are based on fulfilling both partners’ needs, not on forcing one partner into a “feminine” mold so as not to challenge the male ego.

The solution to both of these is actually the same. Be feminine. That’s what men are desperately craving from us. … Men don’t want a woman that they have to compete with, they compete with people all day long, at the end of the day they want someone who they don’t have to compete with. 

In other words, if you’re better than him at Halo 4, go ahead and let him win. These sorts of dudes tend to have a bit of a temper.

The thing is, those men who “hate” us, they don’t really hate us, they desperately want to be able to love us. But they have been unable to with every, single, woman they have come across. And they’ve become so hurt, that they don’t know what else to do.

Uh, no, I’m pretty sure a lot of these guys really DO hate you. If you don’t believe me, I’ve got roughly 1200 posts in the Man Boobz archive that might provide some further illumination on this point — although, admittedly, some of the posts are about kitties, not misogyny. So maybe 1000 posts?

So, my challenge to anyone reading this is if you see these men on reddit, try to empathize where they are coming from. Instead of being angry at them, be understanding of them. Instead of defending yourself, defend them. Instead of telling them “you’re not like that”, show them you aren’t like that. Respond to these posts with something to the effect of “Wow, I’m really sorry that women you’ve come across have treated you so bad, I wish there was something I could do to heal that hurt you’re feeling.”

“I’m so, so sorry you think I’m a worthless bitch.”

By responding like this, you accomplish so many things. First is you are validating their concerns, second you empathize with their feelings, and third you show them that there are women who care (demonstrating to them that they might be wrong after all). You will see that if you do this, these men’s hearts will melt so fast for the opportunity to believe that there are women who care.

At least until they disagree with you about something, at which point you can expect all the old misogyny to erupt again, this time aimed directly at you.

Naturally, all the guys who for some reason were reading a subreddit devoted to the “self-improvement of women” thought that Ms. Wish’s advice to her fellow not-fellows sounded a-ok with them.

“As a male, this is spot on,” wrote one. “This actually made me get shivers. Thank you for existing. Thank you for caring.

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10 years ago

Uber gay de-evolution. The gays, radical feminists and really white people don’t have kids. The post apocalypse = 1800s. Huh. BeaverWatch lives in a very strange world.

10 years ago

I did enjoy how completely unrelated BeaverWatch’s comment was to the year old original post. Solid reactionary crank necro-trolling overall.

Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

G’night then dear!

10 years ago

:: blinks ::

So, so much wrong in troll post. So, so much wrong.

I’d try and correct it, but I have a 10 hour observational ride along starting in 8 hours, and I need sleep.

But so, so much wrong. It started with dis-evolution and went downhill from that painfully backwards point.


10 years ago

My condolences, pecunium.

10 years ago

kittehs: Thanks. It helps that he was well known, and well regarded. That also makes it a bit harder, because I see a lot of people online being sad.

10 years ago

I hate both man and woman. the terrible things we do to each other and don’t even have the decency to make it better. Relationships, jobs or just simple peace. People are horrible and hope that at least children aren’t harmed. people take no consequences to truth in what they do or say. to me people suck!

10 years ago

Men own the media, corporations, Hollywood, the record companies, so all women who copy women on the tv or radio are doing exactly what a man is telling them to do. Who do you think picks out Madonnas outfits, a man. Who do you think tells Britney and Christina how to behave on stage, a man. Who tells women to want a white picket fence marriage and kids, the tv, look at who is the producer, it’s a man. The problem in our society is we are fascist to the point where a monkey could write a teleplay and as long as a man and woman act it out out stupid society will mimic it. You have tattoo’s who gave you that idea, you liberal or conservative, who gave you that idea? Men, man, everything weak people with no sense of individuality do is dictated by men. When the woman who started the feminist movement lit up a cigarette to promote it to women who do you think told her to, a man. And you know who her corner man was? Edward Bernays a man and the godfather of propaganda. This is why anyone who studies film will find out the camera lenz is called the male gaze. Women who watch tv see what men want and copy that. When I say what men want I mean men who want you to be slaves, prisoners or dead. Humans are that simple ACTION show what a man wants, show a woman acting it out and CUT. So the next time you start basing your reality off what you see in pop culture remember a fat old rich effeminate man gave you the idea. They should just call America fighters for corporate lib.

10 years ago

Men are no longer stupid enough to let someone depend on them in a shit-tastic economy. Get over it ladies. Learn how to be feminine again. Church and marriage will no longer be a tool for you enslave us or keep us from our children. And we sure as hell won’t go to war for you on a whim anymore!

10 years ago
Reply to  Guilt

Spot on Guilt, spot on.

10 years ago

Looks like idiot necro troll didn’t actually read the thread.

Nobody here wants women to have to depend on men financially. That’s why we’re feminists.

And church? Although there are plenty of progressive Christian sects these days, historically Christianity has been very much dominated my men and patriarchy.

You also might have failed to notice that anti-war sentiment is very common amongst feminists. What the hell makes you think we’re asking you to go war for us? War is typically waged by men and they don’t do it for women. They do it for power, politics and money. Blaming war on women is just so blatantly idiotic and fact free that I have to wonder where you get your information. Relying on MRAs for history lessons is obviously not serving you well.

Ally S
10 years ago

Weird necrotrolls are weird

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

D’you think that troll wins the Dumbest Necro Troll prize? I realise it’s pretty stiff competition, but jumping from “we won’t support you” to “get back to being feminine and stop forcing all those government men to go to war” is remarkably idiotic, even by troll standards.

10 years ago

I dunno, even in this thread, the competition is pretty stiff. First there’s “I hate everyone,” then there’s a wall of text that I think is supposed to be pro-feminist but is all “men are responsible for everything,” and then there’s Guilt.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Dumb Necro Troll of the Year would have a much larger field and stronger competition than plain old Troll of the Year has had for a while.

10 years ago

The problem in our society is we are fascist to the point where a monkey could write a teleplay and as long as a man and woman act it out out stupid society will mimic it.

I had no idea that fascism contributed to pro-simian-screenwriter sentiments. Politics are complicated.

10 years ago

Church is a tool feminists use to enslave men and keep them from their children? I’ve heard that strange MRA argument about marriage plenty of times by now, but church? Really? That’s got to be the most imaginary backwards land thing I’ve ever heard.

10 years ago

When the woman who started the feminist movement lit up a cigarette to promote it to women who do you think told her to, a man.

They were making Marlboro ads at the Seneca Falls convention? Huh, the things you learn on the internet.

10 years ago

Sorry, everyone, but I had to do it.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Oh thank you, I choked on my sammich laughing at that!

10 years ago

Is Tyler up there a necro-sock for the necro-troll Guilt?

And is that Mary Wollstonecraft, cassandrakitty?

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

It is indeed, sparky!

10 years ago

Yep, that’s Wollstonecraft, trying to get women to smoke for The Man.

10 years ago

Wait! All the feminists smoke?

Do I have to turn in my feminist-certification in to the secret headquarters now?

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