When I posted about WF Price’s viciously transphobic Mothers’ Day post on The Spearhead yesterday, the Spearhead commentariat had not yet weighed in on his post. Well, now they have, and so appallingly that I felt a second post was in order. Here are some of the, er, highlights of the discussion.
Again, a TRIGGER WARNING applies; if anything, these comments are worse than Price’s original post. This hasn’t made them unpopular at The Spearhead; quite the contrary: all the comments quoted below were well received by Spearhead readers, receiving multiple upvotes. A couple of them were even rated “Well-loved.”
Alcestis Eshtemoa compares trans women, unfavorably, to eunuchs:
Transexuals/Transgenders are part of the LGBTQPPI freak show. Transexual “women” are de-facto mutilated or castrated men, on a much lower level than eunuchs even. Sure a couple of people may be born “inter-sexed” but most (in general) are not born or made that way. There are two sexes and they are complementary.
Instead it’s the delusional cosplay “I’m a woman in a man’s body” (sure and I’m really Napoleon reincarnated or Marilyn Monroe in a hideous, ill-mannered woman’s body). It’s a form of narcissism, the worse kind even, because these people don’t play their parts well. Instead the solipsism is projected elsewhere.
El Bastardo seems to think that feminists are all as transphobic as he is:
I can’t wait for all the liars, whom calling themselves feminists, have to face this genius who cut his own junk off. As soon as he says they are “equal” in motherhood, they are going to have to contain their laughter and scorn. A “Saaaayyy whaaaaattt?” moment. Followed by “Oh, HELL NAH!”
I actually feel for this individual, though the “suffering” is self inflicted. He, or perhaps she or it, has now set himself and his family up for years of delicious pain for his moronic self indulgence.
Truly, the feminists who raised him, for that is the evil and solipsistic individuals his parents (or at least his mother and wife) had to have been. They destroyed who he was, and cheered him on as he jumped into an abyss for which there is no return.
Now his sons have endured a wound they may never be able to articulate, but incubate with pain and confusion their whole lives. For if their father, now having turned and claimed to being a woman, hated his masculinity in such a fashion; what are they left to think?
Keyster also manages to pull off the neat trick of attacking transphobic feminists — well, he assumes all feminists are transphobic — in a comment that is itself transphobic, not to mention massively misogynistic:
Feminists hate transexuals because they “mock” womanhood; pretend to be women, when actually the massive doses of estrogen is what reveals the classic female behavior that sometimes annoys and frustrates men so much.
Also more often than not transexuals abhor masculinity so much that they actually consider themselves lesbians. And lesbians don’t much like (Male to Female) transexuals either. They do seem to do better once this “internal conflict” is resolved, but then create a whole new reality of confusion and complexities around them.
Geographybeefinalisthimself decides to make the issue all about, well, me:
I feel so sorry for this tranny’s sons.
I wonder if Manboobz will consider my pity for this tranny’s sons to be “misogyny.” I think his morbidly obese body will explode just thinking about how to react.
I’d call that transphobia, actually, Mr. geographybeefinalist. I’m not quite sure why you thought I would explode. It’s not exactly shocking to discover that misogynists are bigoted in other ways as well. On The Spearhead multiple bigotry seems to be the default state.
Towgunner delivered up a massive wall-o-text, from which I have extracted the following. (Paragraph breaks added.)
A simple agenda item for the MRA … is to encourage the truth, specifically, men and women are different and there is nothing wrong with that. ….
The reason why we unfortunately here about this is because it fits the feminists narrative and false idea that men and women are interchangeable etc. transsexuals are an important component to that argument because he was once a he now hes a she…look at that kids, as easy as pie. But its not, hormone treatment and multiple evasive surgeries are not some simple “switch” …
Methinks, the whole “I’m a women in a man’s body” meme is a sick distraction from the real truth, which is “No sir or ma’am, the truth is you’re not happy with yourself and the cards you were dealt and you’ve never came to terms with that! ….
The idea of “I’m a man in a women’s body” should be met with, “hey pal, I’d like to be a lot of things myself too, eating ice cream every night and having a full head of hair and washboard abs…but guess what, it’s not the case….deal. This is what happens when emotion trumps reason. psycology today is a joke, the proper treatment is a kick in the pants not some soft spoken, drug dealer who’s likely just as messed up as their patients are.
Brigadon responded to one commenter who challenged the Spearhead regulars on their homophobia (and got massively downvoted for doing so), accusing the commenter of using “shaming language” against those who rightfully resist “homophilia.” Then he called gay men “fags;” compared homosexuality to pedophilia, bestiality, and cannibalism; and suggested that trans women deserve to be ridiculed.
There is a vast difference between being homophobic and having a legitimate understanding of the deleterious effects homophilia has on society.
If you are not into molesting children, are you pedophobic?
If you are not into fucking housepets, are you beastophobic?
Why in the hell is it considered a ‘phobia’ to be disgusted and sickened by something which, in the end, is an incredibly unhealthy habit from both a species and societal standpoint? …Why should we accept cannibalism? why should we accept pederastery? why should we accept homosexuality? why should we accept beastiality? how does that strengthen us as a culture? what does it ADD to the human experience, and what does it take away?
Nice attempt at shaming language, though. technically ‘homophobia’= “fear of those like one’s self”. completely incorrect usage of the word.
Unfortunately, though, fags are afraid to use the real word…
Edinakusesiphobia- fear of sodomy.
Frankly, all things concerned, I consider a fear of getting sodomized to be a very real worry, as opposed to a ‘phobia’. Especially considering that nearly six times as many men in the US get raped as women, and nearly a hundred times as many men get FORCEFULLY raped (sodomized) as women.And, to be completely honest, why should we NOT ridicule men that lop their penises off in order to be failures as both males and females.
In case you’re wondering, this was one of the comments that was rated “Well-loved” by the Spearhead regulars.
There is plenty more awfulness to be found elsewhere in the thread at The Spearhead, as well as some comments that aren’t quite as bad, if you have the stomach to wade through the rest of it to find them.
@pecunium: Word.
” It’s like tying your happiness into making the sun or the ocean not exist any more.”
So that’s why they live in basements!
Rivers are apparently OK though, since they helpfully divide the country in half.
(That will never stop being funny.)
But are they okay once they become estuarine, or is that too close to the ocean to be acceptable? What is the dividing line? Is it pure fresh water, or is a certain salt level acceptable? Inquiring minds must know!
I have it! Salt water is like tears, which are womanly and thus unacceptable. Therefore any water that’s at all salty is bad. Wetlands? Horrible. Lakes? Not salty, so probably OK.
So the ultimate punishment for MRAs would be a dunking in the Dead Sea while being pecked by penguin whooooores!
Plus they’d be surrounded by both Muslims and Jews, both groups of people who they despise.
Well, except our resident PUA. Maybe that’s why he’s never shifted from PUA to full MRA.
I do have to thank Towgunner, though, for making me even more impressed with trans* people. Evidently, the process involves “hormone treatment and multiple evasive surgeries”. Those darn evasive surgeries, aren’t they the worst? Trying to catch them is so difficult – try grabbing one and they just slip right out of your fingers – and the process involves capturing MULTIPLE evasive surgeries? Wow! Color me more impressed!
I missed that one. Evasive surgeries! You have to develop excellent tracking skills and learn to spot their tiny scalpel-shaped footprints in order to find them deep in the woods.
Evasive surgeries?
… does that mean they’re done by cats?
On the other hand, this is what Doctor Cat says to MRAs.
…ok, I get the joke, totally do, but!
Trans* gatekeeping is totally still a thing. I know I usually bemoan it happening within trans* communities, but doctors are the absolute worst — when you need psych consults and to pay out of pocket for each surgery…yeah, they’re evasive. Like, the MRM and doctors seem to share a belief that anyone wanting to transition to a female form is mentally impaired and must be thoroughly evaluated. Like, there’s a black market for hormones level badness.
Sorry to kill the joke…
Um, pretty sure none of that is what Towgunner was on about…
Towgunner wouldn’t even begin to grasp any of that. Real issues don’t cross the threshold of MRA stupidity.
Evasive surgeries are basically Pokémon for trans* people. Gotta catch ’em all. They’re slippery though.
Cassandra: But the thing is, they can’t make us go away. Hence the desperation. If you go to the websites that track the shit fundies say (where I found that vox day quotation) you will see them trying to argue for legislation to compell people to conform.
That’s what they want, nothing which will make them see the world isn’t as tidily arranged as they want it to be.
Oooh… Misogynists ought to go swimming in the dead sea, with their eyes open.
Makes legos look like paradise.
Cassandra, no, I know. It was just weird seeing the elusive nature of trans* surgery(s) (yes I know that plural is broken) being joked about. Hence my wording about totally getting the joke, “but!”
Towgunner definitely didn’t mean that though. Almost certainly misspelt invasive (so are plenty of things…like, idk, a c-section)
He might have been trying to portmanteau invasive/elective.
What’s that saying about ascribing wit where idiocy will suffice?
Malice maybe? I know it isn’t wit…
If you tried to tell an MRA not to portmanteau something he’d probably yell at you for trying to force him to stop drinking. They’re not really known for their linguistic skills.
Transition isn’t about “changing who you are” – it’s about being who you are.
Nobody claims it to be simple. It’s fucking hard, and that’s why all my respect and support goes to these people.
Also, as a person who does not fit into the gender-binary, I felt really disgusted at claims about only two sexes/genders. It’s not nice having your identity erased.
Hummus and screens don’t mix. Lucky it snuck out between teeth not up my nose.
“When logic, and proportion have fallen sloppy dead…” you might be in MRAland. No, neither linguistics, nor logic, nor math, suit them. (Hell, suits probably don’t suit them given the number who act like ties are a modern travesty)
Catfish — I hope you mean the MRAs in the OP, because we try not to pull that shit. Please feel free to yell at us if we do it.
In any case, sorry that the assholery erased your identity, I seem to have gotten used to it and just expect it (better ignored than attacked?). Idk if I’ve ever asked what pronouns you use, if you don’t mind saying? (I, for one, will default to ze/zir if I don’t know, because I prefer them myself and I like ’em)