a voice for men excusing abuse FemRAs misandry misogyny MRA oppressed white men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles pig ignorance rape culture sexual abuse sexual assault sexualization statutory rape apologists victim blaming

Female MRA argues that the real abusers in the BBC pedo scandals were the underage girls

Jimmy Saville: The real victim? (Uh, no.)
Jimmy Savile: The real victim? (Uh, no.)

British barrister Barbara Hewson caused a bit of a stir last week when she called for the age of consent in Britain to be lowered to 13 so as to end the alleged “persecution of old men” like those arrested in the wake of the recent Jimmy Savile scandal, which revealed a widespread culture of sexual exploitation of underage girls (and some boys) at the BBC in the 1970s.

Now one female Men’s Rights Activist connected to hate site A Voice for Men has done Hewson one better, arguing that the real culprits in these scandals weren’t the predatory adult men but the girls they victimized.

Janet Bloomfield, a fairly regular contributor to terrorist-manifesto-posting AVFM who is better known as JudgyBitch, writes on her blog that:

[B]asically, the girls were groupies. They wanted all the benefits of hanging out with a big star and they understood it came with a price and they paid it, perhaps reluctantly, but with full knowledge that the trips to London and the fags and the sweet weren’t free. …

And now they are claiming the MEN abused THEM? Looks to me like it was the other way around.

Yes, Bloomfield apparently feels that these poor little rich men were robbed of cigarettes and candy and trips to London by predatory teenage girls. She continues:

It’s a story as old as bloody time. Young women with nothing to offer but their youth and sexuality chase after powerful men in exchange for favors. If we are going to arrest every powerful man who has ever availed himself of willing women, we are gonna need to build a whole lot of jails.

Uh, Judgy, in case you missed the point of the whole debate here, we’re not talking about women. We’re talking about girls. In the case of  BBC broadcaster Stuart Hall, one of the victims that he has admitted to assaulting was nine years old at the time. Nine. Savile’s youngest alleged victim was an eight-year-old boy, and dozens of his alleged assaults were upon children in hospitals.

In the end, Bloomfield kind of, sort of, admits that the men may have behaved badly in these cases. But she still wants them to face zero legal repercussions.

Powerful men always have and always will delight in young women hunting them. Young women always have and always will hunt for powerful men. Both sides are equally culpable. Both sides are engaging in abuse. Both sides are behaving shamefully. Both side are being idiots.

But only one side is being held criminally responsible? Bullshit. If the girls are not going to be strung up on charges of solicitation and prostitution, and I absolutely do NOT think they should be, then fairness and equality under the law dictates the men get a pass, too.

Again, you may notice, Bloomfield cannot seem to decide whether or not these girls are in fact girls or “young women,” and in the two consecutive paragraphs right above you’ll notice she slides effortlessly between the two. Perhaps her desire to tag these girls “women” is an admission that, at least on some unconscious level, she knows what she’s arguing is beyond the moral pale.

Elsewhere in her post, she puts up pictures of underage girls whom she seems to think would be impossible to distinguish from adults. Here’s one, of a twelve-year-old model. (She also includes a creepily sexualized picture of the same model at age ten.)


Anyone unable to tell that this is a picture of a child, not an adult, shouldn’t be having sex with anyone.

And anyone as morally deficient as JudgyBitch shouldn’t be judging anyone.

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11 years ago

RE: Evil Balls

Nah, bro. The Amazing Atheist is a hateful little shit. That’s not misandry, that’s him.

Also, I’m pretty sure Sojourner Truth would like to have a word with you.

RE: CassandraSays

I know, right? This guy is ruining balls for me.*

*No he’s not.

Evil Balls
Evil Balls
11 years ago

If the modern American women were forced to become an American man for a month, she would be horrified. She would hate her life, without the inherent posh benefits of being an American woman. She wouldn’t be able to take it.

11 years ago

Harney: I wouldn’t say it was very English; it’s a native NY enterprise. They had lots of Chinese/Japanese teas I had never heard of (which isn’t too surprising). But they definitely have many English teas too, as well as lots of herbals.

11 years ago

The troll who said that (the opulant horse bit)… who was he referring to? Himself? Us? Was it not clear from context?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I made it through 3 min of that video, mostly because I was thinking about amazingly self-absorbed someone has to be to actually flog themselves to make a point about how they won’t flog themselves.

Also, how screaming at the camera must drive his neighbors up a wall.

11 years ago

@the troll’s comment at 10:59 pm:
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA [takes spluttery breath] HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

11 years ago

No men have ever been paid for writing, or even had a nice apartment. Good to know.

11 years ago

They wanted all the benefits of hanging out with a big star and they understood it came with a price and they paid it, perhaps reluctantly, but with full knowledge that the trips to London and the fags and the sweet weren’t free.

The worst thing about this is that there is an element of truth to what she’s saying, albeit all twisted up.

There was one interviewee ‘Fiona’ in the Exposure documentary who really stood-out in my mind for the longest time afterwards. She had been a ward of the Duncroft House Approved School for Girls, which I gather is a kind of boarding school for troubled teens, and Savile would visit there under the pretence of helping out for charity. She says that he would treat some of the girls to a car ride out in the country, and that’s where the abuse would take place.

In the interview, I was struck by how she described the social dynamics at play there. She said it was a huge compliment to be offered a ride in his Rolls Royce, because they were delinquent girls, they didn’t get to go out very often, so to have a gentlemen say that he wanted to take you for a fun ride in his luxury car was a huge treat. Then she said that, when he told her to stay back in the car alone with him, she instantly knew what was “expected of her”. Because she had been given this wonderful day out, and now she had to pay for it. She said that what he got her to do made her feel uncomfortable and humiliated, but she felt that it was expected of her (Vid here, starting around the 5:50 mark).

I remember watching that and thinking what a messed-up world it is, where a 14 year old girl would just implicitly know that she “owed” a man, because why else would he be doing something nice for her?

(It also reminds to of the reasoning behind the ‘nice guy / friendzone’ thing, because why else would a dude be nice to a woman?)

11 years ago

I was thinking more English-style tea service. Did they have scones and so on? From what I recall from seeing them in stores they pretty much have the full range of teas from all over

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ok, I’m calling Peltdown on this one. PeterVan never got his Peltdown so he came back for more, right?

11 years ago

So troll is arguing that if amodern immigrant American woman farmworker were given the chance to be a white male American lawyer for a month, she would be horrified at the privilege she has in American society?

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA [takes spluttery breath] HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA [takes spluttery breath] HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA [takes spluttery breath] HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Wait, nice apt? Cuz I’ve had some shitty ones, and AA’s ain’t a shitty one.

So um, nice apts invalidate everything women say? How about AA there?

Also, posted too soon on last one, meant to add that time to ARGLEBARGLE was incredibly short.

11 years ago

RE: Tragically Misunderstood Balls

Yes, sweetie, your tantrum’s very impressive. Run along now, the grown-ups are talking.

Seriously dude, I’ve been fighting homelessness all month. You aren’t impressing me with your shrieking.

La Strega
11 years ago

Any chance Evil Balls is a sock for Theodore from yesterday? Cuz “I spit on your excuses” sounds a lot like “I have nothing but contempt…” Or do all these guys use the same “voice?”.

11 years ago

Ah, I misunderstood, CassandraSays. I’m not that familiar with English-style tea service, but I think it wasn’t really that. They have an attached cafe, but it was more soups and sandwiches and quiche. But they will brew you a pot of any of their teas, and they did a nice job of it.

11 years ago

*sigh* Well, okay, it looks like I have to prostrate myself* to one of you and ask forgiveness for being queer trans mentally ill GODDAMIT! MAN! I meant MAN!

Christ, it’s so hard to keep track what I’m supposed to be ashamed of.

* not prostate myself; I’m monogamous

11 years ago

Peltdown Man* or Mr Al?

::puts on troll judging hat::

The frothrage is not distinctive, but has some undertones suggestive of either origin. There are strong hints of wormwood and gall. A promising vintage, but at this point very immature.

::removes hat::


*thank you pecunium

11 years ago

For some reason I’d thought they were based in the UK – must have been mixing them up with a different company. I approve of there being more tea companies in the US, though.

11 years ago

Any chance Evil Balls is a sock for Theodore from yesterday? Cuz “I spit on your excuses” sounds a lot like “I have nothing but contempt…” Or do all these guys use the same “voice?”.

Being new myself, I’m not as familiar with the trolls, but lots of mra’s use the same melodramatic, bloviating style of rhetoric. I guess it’s supposed to make them sound important. But it mostly just makes them sound like asshats.

11 years ago

“* not prostate myself; I’m monogamous”

dammit man, now you can apologise to me for that cup of tea I just lost!

11 years ago

Have you encountered Fidelbogen yet? He is the king of trying to sound clever and sounding ridiculous instead.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

LBT — not making cookies? Yes, you be ashamed that you haven’t made cookies. That’s it.

…I am supposed to flog myself or not? Inquiring masochistic minds need to know… (see, this is why I said what I did about AA, he’s actually flogging himself, that smarts, if he’s doing it just to make a point…either he padded his back, enjoys pain, or is a royal fucking idiot)

11 years ago

EB: Who the fuck are you, and why should I care?

Seriously, you expect me to take you seriously when someone as facile, peurile, and stupid as the Amazing Atheist is your go to guy for deep thoughts?

I have nothing but sneering contempt for you all.

And we should care? Because (by your own admission) you got nothing.

If the modern American women were forced to become an American man for a month, she would be horrified. She would hate her life, without the inherent posh benefits of being an American woman. She wouldn’t be able to take it.

I’m not having any problem living as a man. I quite like it. People respect me. I get paid well. No one harasses me in the street. I get to go where I want, do what I want and generally have a good time, and have been doing so for almost 50 years.

What’s your problem?

No one is asking you to apologise. In this thread we are talking about MRAs who think raping little girls is fine and dandy.

And you have no opinion on that?

So, again, why should we give a fuck about you? Take your balls and go home.

11 years ago

Cassandra: If you get the chance to swing by the Rose Tree Cottage in Pasadena, they do a lovely tea.

11 years ago

RE: Kittehserf

*bows* Thank you, thank you! I’ll be here all night!

RE: Argenti

Well, Mac DID make me some delicious stir fry… though that reminds me, my roommate made chai spice snickerdoodles! *steals*

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