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Brain Bleach: Animals trying to stay awake

I‘m feeling the need for some brain bleach, and I know a lot of you all are as well. So enjoy this video, and consider this a brain bleach/positive thoughts open thread. Post adorable things!

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11 years ago

Kitty swims for it!

11 years ago

Those heartbreaking videos make me hug my pound rescue dog even more. The little stinker.

11 years ago

I just realized I called the little dog Shade when her name is Chase. Shade is my friend’s cat. D’oh!

M Dubz
M Dubz
11 years ago

awww the bear with his little nose!

11 years ago

Ohhh, little Chase! And Rocky!

And kitty who wouldn’t wait but had to swim …

11 years ago

Sweet Pea is now making gurgling noises because she’s trying to eat and mew at the same time.

11 years ago

I can’t wait to see the MRA response if they find the videos in which dog rescue guy states quite openly that sometimes the reason he has such a hard time capturing the dogs is that most people who abuse dogs are men, so they’re extra scared of him. Sometimes he recruits a random woman who’s passing by to help.

(As far as I can tell the women never refuse. So much for women’s instinctive hatred of men who talk to us in public, huh?)

11 years ago

Not to mention Pauly’s “only dudes do random acts of kindness” claims!

11 years ago

Some day I’ll tell the story of the day I got in big trouble at work for showing up late, and with a dog (found him running around lost outside the BART station, couldn’t just leave him there).

11 years ago

Oh, and more cuteness – the pit was rescued the night before after being hit by a car and then attacked by another dog. Here he is, 15 hours after surgery, being love-bombed by a fluffy little dog.

11 years ago

That pit’s the sweetest looking dog.

Love-bomb’s the word for the little fluffy one, going off like a firecracker there!

11 years ago

So many pits are so sweet, and they’re abused and abandoned so often. I’ll never quite understand the collective hysteria that led most people to decide that they were made of pure evil about 15-20 years ago.

11 years ago

Cassandra: Pits do have some issues, assuming no abuse:

1: They can be very territorial. They’re not dangerous to their owners, but they can often be fairly aggressive towards outsiders.

2: Their bite is very strong. So when they DO attack, it’s very often much worse than it would be for a similar size dog.

3: Their owners are often idiots, who fail to properly take the first two things into account when handling the animals. So they don’t keep them secured, nor do they properly train them.

End result: Some kid gets his face mauled by a pit because the dog didn’t understand that an 8-year-old on his scooter wasn’t a threat, even if he came onto Master’s property.

So, yeah, it was hysteria, but hysteria based on circumstance.

11 years ago

Yes, I know all this (though I think you’re rather misunderstanding the issue with the owners – fighting dogs are not a thing that just accidentally happens because the owners are dumb). I’m curious why you assumed that I wouldn’t.

11 years ago

Worst case I can think of out here was a pit (or pit cross) that got into a neighbour’s house and attacked the people there – zie killed a four-year-old child. It was all the more tragic because that family had escaped from war (I don’t remember which country, but one in the Horn of Africa) and had been through horrific things already – they get to a supposedly safe place and then this happens.

But I get the feeling that any big dog owned by the scumbag in question would have done much the same.

11 years ago

Same issue happens with Rotts and other big strong dogs that dumb people often buy and train to be aggressive, but there isn’t the same assumption that the dogs are inherently bad made about them.

(As you can probably tell from my tone, I am not inclined to be patient with yet another round of “but it’s justified because…”, especially since part of the reason there are so many abandoned pits is that people buy them wanting a scary aggressive dog and dump them if that turns out not to be the case, usually after abusing the dog in an attempt to make it more aggressive.)

11 years ago

Some of the ideas about pits are myths anyway, aren’t they? Like the idea that their jaws lock once they’ve got hold of something. There’s always talk of the breed being banned here, but I think it falls down on the whole matter of defining what dogs count as American Pit Bulls and what don’t. I can’t recall if laws have been passed or not.

Staffies have had a dubious reputation too, though they seem to be getting more popular here – I see a lot of them about – and the only one I’ve known personally was a darling boy. He was a rescue dog, too, and had been abused, probably being trained as a fighting dog. He was always dog-aggressive but not human-aggressive.

Dobermans, too – they’ve had a rotten reputation for years. I knew a Doberman guard dog, name of Satan. The only way that dog would have hurt an intruder was by drowning them in slobber. Not that these anecdotes prove anything, it just makes a nice change to be able to say “Well the dogs of X breed I’ve known were lovely.”

I reckon texagirly1979’s pit Sharky would have to be in the running for sweetest and most tolerant dog in the world. That’s one magic household.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Rotties…*shakes head* have these people ever seen one? We had a mix at one point, pound pup who was almost certainly mostly rottie. She injured exactly one person, and it was hysterical. An ex of mine bent over to pet her as she jumped up to be pet — head butted, dog won of course and caused a black eye in the process.

Never did learn not to jump up on people.

We joke around here, when I pick out dogs, they’re down side is too friendly to be trained to be polite. Whereas my father picks the stupidest dog they have (including one who was problem put down after my parents took him back to the shelter as we were the second family to do so and he was vicious…I mean, I wasn’t the only person he’d tried to seriously bite) total mutt, versus a recognizable rottie mix. Yeah ok, I should be glad the current idiot is just dumb, he means well but has bricks where his brain should be.

Also, poodles are not all stuck up, my former roommate had a pure bred poodle and a cockerpoo. I was head over heals for the 75% poodle they produced (smart in the cunning sense too, like “I can’t roll over, I’m stuck, pet my belly!!!”). Another one who couldn’t learn not to jump on people, but since he could barely reach your knees, not much a problem there. Did nickname him the poodle shark after he took a bite out of my gloves though (thus birthing the frankengloves)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Yeah that comment was nothing besides the fluff that I needed after my trip into current affairs.

Because picture a long haird mostly poodle that looks like a micro rottie jumping up and down for head rubs. Or carrying a tennis ball around by th hairs after shredding the surface, because the thing is as big as his head.

Cutest. Dog. Ever.

11 years ago

Funny story time! My old landlord in London had a pit/rott mix. Scary looking dog, used to bark at me when he was in the yard and I was in the kitchen or bathroom, and room with a window facing the yard. So, figuring that at some point I might need to go into that yard and therefore encounter him, I decided to try to make friends by bribing him with treats. which I would throw to him from the window.

Then one night I met landlord + dog when they were out for a walk, and the dog looked up at me, let me pet his head, and then rolled over on his back for a belly rub. “He’s a big softie”, says the landlord. “Bought him to scare off burglars but he’s not exactly fierce.”

I do think he might have attacked a stranger that got into the yard, but even that was mostly my landlord’s job for trying to train him that way.

11 years ago

Fault, not job. Good thing he wasn’t a professional dog trainer, don’t think he’d have been very good at it.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

It occurs to me that this thread is entirely lacking in mini-pigs

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Lol my father acts like dumbass is a guard dog. I have literally stepped over him, in the dark, when everyone, including him, is asleep. Turned on the pantry light, gotten food, stepped back over him, and then! Half way back to my room he starts barking.

Worst. Guard dog. Ever.

Like, the poodle mix was more aware of his surroundings (and barked like he was a hell of a lot bigger than he was, he might’ve actually scared someone who hadn’t yet seen that he could’ve napped in a soccer ball)

11 years ago

BTW I also love rather ill-mannered dogs that jump all over people. Totally get why people should train them not to do that, because to a person who’s not comfortable with dogs it could be really scary, but I love it when big friendly dogs jump up at me. They look so happy.

11 years ago

I was amazed at how big standard Poodles get when I met my first a couple of years ago. Her back’s about halfway up my thigh, and she’s one solid dog (she likes leaning on anyone patting her). Lovely girl.