I know a lot of Man Boobz regulars have been dealing with a lot of rough stuff lately, so I’m opening this thread up to provide a (relatively) safe space to discuss them. No trolls allowed; any trolls who post here will be put on moderation and possibly banned. (Please notify me by email (my last name at well dot com) if there are inaproppriate comments; I get behind in reading comments here.)
I am a longtime lurker though I don’t really participate in the discussions to any great degree. I just wanted to throw out there I had been dealing with some very severe depression and self-destructive thoughts and I started keeping a journal to see if I could find any associations with diet and sleep.
In addition to the normal stuff (I’m better off eating nutritious food and sleeping enough at night; shocker) it turns out I may have a very common disorder where even small amounts of alcohol are hugely disruptive to my endocrine system, affecting my seratonin levels severely.
I enjoy a drink though I rarely drink to excess and it was hard to accept that even though I don’t in any way have “a drinking problem” I needed to try abstaining from alcohol entirely and see how it affected my mood.
Well, I regret to report it has been a very successful experiment and I am looking at the tough choice of abstaining from alcohol entirely over the long term. It hasn’t at all “cured” me of depression but it has been a revelation in terms of how hard it is for me to break out of severe depression and how quickly I return to severe depression once I start to feel better.
If you are struggling with any of this stuff I recommend starting a journal like the one I created – just write down what you eat and drink, when you go to bed, and when you wake up, and a brief blurb about how productive and optimistic you feel. In my case it took very little work to identify the pattern. Give it a try!
My life’s been getting better, honestly. I’m still in the shelter, but I have a job with a small-but-growing company, and I’m looking for a room to rent where they’ll let me bring my cat. It’s finally gotten to the point that stuff like calling people I don’t know and filling out paperwork doesn’t trigger massive panic attacks, for which I am incredibly relieved.
The one issue that’s really bugging me at the moment is my co-worker. At first, I could get along with her, but now, the more I deal with her, the more she seems to aggravate me. My main problem is that she just seems so unapologetically ignorant of things that I would expect an elementary schooler to know. Granted, I’m from a privileged background with very well-educated parents who read a lot, and she does have a seizure disorder, so I’ve been trying to check that, but then I mention something like kidneys or shots (the medical kind) and she’ll be all like, “I’ve never heard of that before in my life!” so then we have to explain to her that those things exist, or I’ll tell her to stop interrupting so that another worker can finish the story they’re telling only to have her insist on telling her semi-related story. And she wants to become a relationship counselor, for pete’s sake! She keeps trying to give relationship advice to the rest of us that just amounts to, “Pray to God to get you a good spouse. It worked for me, it’ll work for you.”
Otherwise, things seem to be working out. Jedi hugs to all the commentators who need them, and thanks for those ridiculously adorable deer hugs. Oh, and thanks to whoever posted the link to the 99 life hacks, those are pure genius.
been there.
I was a vegetarian and went vegan two years ago and suddenly everybody has to discuss my health with me. Sometimes I feel like health is just an excuse for them not to change anything. Hey, it’s not like I’m a better person, or even claiming to be.I don’t even talk about my eating habits if I don’t have to. It seems to be very important to people that everyone shares their opinions and lifestyle, though…
Yay venting!
I made a lot of new friends in the past few weeks, and every.single.one wants to either sleep with me or start a relationship. I want to tattoo “leave me alone ” on my forehead. I even tell people I meet that I just want to be by myself, but they all seem to think they’re going to be the big exception. Can’t just be friends with anyone apparently, there’s always some hidden agenda(just for the people I met this year, bad luck maybe)
Also I don’t have time to post on manboobz. Meh.
Also hugs to everyone who needs them, there can’t be enough jedi hugs.
marinerachel: Ugh. That last twerp sounds like a classic Nice Guy [TM]. “I was there for you when you needed me so now I have a permanent claim on your attention, and if you don’t give it to me I’m going to pout about it and talk about how all women want is a jerk!” I’m glad you at least were able to ask your sister for assistance in dealing with him; for some guys like that, having direct evidence that they’re actually NOT your only support network is enough to send them packing.
My endometrium (for the point in my cycle when I had the ultrasound) is perfectly normal, according to the two docs I talked to. So, no biopsy, I get Provera for three months, and a follow up. If everything looks good, I’ll probably get an IUD. So, all that stress over pretty much nothing.
long time, no see! Also, ugh Nice Guys
Fade: Pretty much my reaction! I was such a nervous wreck that my blood pressure was off the charts high. But everyone was very nice and understanding, even when I said I couldn’t even get through a basic pelvic. I kinda wish MrB was getting his check today, we’d have a celebratory lunch (both for this and our 12th anniversary, which was yesterday).
Kathleen, just an FYI, I used Depo Provera for about a year and didn’t do well on it (my body did not process the hormones evenly or something, I just know I basically had 3-month-long cycles from hell), and now I have the Mirena IUD and LOVE it. I’ve had it for a few years so I may be misremembering, but my doctor said something about my body not processing the hormones well due to the all-at-once delivery method. Since Mirena basically constantly lets out small amounts of it, my body responds really well to it. Just wanted to share in case you have a weird experience like I did. I hadn’t heard many women talk about having that experience (basically, it was all the normal cycle stuff, except spread out over 2-3 weeks apiece, so really not fun), so I like to share whenever I hear women talking about starting it. Hope that wasn’t TMI.
Also I do have something else to whine about…again just a small complaint, but it’s really upsetting me…turns out I have bacterial bronchitis. I’ve had this cough that wouldn’t go away for weeks but I didn’t feel sick so I just thought it was allergies, but it got worse over the weekend and finally Mr. AK was like, “You really need to go get that checked out.” I think he’s mostly just sick of sleeping alone since I cough all night and don’t want to keep him up. LOL
So anyway I went to the doctor and got diagnosed. The reason this is really upsetting to me is that I’m supposed to go to this big search and rescue conference with my dog, and I was really eager to take a few of the classes being offered. The trainers are some of the best cadaver and search dog trainers in the country and it’s relatively cheap–the registration cost for the entire conference is less than most of these trainers charge per training session. It’s also only a few hours from my house (these conferences aren’t uncommon but usually involve a lot of travel). So there’s a small chance that my cough might clear up enough for me to go as I’m on heavy-duty antibiotics now, but it’s not likely and I’m probably going to have to cancel. Oh yeah, and I already registered (non-refundable) and booked a hotel room with one of my teammates and can’t back out and leave her hanging, so I’m out about $300 for the weekend whether I attend or not.
So again, a very minor gripe compared to most of you but it’s starting to get really frustrating…it seems like I’ve had this neverending parade of random illnesses and injuries that keep totally derailing my plans. 🙁 On the plus side at least I get to legally get high (I’m affected really strongly by hydrocodone which is what I was prescribed for my cough…also it probably explains this rambling post) and there’s a Law and Order: SVU marathon on which I mostly hate but I have a total crush on Mariska Hargitay so it’s good “I’m too out of it to follow the story line” watching.
RaulGroom, the points about keeping a journal and paying attention to food and drink are very good ones. I don’t have depression on anywhere the level near yours (my sympathies) but I have a hard time getting things done sometimes because of constant negative thoughts some days. For me, the absolute worst thing is getting up late. I need to get up early in the mornings almost everyday and make sure I eat some kind of vegetable or other healthy food at least once a day. It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure this out.
I think I might have to start drinking a little less too, but I really don’t want to.
Possibly good news, my grandfather has gone form delirious to demanding to know where his wallet is. That being his usual dementia complaint, I’m considering it normal. He’s in the ICGU (think icu for old people) though, so idk.
I should run though, I’m going along for the ride to mock my brother being turned into a chipmunk (he’s getting his wisdom teeth out and this is my just deserts for when I had mine done…before they broke, because I wasn’t an idiot and had them done before I left for college)
AK: I had a similar experience with the pill. I ended up having a FOUR WEEK period, complete with agonizing cramps the whole time. The doc gave me a Provera scrip to try to get me back to a normal cycle, which doesn’t sound too bad.
Hey Fade! ^^
Nice to stumble in once in a while!
I… would just like to share a kitten vodeo. May I?
Kathleen–yikes, that sounds even worse than my experience. I at least only had a 3 week period and tend not to cramp too badly (although I had them the whole time, they were just mild). I hope it works for you! I know a lot of women who swear by it. 🙂
… all the talk about periods… my worst was 8 weeks (with cramps), I was 12. Yes, I got hospitalized because of it. (I wasn’t careless. It was in the summer and no gynecologist was available in my town, as in everybody was on vacation.) :/
After what I (and my mom. SHE WAS F*CKING HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR WHAT HAPPENED WHEN SHE DID ALL IN HER MIGHT AND MORE) went through those days I feel myself entitled to be cynical, as I’m almost dead because of the carelessness and selfishness of entitled pricks.
… I’m so sorry… I really just logged in to post that kitten video. /o
RE: Molly Ren
I misread that as ‘snake your brain,’ and was having a hell of a time figuring out what that meant I assumed you were having some kind of neurosurgery… thank god you’re not!
RE: Carleyblue
Regarding headaches, I get them a lot too. They’ve gotten better now that I drink more than two cups of water a day. Maybe try slugging down more water? It’s unlikely to hurt you, at least. Also, I too am on the wagon for medical reasons. (My meds react badly with alcohol.) It’s not a big deal for me, since I don’t much care for drinking, but my husband hates it.
I actually am doing a lot better, and mostly just feel bad for AUGHbombing a couple days ago. <.< For a while, I was worried I'd end up in a housing scare again, but it looks like I might be able to rewrangle my plans and keep things going, and my brain chemistry isn't trying to kill me. So things are okay, I might be able to hit the road as planned, and get the hell out of this stupid closet.
Also I have sun-dried tomatoes, which make everything in life better, as far as I'm concerned.
Dude, you AUGHbomb when you need to AUGHbomb. It is a benefit of being part of this community. Get some mozzarella to eat with your sun-dried tomatoes, if possible, and everything will be fine. (They’re good on their own too, or as a topping on linguini.)
RE: katz
I got cheddar–not quite as good, but ohhhhh, the SANDWICHES I will have for lunch today! (And with couscous and edamame and spinach… hrnnnnngh…)
I swear, I wish they sold sun-dried tomatoes in gigantic bags like potato chips. I’d just eat them in handfuls and die of flavor.
What katz said, LBT. I’m always happy to lend a cybershoulder, or at least an eye for your AUGH.
I mean, my only problems right now are getting through the working day, figuring out the character sheet for my next RPG session, and trying hard to look at the Cybermen for next week’s Whopisode and not see Iron Man.
Malita: Ouch! That sounds like the exact opposite of fun!
Those sound like highly delish sandwiches. Good cheddar is very tasty!
RE: ktaz
You want to know what the god sandwich is? Cheese, sun-dried tomato, and fresh basil.
Try to keep yourself from immediately ascending to the next plane of existence when you bite in, though.
RE: Falconer
Thanks. Past year has just been a humdinger, is all. I look forward immensely to when Social Security finally approves me and I can laugh about all this.
Ooh, I love basil. Hummus or stone-ground mustard would be a good condiment, too.