I know a lot of Man Boobz regulars have been dealing with a lot of rough stuff lately, so I’m opening this thread up to provide a (relatively) safe space to discuss them. No trolls allowed; any trolls who post here will be put on moderation and possibly banned. (Please notify me by email (my last name at well dot com) if there are inaproppriate comments; I get behind in reading comments here.)
More upside-down kittiness:
Also, obligatory kitty-in-a-sink photo:
That is a cute kitty too. Did I mention that she brought her into work one day and I got to meet her? She crawled all over me. I am ALPHA ATTRACTING ALL THE PUSSY.
(And thanks, it’s been a difficult year so any small happy endings I can be part of are like ice cream.)
That was @katz, but @Aaliyah those are adorable upside-down and sink-bound kitties too.
Maybe the second half of 2013 will be awesome for cloudiah’s friends. Can we all take a moment to visualize this?
Cats don’t need no education.
I am so needy; thank you for the kind words, videos, pictures, etc. Going to sleep now. You guys are the best.
Sleep well! ^_^
I may be late, but here are some more cute animals for you Cloudiah:
Okay, wordpress, why do you not want to post that link? Testing, testing …
Well crap, the stupid spam filter or something is eating a link for a page of upside down cats.
Bloody wordpress!
This is Mads a couple of years ago, not getting out of the way.
Mads does not appear to be impressed with your inability to get out of her way.
LOL that was Mum not getting out of her way. Same applies, though.
Her latest trick is playing musical chairs. She keeps deciding to try a new chair for her afternoon/night sleep, which means if we’re home, we all have to shift to accommodate. Plus, I have to guess where she wants to spend the night so I can put her tapestry bag* there. If I get it wrong, I get the Accusatory Look in the morning, even though she’s not exactly hard done by sleeping in an armchair with a sheepskin rug in it.
*Said tapestry bag was a present from my sister, as a knitting bag. It has part of a ball of wool and a paper bag in it and Mads took it over about a day after I got it. It is now Her Bed.
Of course. She owns ALL the chairs- except the hard ones. Man, woman- it does not matter, all humans are subservient to the Furrinati.
And that’s real.
Cats and Chairs
OMG that is so going to be the scene when Louis makes our new chairs!
😀 😀 😀
Not the best pics (19th century, ’nuff said) but here’s a friend, with kitties:
One more:
I”m so telling Mads that one. 😀
I forgot to tell you guys how wonderful you are. Saw friend in hospital today; he had two stents inserted, and he’s feeling pretty good. He’ll probably go home tomorrow, and a bunch of us are going to coddle him as much as he allows until he’s back to feeling like himself. At which point I will go back to insisting he pays for all my meals, of course.
Yay for cloudiah’s friend! ^^
The fact that I’m not the only person who is fed up with man boobz and that there’s a place to come to point and laugh at the most ridiculous internet specimens is essential atm.
I’ve probably posted too much sarcastic nonsense on some of the serious threads but it really is cathartic.
Then all is well, and you are relieved of the bubbling bile in your soul.
That does mean it won’t boil over haphzardly and destroy someone. So that’s actually great.
Also, glad to hear about your friend cloudiah. Nice it’s all… sort of! working out.
I have no issues to complain about, most things are well. Except I chipped my tooth with a vodka bottle the other day.
Oh, and the existential dread and my own myopic inadaquacy bubbles over every now and again and rips and tears at the shattered thing I like to call my mind, but, hey, that’s sort of part and parcel of being a human, I’m told.
You’re all generally quite lovely, and aid me by laughing at things I find reprehensible. It’s great!